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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I tend to enjoy your post. Especially in the gun subforum. Keep on posting, and keep on keeping on big Homie.
  2. What are you buying your mum for mother's day? Only a month left before the big day? My five year old is giving his mum a pair of Prada flip flops. My unborn son has decided he is giving his mum a tap dance and heartburn apparently. I'm giving my mum new under counter lights in her kitchen. My wife is giving her mum a bottle of bar b que sauce and a bottle of dry rub. What about y'all?
  3. I snorted a worm for 5 bucks then hacked and spit it out when I was 10. When I was 17 someone dared me to snort a roll of Smarties for 50bucks. It was 20 minutes before school started. I chopped em up laid out a fat line on the mirror from my locker door. Then snorted up the entire line in one giant sniff. I tell you what. My head was on fire. Freaking left nostril burned and started running. My head started pounding. This lasted for about 3 hours. I got absolutely NO classwork accomplished. Both my eyes were watering. I told my teachers my dog had died that morning. I did get my fifty bucks though.
  4. Night vision or thermal optics? Otherwise yup.
  5. Company Man huh? Better be easy with that. Just cause upper management held their tongues today. Doesn't mean it won't come back and bite you later on. Not telling you what to do or not to do. I'm just saying be careful what you say and do. Ive seen people fired for a lot less. Least you got the sorry slobs to respect their job a little more
  6. That's what I did too. Its not that I can't fix things. Its that I have no desire to do that in my spare time.
  7. Nifty
  8. Nope. I don't take people stereotyping my ancestors kindly. My family was in trouble in Scotland for our violent ways. The other side is Ukrainian. Always remember my friend, there are 3 kinds of mothers you don't mess with. Mother in laws, Mother Nature, and Mother ******* Ukrainians. As far as including my family. I'm the only gun nut in my family. So that excludes my family. Plus I got ties to the Canadian Mafia. One call is it all it takes. They will Maple syrup him to death. I still don't see the issue here. He made a generalization. Big deal. People do it all the time. Whether they mean to or not. Laugh about it and move on.
  9. Confrontation?! I'm your huckleberry. I like confrontation. I also like aggression, violence, chaos, filth, destruction, etc. etc. etc. Then again I ain't like other people. I'm a freaking enigma to all of man kind. The "missing link" if you will.
  10. Shhhh. Don't tell people that. They shut down the Silk Road. There is no longer any way for people to acquire said weapons. Cash don't always work. I want an AA12 or Glock 18 very badly. I would pay a house for one. As long as I'm dreaming. I also want some ICBMs and a patriot missle battery. Dang deer won't know what hit them.
  11. A military or government AK or AR are considered "assault weapons". By definition they are fully automatic and use large capacity magazines. Civilian versions of said rifles are being lumped in with the fully auto rifles. Its all semantics and word play. We both know it to be true. Having a politician define what makes a rifle an assault weapon is ludicrous. Ie by adding a broom handle, 30rd mag, telescoping stock, and a muzzle break. Said rifle becomes a assault weapon. What if I add 30in barrel non threaded, non moveable stock, and 5 round box magazine? By definition it is no longer an assault weapon. It becomes a hunting rifle. Magazine capacity is another kicker. A tech nine can be fired with either a 10 round or thirty round magazine. However it can also be breach loaded and fired without the magazine. So if I add a longer barrel and stock with a 5 round mag. would it still he considered a assault weapon? Technically it would be considered a short barrel rifle and require a tax stamp. Thats not the point though. Its all in the wording and whatever politician is making up the laws. By the definition of what that Hag from California was attempting to define assault weapons as. Any firearm that excepts a detachable magazine is an assault weapon, because of the magazine sizes available. That would include my 9mm Glocks, if I stick one of my 33rd mags or my 100 round drum on it. Calling all semi auto rifles assault weapons. Is the same as me gluing a horn on a horse and calling it a unicorn. I understand the point you were making. Like I stated earlier, its all in the wording and what one chooses to call something.
  12. Like you said it must be backlogged. Took me three weeks when I got mine. Took my wife 6 days last month when she got hers. Least they are still trying to be somewhat thorough with it.
  13. That is beyond a pain in the butt. Absolutely no reason to make things that difficult. A positive to the whole qualifying thing. Shell out the small fortune, and qualify with a Smith & Wesson 500. Then you can carry most anything you want to. The AG would mess his pants if someone came in for a permit for that.
  14. Our state legislature didn't take to kindly to the proposed gun control legislation. They tried to pass a law stating ANY legal Alabama resident, regardless of past transgressions could own a firearm. That got shot down by the governor quick, fast, and in a hurry. We like our firearms down here. Ifn ya caint tell.
  15. Interesting. Down in Alabama, you fill out the paperwork. They run the background check and your out the door in 10 minutes. That's for handgun or long gun. Concealed carry permit. Fill out the form and wait 7 days. Then go pick up your permit. Up until this year it was a 30 day wait. Plus you had to have 3 people vouch for your character. Now its just a simple form and 7 day maximum wait.
  16. Zzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzz.
  17. ROFLMFAO! I honestly just laughed out loud.
  18. Homie forget the smart arises. You got a firearm related question just ask me. I have firearms that will make a grizzly bear turn back flips if shot by one.
  19. 90% of the people in this country don't even know what an assault rifle is. Take that hag from California in the House, for example. Next different countries have different laws. As you have stated. I don't get the impression he was trolling. He just asked a question. Yeah there are a ton of wanna be ganstas and gang bangers in America. Probably more than anywhere else in the world. Its glorified by the music industry as well as the media. Thusly making it one of the first things foreigners see of our country. Kinda like when you think of European football. The Hooligans are one of the first things to come to mind.
  20. I believe the mods have gotten used to my shenanigans. Last time they swarmed my thread like a freaking swat team. This time not even a peep.
  21. Old method was asking for help. My philosophy is. If your gonna stand and watch you might as well be helpful. My new mwthod, I make a 15 second attempt before dropping trowel and taking a #2 while wizzing in the cup. Done it on the last 4 test. I find it makes the watcher extremely uncomfortable. One before this choked gagged and stuck his head out of the room.
  22. Second time. Its been over a year since the last one. I am bored today too. Had to take a urine test for the new job tomorrow. So no work til tomorrow.
  23. Made y'all look!!!!! Bwahahahahahahahaha! :D
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