This whole everyone wins concept. Is taking the education out of sports. Isn't being gracious in victory and defeat, one of the main educational points to youth sports and games? We create a system of cry babies and spoiled brats by praising and celebrating mediocrity. This in no way does these kids any favors in life. Overcoming adversity and learning to not only live with it, but how to use it to strengthen oneself. Is one of the greatest benefits from competition. By never experiencing failure or victory this upcoming generation will have more and more problems as they enter into the workforce. Let alone the problems they will have in highschool and college. Mediocrity is not something to celebrate. It is merely a hurdle which must be overcome in the pursuit of being exceptional. Every person has short falls, and every person is exceptional at something. It is a fact of life. Depriving these kids of competition, be it athletic, academic, musical, artistic or what ever else. Is depriving them the chance to develop into people they will/should rightfully become. Making yourself feel better about your own shortcomings cheats these kids of the lives they deserve.