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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Right on brother. Sounds like you got it going your way. I'm happy for ya. Work is nice when you enjoy what you are doing, and the people you work around. It took me awhile to figure that out. I also found a group to travel with, and work at home with, that raise as much hell as myself. It makes it very pleasant and fun. Why work somewhere you hate and be miserable all the time. Life is too short for that. I am Nomadic as all hell with the way I work. I prefer 2 week short calls. I swoop in, work my tail off for 14 days straight. Then leave with a fat wallet. Then I go do it again. There's nothing wrong with long calls, (anything over 2 weeks). I just prefer not to take them unless, as currently, I need money for some kind of expense that savings won't cover. I love my work life and love the massive amounts of family time I get right now. I mean how else can I work for 9 months out of the year, spend 3 months off work, and still cover my expenses, bills, and 4 children? I got this game figured out.
  2. I don't want money. Money doesn't buy happieness. Granted it buys me lots of nice things. I have no desire for getting paid that way. I want HIS job. I want him to have to go hunt work like every other electrician. In no way do I want the companies money. That to me is akin to spilling coffee on my lap and the suing for getting burned. All I ask is for simple justice. An eye for an eye if you will... Should be back working tomorrow or Friday. If that falls through. Then Monday I will be in Kentucky working out of Louisville's hall. Louisville has tons of work right now. Paducah Kentucky has lots of work too.
  3. Nope. I get paid, because management couldn't follow the rules. Nowhere does it state anyone has a right to get in your face and cuss you like a dog. It is also VERY clear in the contract that there is a chain of command. When the chains get skipped thats a violation. It also states that I have a right to representation, in case of disciplinary actions. Which was skipped over too. Therefore, the contractor is held to the penalties which are addressed in the contract. This isn't some big surprise to the contractors. They know all this going into it. Most of them have been around for years and work all over the country. This is all common practice. The contract is there to protect them as well as us. It keeps them from getting sued by my attorney for violations of the NLR act.
  4. To the bank, to the bank, Raider's going to the bank. Superintendent on the job I just left, got in my face and cussed me the other day. He had been threatening everyone out there for the better part of a week. Anything you did/do he is gonna fire you eventually. We hadn't had a stewart set up yet, so he just constantly violated the contract and ran his mouth. After conferring with some other brothers, we decided to handle it through the proper method and not use, "the old ways" also known as the "Chicago methods". Anyway, I'm not getting into the specifics. I was dog cussed and fired, I was polite until the firing. I gave him a piece of my mind and told him where he can go. Then I went on my merry way. Well, ooooppps, I was terminated with no union representation, I also had my personal space violated and was cussed by managment(who isn't supposed to speak to me anyway). Well friends, Raider gets paid the duration of said job and can go work else where while still getting paid. All because I held my tongue and didn't shatter his jaw, for yelling at me.
  5. Don't be iffy about it being a union shop. Congrats on the new job. I'll be posting about my own "life drama" in a bit. My Union just made me one of the happiest people ever.
  6. Currently we have three of my nieces living with us too. Ages 13, 7, and 5.
  7. Oh my God! I just had Monster shoot out my nose. It burns so bad. I can't stop laughing! And then this just adds to it. I may have just honestly rolled on the floor laughing.
  8. I've got 4 boys. 8, 4, 3, 2. You have no clue the insanity which is headed your way.
  9. Going into the trades is the answer. I'm too cool for school. Even though I went for a year and a half before getting thrown out and being told not to come back.
  10. That's why I have Redline sponsor me. It's his contribution to my charity. Take A Raider Fishing. Very generous for a 49ers fan. Now if only he would contribute to my other 2 charities. Buy A Raider A Mansion, and Buy A Raider A S65 AMG.
  11. My reputation is spotless. Thank yall very much.... Basically, just do the exact opposite of whatever I do. It takes a lot of work and effort to universally offend the entire world. And still be welcome in all but a few places. Namely a chinesse restaurant (owned by a Vietnamese), a couple of chain restaurants, and few other establishments. However, I AM unequivocally welcome in all biker bars and bike shops that I frequent or have been too. I also gave you a "like" to help you on your way. Nothing like a little generosity, at times.
  12. Wow you poor poor pale, pasty people. It's so nice being bronze. My ancestory is german, scottish, Eastern european, and black foot indian. The Indian tone prevailed. Unlike yall I turn an even darker shade of bronze. Biggest plus? I don't get sunburns. Yall buy sun screen, I buy tanning oil. Looking like a Pacific Islander has it perks. I claim it's how I got my current wife. She thought I was exotic cause I told her I was Maori and owned a yacht. My oldest son, two middle children, and my wife will burn in under 2 minutes. My youngest got my tone. He just gets darker and doesn't burn. He still wears sunscreen and hats and what not though.
  13. That doesn't have as much bearing on the situation as one would think. I have dual income with 4 kids and surpass the annual income of dual income yuppies. We get paid extremely well for what we do and the hours we work. It's just a lack of common decency that was either instilled and forgotten. Or never instilled in these people. Buying a house in a suburban sprawl that is built in the woods doesn't make you country. Just as decorating your "man cave" with antlers that you paid thousands of dollars to get on a guided hunt. Doesn't make you a redneck or a hunter. I just have no use for their ideals, their lifestyle, or their jobs. I'm pretty sure the feeling is reciprocated by them towards me.
  14. I'm working on that now. I can't stand yuppies they ruin everything with their yuppieness. They are almost as bad as the stereotypical frat boys from the movies. I despise suburban development and this buy more stuff, me, me,me,me, buy more stuff, go into debt so we can buy more stuff mindset that goes with it.
  15. I have thought of bringing my own card board box and sleeping in a gutter. The cost saving would be phenomenal.
  16. Looking for a room in San Francisco. Any friendly bass fisherman that can recommend something dirt cheap? Or would be willing to let a hard working, Raider loving, electrician sleep in their garage or a tent in their back yard? Work is booming out there right now and I'm kind of interested in heading out there. Scale is 61 dollars an hour straight time, then 122 an hour over time. I would be willing to chip in on bills and rent. Unless it's a backyard. In which case I can chip in on rent and lawn care. This is still in the planning phase of possible travel.
  17. It's addictive. My wife got one on Saturday. She too is also working her next ones. Thank ya.
  18. Went and did a three hour mini session today to get my muffed up biohazard tat fixed. I'm very content with it. I think it turned out wonderfully. Also had my eldest sons initials put on above my elbow there weeks ago. So now I have three more initial sets to work into my arm. As well as a few other choice drawings, before transitioning to my chest and shoulder. The last one is the best I could find of the original biohazard. The line work on it was junky and blown out.
  19. I am absolutely loving my job again. I burned out on it for a bit, and disn't much care for it. However, it wasn't until I started doing something else, that I realized how much I love what I do.
  20. Best of Both Worlds, Hannah Montana.
  21. That ended. I hated the work. The hated the fact that I'm just a mere electrician, and not an hvac/plc programmer/pipe fitter/piping engineer/electrician. All of which was disclosed to them when I hired on. I guess they were hoping I lied to them and they were getting me for cheaper than what all that rolled into one costs. Also some crap about our "cultures" didn't mesh. I prefer what I'm currently doing. Being an electrician. I don't need the corporate negativity that maintenance position entailed. I don't like playing cut throat and other corporate games. I like being a crass, unruly, construction electrician.
  22. New PB! Gagged, wretched, and he left the room in less than 15 seconds! He's only the second one to abandon me during the test. Granted he did stand outside the door and continue his observation. I feel his pain though. I went above and beyond for this test. 18 atomic fire wings, 3 habanero peppers, and 1 ghost pepper. I'm hurting today. Now I have a two and a half hour drive to the job site after I go home and get packed.
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