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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Married life is quite well.
  2. Slayer rules them both. Kerry King is the man. Lars can choke on his sour grapes. SLAYER SLAYER SLAYER SLAYER!
  3. Took another two week short call Friday that's starts on Monday. Will be working 6 10s or 7 10s depending on how work goes. Best part I get to drug test for the call!!! I love taking power house drug tests. Down here they observe said test. Drop your pants spin a circle and then fill the cup. Fun fun fun. However, as I have discovered they are not allowed to leave the toilet room as long as the cup is in there. Nor am I allowed to leave the cup alone with them. Well, I came to the conclusion that it's the perfect time to handle all my business. You would think they would be more talkative when I try an have a friendly conversation while in there. I mean you are getting paid to stare at grown men using the restroom all day. Obviously, you enjoy your job. Otherwise you wouldn't do it. I can't help it that I ate extra hot hot wings and loaded down on chili in anticipation of coming to your establishment.
  4. Impressive. I wondered who would catch that. The gerbils will my parachute corps. I think they will be down with. Unless the Hawks and owls delivering them get hungry. Lol
  5. I wonder if the uptick in displaced friendly furry forest creatures has anything to do with the development of suburbia happening out here. Poor critters. Being run out of there homes for the profit of developers. Maybe I can set up an Ark type place over here. All the displaced critters can come stay with me. I could have my own personal Raccoon and Possum army! Hordes of Raccoon calvary troops riding armoured deer!
  6. Ummmmmm. Not so much the last. I just don't like all the woods going away for housing developments. It's a comfort thing. If I wanted to live around hundreds of people I would live in the city. I prefer the solitude of the woods over the sights and sounds of sub divisions. It's bad enough they are running all the dang wildlife off and I have to listen to logging saws all day now.
  7. That's actually exactly what I suggested earlier. Lol
  8. Apparently a bunch of the land out here owned by a paper company is being clear cut and sold for, ughhhhh, sub divisions. I'm sorry I'm not welcoming a bunch of yuppies into my country abode. I'm pretty sure the neighbors aren't to happy about it either. Well in order to avoid any fights or all out wars with the carpet bagging yuppies, I believe it may be time to start looking into moving. I personally love it out here. People run their dogs all night. When not running you can here all the hounds baying in their respective yards. I can shoot off my back porch if I see fit. Hell 90 percent of the people out here play with their guns most the time anyway. I just see the imminent invasion as a bad thing. I'm sorry but I don't want a bunch of up tight holier than thou yuppies ruining my country home. There is a reason I left the city and McMansions that adorn them. Most of that was uptight, nosey neighbors that can't keep there nose out of everyone's business. Then want to complain that my way of life keeps them up all night. As well as call the cops for me field dressing a pig in the area behind my old condo. Poor woman saw pig guts and raised all kinds of hell. Same old cow called the cops for me shooting squirrels off my porch. I'm done ranting now.
  9. Yup. Been riding trails in a 2 wheel drive expedition with the wife and our 4 kids. Buying a V8 96 Cherokee in two weeks. It's sitting on a 6in Rough Country lift with 36in BFG tires. Not to bad for 3 grand. I figure I can weld another bench seat in the back and fit all 4 kids in it that way. Unless my current job runs longer than 3 weeks. In which case we have found a 2000 excursion 4x4 with a 4 in lift and the V10 motor. Which is going for 5 grand cash. Either way I'm getting a new woods truck. The mud Chevy isn't designed or built for trail riding or family time. I can't get enough of riding the management areas down here. It's one of my new favorite family activities.
  10. They are dirt cheap down here. I've looked at quite a few of them. They make good rock crawlers and hunting trucks. The T100s are dirt cheap too. Assuming there is a difference between it and the Tacoma. I'm not entirely sure there is. I'm finding anywhere from 1500 to 4500. I've actually been contemplating buying one for a work/play truck.
  11. It's like a watching a miniature Rodney Mullen. That kid is beyond talented. That is one of the sickest skate vids I have seen in forever. I never could do anything close to that when I skated. I could do rails and jump stairs. Never could I have even thought of doing all that. I think I just found the face of my as of now new skate division. Raider Skateboards. A subsidiary of Raider Industries International GmBh.
  12. Until yall have met the Harley monkey. None of the bait monkeys cousins come close to the Harley monkey. Especially the extremely evil bike building monkey. That's the Harley monkeys much more expensive and evil younger brother. The bike comes before all else. Nothing is more important than the bike. Except for child support. Child support trumps the bike. Which is why I'm searching for a new bike. LOL.
  13. That motor ain't "original", not much on it is original. The body is though. Well, except for the hood. I did the frame welding and the cutting. My buddies did the rest. 6 together and we make one mechanic. Lol
  14. Those little 4x4 yotas. The older ones anyway can last over 800 to 900k miles. Only time I will ever admit to that though. I honestly don't care for newer toyotas. I personally find them hideous. I prefer ford and chevys.
  15. 580k on our heavy chevy. Still running strong. Top that one with your rice trucks. Bwahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!
  16. Not in the county we don't the city does. The county doesn't though.
  17. We pulled up in my driveway around noon today. And my eyes are met by my bloody beagle laying by the garage door. He stood up wagged his tail and starts limping towards my car. Both his back legs are chewed up and his tail has a bite on it. The bites were bad enough that they completely passed through his legs. He is at vets now being sewed up. Vet gave him a shot when we walked in and that beagle is high as a kite. The vet said that his wounds are retreating wounds. As in he was trying to get away when he got mauled. I'm 99 percent certain of the dog that attacked him. Seeing as he is always outside the fence growling and stirring my dogs up. He has snarled at me twice and my wife three times. I ain't being growled at on my own property. I know if I see it back on my land it's gonna be a chew toy for my Mastiff. Unless it's owner handles it before I do. I am past the point of angry over this.
  18. It won't hurt it. I've sat in traffic longer than that with my previous Harley running. It's not comfortable by any stretch of the imagination. However, the bike is fine. I live out in the woods. There are no noise restrictions out here. Hence why you can hear those good ol boys down the street running their dogs all night. With the occasional gunshot mixed in. I don't miss the city one bit.
  19. I'm intrigued. Gonna have to look that one up. As do I. Some MD 20/20 and a swisher and that was an evening right there. Maybe go high class and pair some wild irish rose with a black and mild. Those are some college memories right there. LMAO!
  20. Sorry for your loss brother. I've been there quite a few times.
  21. Only tried one box pressed and that was an Acid Kuba Kuba. Was not impressed at all by it. I will try a few different brands in my next order though. Tatuaje is another brand I have been wanting to try. My current go to is the VUDU dark number 9. Not as full bodied as some of the otherstuff out there. However, it taste amazing and smokes really well. You aren't kidding. Especially down here with the sin tax tacked onto it.
  22. I'm actually working on that right now. My union offers the classes and certifications. I just have to getc enrolled in the classes. There is good money to be made with the skill set too. You are 100 percent correct. Also your advice is always welcome by me. You are correct. My body ain't gonna hold up forever. Once I get into the classes and get my certs, I have a plan for what to do with them. I have found some quite lucrative jobs down here that PLCs are the only thing holding me back from getting. Construction wise residential doesn't pay enough down here, unless you are running the company. Commercial doesnt pay that we'll either down here. Least not to support my current life style. I just have one small thing holding me back from going back to work right now. By next week that shouldn't be an issue and I will be back working by mid week. My union has picked up a bunch more work so I'm gonna be good. LMFAO!!!
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