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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Wanna come to Georgia and euthanize a Big foot with me? Ain't like you got anything better to do right now.
  2. Dang it boy. That's some pretty strange stuff. I believe ya. Whatever the hell it was it was up to no good. I don't know many things that don't make a sound when shot with a shotgun. Dang that's creepy.
  3. I dunno about that. We had 6 feist we were running one day, come up on a decent sized black bear. Those little dogs weren't backing down either. They wanted some of that bear. We managed to call em back before anything happened though. It was quite scary. Especially, since according to Alabama's wonderful DNR there are only 6 bears supposedly in the state. So its a felony to shoot one. To hell with the fact people see hundreds of them all over the state. If that dogs whining like you say then something is wrong. That's either one helluva a bear or you got something else going on. I still say get on the roof with a rifle and blow a hole through its chest, whatever it is. d**n I wanna drive to Georgia so bad now....
  4. I'm not to proud to admit to having done that. More than once actually.
  5. That looks pretty spot on. Especially the 15 beers part.
  6. Oh ho. Someone I can talk firearms with! Very good point you make there. That's the first picture i have ever seen of a 45-70 revolver. I was unaware they even made them until I made that post.
  7. I'll see your .44mag and raise you a 45-70gov.
  8. My troll likes being sniffed.
  9. Thou dost liketh ye sonnet. It maketh me not wantith to vomit. It all doth rhyme. It stays true to its time. For this thou liketh this sonnet.
  10. Yup. And I got one hell of a story to go with it. Just not tonight. I got work early in the morning.
  11. Im going with bear if it ain't a squatch.
  12. Big foot? No. Yeti? Yes.
  13. This commercial never gets old to me. I could watch it all day and night. It is still as funny now as when I first saw it.
  14. And here I thought I was the only one that wore a size fifteen. The commercials use Slim Jim's. Red Earth would be more knowledgeable about Bigfoot bait. He could probably tell ya how an catch a Wookie too. I get the feeling he likes big furry bipedal creatures.
  15. :( They better be reimbursing me then. Otherwise I'm gonna call my homie Abominable, from the Himalayas to come get my trophy back.
  16. Well that would explain why it sounded like a gorilla. Quite a lot of big foot sightings in that area of the state. I'm kinda shocked.
  17. Did it make sounds like this? This video was taken in Blue Ridge Georgia I believe.
  18. Well, you listened to big foot lover and now your gonna get it. Obviously it now knows you are there and actively seeking it. Be careful what you seek. For it might decide to seek you. Its been nice knowing you. Unless you believe the big cuddly fella was just tossing a rock at you to say hello. You might wanna sleep on the roof or under the cabin tonight.
  19. You found Lulz my missing hyena? I have been looking everywhere for him for the last 6 years. How the hell he got to Indiana is beyond me.
  20. Why wouldn't you want to shoot big foot.
  21. I'm going to help him with his Sasquatch problem. I need a Sasquatch to add to my collection. You can examine the squatch before I send it to the taxidermist.
  22. Wife's insurance states we have to pay a 250 deductible for my sons blue light treatments over the next three days. Well low and behold my insurance swoops in and picks up the tab. My wife and newborn both have double coverage. So now the insurance company has to write itself a check! ROFLOL! This just amuses the hell out of me!
  23. Well I will let you examine it after I drop it like a sack of stones.
  24. Well if your getting an iPhone. Wait a few months and get the 6. Bigger screen that you can actully see stuff on. It also has Apples proprietary operating system on it. Most of all it has a decent size screen on it.
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