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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I just laughed so hard I cried.
  2. When doing service work its classified as billable hours.
  3. The anticipation is killing me now.
  4. Oh no. I really was upset about having my job generalized. I also ain't lying about anything. I'm just saying with the exception of the job generalization. There was no malice in any of those post. Just empty words. As for the pen/pencil pushing. I actually quite enjoyed the way it sounded. Sounds a bit more distinguished then keyboard jockey.
  5. Me thinks you are correct.
  6. The whole thing is just dumb. Who really cares if he likes black people. Jesse Jackson dislikes white people. Yet there is no uproar about that anymore. Everyone has opinions. Everyone was raised different and learned different things and views. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter. I mean, I dislike pipe fitters. Where's the uproar about that? If he wants to hate people of color. Let him hate people of color. Why try an change his mind about it? People are too dang PC today. Sheesh.
  7. Just read my avatar. Read my signature. That ain't hard to ascertain. No need to study up on my previous post. I openly put it out there. Heck I'll openly discuss it with ya. Its directed towards all of humanity. I don't care what color or religion or anything else, I honestly don't discriminate. People as a whole disgust me. Then again don't buy into everything someone post on the internet. It may just be a facade. I may actually enjoy people quite a bit. Including the Spanish speakers I refer to. I may have been just trolling the hell out of you this whole time. Same with some of my other misguided hate filled post. Don't take everything I say as the God honest truth. I very much enjoy eliciting a response from people. I always have. As far as being a pen/pencil pusher. Don't like it when I generalize your career do ya? I respect what you do. It takes a special person to put up with the stuff you do. If you would be interested in sharing with me how your job works PM me. I'm interested in hearing about it. I may even explain how the trades work to ya.
  8. POTUS stuck his nose in it now? Crikey.
  9. My gosh son! I may have to call my friend Manuel the laborer over to get into the dang thing. Yes that is his real name too. I am glad you ain't got a shrink wrap machine.
  10. ROFLMAO!!! My gosh how much gorilla tape did you use? Fortunately, I have a chainsaw and a cutting torch. Surely one of the two will get it open. I'm still laughing about that picture!
  11. Its the connotation that was inferred by it. Not the actual phrase itself. Its mainly just semantics. You have skilled labor and unskilled labor. Manual labor is generally used to refer to an unskilled laborers work. At least within the trades it is. Skilled labor goes through an apprenticeship program. Which ususally run between 4 to 6 years. It requires taking tests and working x amount of hours to qualify for a state test in your respective trade. The state test are anything but easy and require a good deal of knowledge to pass them. Apprentices do the bulk of the manual labor while the journeymen supervise and teach the apprentices the correct way to do it.
  12. Tsk tsk. Don't try an race bait me homie. I never even asked or hinted as to what your occupation was or is. Essentially you just wrote a paragraph to say your a pencil/pen pusher. One who is woefully ignorant of the trades. Which is ok, lots of people don't know about them. I am happy you comprende though. See you learned something. I also stated on the first page that I'm learning German currently. Just because it doesn't benefit my career choice. Doesn't mean I can't learn another language. Maybe I'm just doing it for the sake of knowledge. So see I did contribute to the thread. I feel it was a positive post too. As for negatively contributing to the thread. You seem to have an issue with my not wanting to work with non English speaking people. Did you ever in all your infinite intellect stop to think that maybe just maybe their is a reason for that? Never did I say they were inferior or anything of the sort. (Figured I would beat you to that.) All I said was they were/are a safety hazard. You jumped on me about that. Not the other way around. YOU started that one homie. Come spend a day working with me, and see if you don't feel the same way at the end of the day. After all you didn't watch your friend get a golf ball size chunk blown out of his arm. All because someone who couldn't read the hold tag, cut our lock off and energized the circuit we were working on. Hey, that's OK though. He couldn't understand English, he just needed to use the circuit we were working on. Yes I brought up Spanish speaking laborers. I worked around them for awhile. This is before I went union. Perhaps I should have clarified that. My apologies. "Go wet a line, preferably a live one." While I am honored that you think I'm a lineman/outside wireman. I'm classified as an inside wireman. So I don't get to play with power lines as of now. However, you can wet a live line all day. You can jump on one, dance a jig on one, lay on one, heck you could even lick one if you wanted to. As long as you are not grounded nothing will happen. No shock, no metallic taste(unless you lick one), no burns, no arc flash, no nothing. I did pour a bottle of water out on a live 120volt wire, after I got home, since you requested I wet something with juice on it. I was even holding the bare copper end in my hand. Unfortunately it didn't even give me a tingle. Must have been these darn electrical hazard rated boots keeping me from grounding myself out. I tried for ya homie.
  13. I believe you are correct. I will have to redact the first part of that post. I ain't think about it that way.
  14. Then why would you ask where would I be without the Spanish speaking laborers? I was responding to your post.I work heavy industrial construction. Apparently that's too hard for you to grasp. Allow me to break it down for you. I work in Nuke plants, Steam plants, power plants in general, refractories, refineries, lime plants, paper mills, things of that nature. Places that will and can kill you, and others if you or someone else makes a mistake. I also work in pharmaceutical plants. Which would be a place that loses millions of dollars an hour if you mess something up. In none of these places do they allow people WHO CANNOT SPEAK English to work. Or am I just grasping at straws again. In no way does it benefit me to currently speak another language as far as my work goes. Can you understand what I'm typing?
  15. Least he is honest about how he feels. Now instead of lying and bluffing his way out. He needs to come out and defend his ignorant view. Ain't nothing worse than a closet rascist. I don't agree with what he said. You can't claim to only hate certain members of a group, and not all of them. Its either all or nothing. Me I hate everyone. Don't matter what their ethnicity. White people are included in this. Humanity as a whole makes me sick.
  16. Not a problem bro. Thank ya.
  17. Run two small eyebolts into the plastic one at top and bottom. Get a metal rod and slide it through the eyebolts. That will lock the fishing rods in place. To remove them. Simply remove the metal rod. That's my first idea. I'm sure I can come up with some better ones. Or wait on my metal working homie Tipptruck to respond. He probably has some good ideas too.
  18. Awesome. That is a gnarly rack homie. Like NWBasslover said. Thanks for your service.
  19. Why I never thought mustard seeds came from a bush/tree is beyond me. Suddenly that expression makes sense now. I was wrong before. Thank ya for enlightening me sir.
  20. In this particular example the laborers language was Spanish. Seeing as they are the most widely used laborers on non Union projects. I do not work, with or "beside" laborers. Regardless of what ethnicity they are. They are not skilled labor in any way. If I owned my own company at the current moment. I would still be in business without the hispanic laborers, or any ethnicity of laborer. I'm not a general contractor. Therefore the hiring of unskilled labor does not fall into my realm of work. If I need something cleaned up, I have an apprentice to do that for me. I'm a journeyman wireman. AKA a journeyman electrician. I am in no way nor have I ever been a laborer. Thusly classifying me as a skilled tradesman. I don't sweep floors or dig holes for a living. I wire, construct, install, and troubleshoot electrical systems. From simple items such as a light and a switch, up to PLC systems and multi billion dollar control systems. Again I am in no way a laborer. Edit: As far as the Alaskan, Hawaiian, and Native American. I would, in my everyday voice tell them to stand back. I've never ran into that situation. Where a Hawaiian, Native American, or Alaskan were working on a job with me. However, being a part of what I am. I'm not too concerned with that becoming a problem for me. Yes, I can work anywhere in this nation I choose to now. Funny thing is. If you can't speak English your not allowed on the job site. Its a safety hazard to all those around you. Including in Hawaii and Alaska. Indian reservations are governed by their own laws. So that's a different story. Don't believe me? Go see how fast the power company runs you out of a nuclear plant for not understanding the signs they have posted. I mean its just a nuclear power plant. Its not like they can meltdown, release massive amounts of radiation, or anything. Actually, you ain't gonna set foot in that plant until after you pass the massive amount of background checks. Plus the novel size stack of paperwork you have to fill out. Its all written in English by the way. You do all that so that you can then take a weeks worth of safety classes. Again all in English. Then your able to set foot inside the facility. Takes about 2 weeks to complete all of that. Funny how the government and the regulators only allow people who can understand and speak English into our Nuke plants.
  21. Does snapping a rod in half and throwing it into the lake count?
  22. You can't cut mustard. You spread mustard. Sheesh. You can however, cut the cheese. Most of the Spanish speaking laborers I have worked around do understand English. They just play dumb about it sometimes. This is directly from my buddy who came up here from Argentina. As for the craftmanship. A father and son I used to work around from Mexico. The father was an electrician in Mexico. I learned that during lunch one day. The son translated for him. The father could understand English. He had trouble pronouncing some of the words and stringing sentences together. So rather than, in his words, embarrass himself. When other people were around he had his son translate what he said. He was one of the most skilled carpenters and tile layers I have ever met or seen. He did absolutely beautiful work. I learned a lot about his culture, his country, and some skills different then my trade. His son has since become a citizen of the US. He moved back home to mexico a couple years ago. He said he missed his friends and family there.
  23. I learned something in skool. I'm not quite sure what, but I learned something.....
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