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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I found 77 quite humorous. Laughed my Catholic butt off. Now where did I put my rosary.....
  2. Bullets don't either. I kill people!
  3. It is easy to buy them. Walk in fill out the forms and there ya go. Can't buy assault rifles or handguns there though. Assault rifles are a pain in the butt to buy. Stack of paperwork the size of a phone book, 3 to 6 month wait time (while the dealer holds your money), and cost is around ten to thirty thousand for an assault rifle. Sub machine guns can be had for less. Only around 6 to 8 thousand depending on make or model. Belt fed tripod mounted machine guns will set you back around 50 to 75 thousand. Not really worth the hassle to acquire one just to go out and do a drive buy with it. You think buying an automatic is hard. Try buying a box of hand grenades or a 20mm anti tank rifle. Gives new meaning to the term patience. I do own guns. I have owned ALOT of guns. I use my guns too. I also have owned assault rifles, sub machine guns, and some destructive devices.
  4. 22LR is available all over the place down here. Cheap too.
  5. Impressive. Dang good job on the weight loss.
  6. Sounds like a bidding war!
  7. I view myself as more of a beach melon. Not as round as I am tall.
  8. My mother in law is 5ft 9in.ROFLMAO!
  9. My Mother In Law is a alcoholic that won't leave her chair to get a cup of water. She drinks 7 days a week 365 days a year. Once 5 o'clock hits. Its home for the night. 2 bottles of wine, a bottle of champagne, and 14 Icehouse Tallboys. On the weekends its 2 bottles of champagne, 2 bottles of wine, and 24 pack of Icehouse Tallboys. My wife goes to the gym and is somewhat active.
  10. Yup. I watch the hawks at work do it a lot.
  11. Holy crap son! That's a picture of my Mother In Law! I ain't even about joking!
  12. I could deal with Superman fighting Doomsday. I think that would make quite the good super hero flick.
  13. **** the RIAA and MPAA Sharing is Caring!! Time for them to start putting out quality product for the amount of money they charge for ruining stuff. Fight the Power bro!
  14. Agreed. It is quite miserable not being right in my own home. Oh well. Like you said. The payoff is extremely worth it.
  15. What's there to regret? Do I regret getting thrown out of college? Nope. Becoming an electrician? Nope. Slacking in high school? Nope. Getting arrested? Nope. Shooting juice? Nope. Getting married and having kids? Nope. Working around the country while my wife and son spend all my money? Still a big fat nope. Everything happens for a reason. You learn from the past. You don't dwell on it and wonder what could have been. I can list every messed up thing that ever happened to me or I've done in my life. The answer will still be the same thing. Nope. I have found Zen in life.
  16. Nope second child. Our first is 5. He is a little hunting and fishing machine. Still ain't managed to catch his first bass yet. She has been something else during this pregnancy. First one was easy. This one not so much.
  17. Gnarly!!! Straight up Gnar Dog!!! I'm famois.!
  18. Fun living on the edge. Pushing limits and all that.
  19. Quote name="tipptrsure," post="1491619" timestamp="1396122153"]Raider I have a few questions first. 1. What dose it cost to feed her daily? 2. Is the cost by the lb or quarter. Like you can buy cows and pigs. 3. Would she be considered a exotic animal? 4. If she is classified as exotic. Is she safe enough to have around kids. Also could I use her for safaris like they do rhinos. You know the ones that use a dart gun. I bet I could make a killing doing that.
  20. Ask her 125 lb husband. I wouldnt touch that girl with your junk and tipptrucks butt pushing.
  21. I knew what it meant. I actually expected that.
  22. She's seen my fishing trophies. Shes also helped spend the money I won from fishing tournaments. She's just being an ornery prego.
  23. Don't really have any.
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