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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Well I'm now confused. Please explain.Surely your not laughing at my math work. 44years is a lot of time.
  2. As you rightfully should be good sir. I dumb down my prodigious vernacular when typing on this site. So as not to befuddle the other users of this wondrous forum. Or it could just be the fact spell check on my phone sucks. I'll stick with my original reason though.
  3. Way to get me all excited and then tick on my cloud. I thought you were referring to Chelsea FC. The greatest Blues of all time. Well, thanks for nothing. :angry: For that, I hope the Blackhawks win.
  4. My ol' lady calls me her ol' man. We dont find it disrespectful at all. Its actually an extremely common term in many parts of the world. Particularly those that speak the Queens English or a variation there of. There's no I'll intent or disrespect meant. An example. Sometimes I call her my Filthy Little W****. She often calls me Oh God!. There is no offense meant by either of those names. I guess its all in the context. Its not like I'm calling her a Manky Ol' Slag. Or a Old Bean Bag. Another example. Since you are over thinking a humorous thread. I may refer to you as an Old Fart or an Old Fuddy Duddy. As in. Lighten up ya Ol Fuddy Duddy. I mean no disrespect by either of those terms. You are simply older than me and you may fart. Or you may be a Fuddy Duddy. Don't believe me? Just ask Sir Snook. Thank you for viewing Raider Nay Shays educational post of the day. Addendum: We have been married for almost 9 blissful years. Been together for 11 years. Known each other for 24 years. Which is saying something cause I ain't but 30.
  5. I'm digging that gnarly robe.
  6. Dang it boy. Homie doesn't even know where he is.
  7. Its split grip. I coulda swore it said MH on it. I could be wrong. I don't remember the thread color. I just remember the lower end was blue or green. Either way I want to give it a try. Thanks for the input homie.
  8. ROFLOL! I ain't been messed up like that in at least 10 years.
  9. I live in Alabama. There is no way in hell this would happen here. I honestly think a comet would hit Birmingham before a law like this came into being. We will stand behind y'all though.Besides. We've already left the union before. Ain't like we can't/won't do it again.
  10. That's the only drawback. However, no longer being fresh out of highschool with a desire to party and run amuck. I don't think those would be that bad. I only lack 3 or 4 core classes. Plus I could probably clept out of them.
  11. The reading was a large part of why I enjoyed the classes so much too. You are correct it would be education for educations sake. I enjoy learning, I love reading, I enjoy writing. I figure if I'm gonna do it any way. I might as well have something to show for it. Reading is one of my favorite past times. Doesn't matter if its medical research journals, Engineering magazines, gossip rags, various forums, or even financial publications. I enjoy reading them and trying to learn the most I can from them. I branch out into many different things in my thirst for knowledge. Just cause I hated the boring repetitive core classes at school in no way means I'm stupid. The first two years were like a repeat of high school. I was bored with them and decided against participating in them. I've written Master level papers for people and gotten A's on them. In my entire college career and two years after it ended. I never made below a 96 on any research paper I wrote for myself or others. My posts on here do not reflect my writing skills. Having a computer that will grammar check and spell check is a huge benefit. I just use a phone for ease of use.
  12. My lawyer used to be a union electrician. Crazy how that works ain't it?
  13. I've pretty much made my mind up to give it a try. I figure if I don't like it I can sell it off on here for what I have in it. Thanks guys. Now. Anyone know anything about the TFO rods?
  14. Which is why I like it. Its all theoretical. I'm good at that kind of stuff. As for the job. I intend to stay an electrician. I have no desire to walk carpet. This is just a back up. In case I cripple myself like my pipefitting buddy did. If that time comes I will look into being a professor, or successor to Copernicus.
  15. Skool. Inner city slang for school.
  16. If my first book goes as planned. I'll get you hefty advance.
  17. She certainly has. Laughed her butt off at them too.
  18. And that is why we are friends. You understand the way I think.
  19. That is shear awesomeness!!
  20. It seemed mechanically sound. Reeled smooth as butter. Had some boat rash on it. Probably a 8 out of 10 cosmetically. Never really tried the TFO rods. I had an ultra light spinning rod from them I won in a tournament. Never really fished it though. I thought the reel was probably a good deal. With the exception of one shop up here. The pawn shops don't know jack about fishing rods and reels. I got my Calcutta DC from one of them for like 150 dollars a few years ago. Its all in the timing. I venture out of the basement every now and then. Usually for excursions to the flea market or this forum. You are correct though it ain't very often I leave my mark up here though.
  21. Before I commit the cash. I figured I would get some input. More of a yes/no kind of thing. Lews is one of the few brands I have never fished before. I've always been interested in trying one. I just have a thing for round reels and didn't want to commit the money. Anyway. I figured a low profile added here and there ain't a bad thing. So today while shopping around town. I came across a Lew's Tournament Pro mounted on a 6ft 6in MH Temple Fork Outfitters rod. No idea what model. I just remember it was a TFO, I believe it was blue or green. Well the store is asking 129 for the combo I can probably talk them down to 100 cash out the door . I don't know squat about this reel or the rod. What can y'all tell me about them? Also, should I jump on this combo? FWIW. I'm about 95% certain I will be buying it on Wednesday. I'm just interested in yalls input.
  22. Ya got me on the dyslexia. I got the other two though.
  23. now your talking my language.
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