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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Yeah it is. Clown stock dropped 100 points after that movie released.
  2. Holy Crap! That is weird as hell.
  3. But but but, It is being remade. How can you not look forward to a reboot of IT!!! The original gave me nightmares for years. The book was better and scarier than the movie. This go around the movie is supposed to be as creepy if not scarier than the book. I don't know if the new actor can come close to comparing to the horror that Tim Curry made with the role, however I have extremely high hopes. It has been my favorite work by Stephen King since I first read the book in third grade. I have 6 different editions with the different cover art. As well as two first editions, one pristine, the other for reading. I'm working on getting the Cemetary Dance numbered collectors edition now. I just got to find it for a price less than 500 bucks. I am obsessed with that book and movie. Im pretty much obsessed with all of Kings works though. Nothing has ever compared to the terror that Pennywise the clown instilled in me.
  4. Drop the doors requirement, and cut the cylinder requirement out. Then buy a Harley. Better gas mileage and much more fun to drive. Plus they are 20million times easier to work on.
  5. I've never been camping with children. I've always enjoyed camping though. Usually in fall or spring. Not so much the hottest part of summer. LMFAO! Well stated.
  6. So I'm going home for the weekend tomorrow. Thanks to the boyscout's, and the wife who enrolled our just turned 5 year old as of last week. We get to go on a family fun scout troop family camp out! Woohoo! Doesn't that sound like a blast?! A two year old, a crabby 3 year old, a just turned (as in 2 weeks ago) five year old, an 8 year old, and myself and the wife. No air mattress, three sleeping bags one for each of the three older boys, a 25 year old tent which has been used three times over that time span, and apparently that's it as far as gear goes. All this so that after a ten hour work day, aND a 4 and a half hour drive home. I can get 6 hours of sleep and go mill about with a bunch of scouting parents, in the Alabama heat. And because this is a scouting trip no booze, beer, or illicit substances, and smoking is frounded upon. First event starts at 10 AM Saturday so it's best to arrive early so as to be able to be prepared. Gag! Awards ceremony (Oh yes, he has only been a scout for a week and he already has 2 awards! Isn't that splendid!) and bonfire will be at 830 PM followed by smores. Yes let's load the children down with copious amounts of sugar before bed. Wake up will be at between 7 and 8 AM Sunday morning, followed by pancakes and probably more activities. After which I get to take my 2 children back to their mom drive 45 minutes back to the house and hopefully be in bed by 4 PM Sunday so as to wake up and drive back to Bowling Green Ky at 2AM Monday morning. I honestly think I would rather cuddle with a angry porcupine then go sleep on the hard ground in August, Alabama heat and humidity. So Thanks Boy Scouts for making my wife's dream come true, and accepting 5 year olds into your ranks. Perhaps I can sign the 3 year old and 2 year old up for competitive travel ball soccer. After all its never too early to start your children doing fun group activities. Obviously my time being a scout was extremely short lived. Otherwise I would have all the camping essentials all ready, and waiting to go. In meticulously organized and thoroughly inspected quintessential bins/storage tubs. Cause after all, the world renowned motto, "Always be prepared!" Doesn't seem to apply to me. Ugggghhhhh.
  7. Thing is, he ain't pooping. He just hangs out in the flower pot. Best I can figure he likes the view.
  8. Psshhhhht. Double wide nothing. This is three stories of Alabama country estate. Lol. Oh and apparently the blind neighbor a mile behind us now has a cannon. Judging by the booms coming from his property. Man is blind as a bat. Yet rides a four wheeler a mile down his twisty turny driveway everyday to get the mail. I have yet to figure out how he does that.
  9. I will sacrifice my CRV for, The Greater Good of the community. Ain't no other way to get anymore hp or anything else out of that Japanese piece of junk.
  10. Apparently my beagle has taken up residence in one of our flower pots. I'm honestly not quite sure what to make of this....
  11. Yeah, I'm a construction electrician. I've kinda learned to read over improper spelling. I've seen someone spell floss', as in floss' their teeth, floshes. However, now that it's been pointed out to me. That is quite amusing.
  12. One of the greatest quarter backs ever. Played for the Raiders in the 70s. Was a lefty, and lived the Raider image above and beyond most others since. Really now, my dear friend Rhino?
  13. I know. I got spun in Owensboro. Due to abdominal hernia. So I signed 3 books in Kentucky. Now I'm headed home for a day. Then headed to Fort Wayne Indiana and most likely Chicago.
  14. Who has the better little square burgers on a square bun?
  15. Tsk tsk. Perhaps I should head up to Chicago to work.
  16. 12 minutes into my new adventure and it's been quite boring. I'm headed up to Owensboro Kentucky. Hopefully it will be a fun and profitable adventure.
  17. All four of mine are that way. Those bony limbs hurt like hell. I swear they achieve terminal velocity when jumping.
  18. Well, .ghoti. has that authority now. So maybe the picture to mental image correct in this case. LOL LMFAO!!!!!!!! The current one just embodies her personality via the quote. Oh, and I most certainly KNOW how to party. I also know how to get myself in trouble. How to get myself outta trouble. (Less frequently) As well as just have a generally good time wherever I roam. Also,
  19. A conversation between myself and the 3 year old, affectionately known as Monkey. Monkey: Can I go swimming? Raider: No we are not going swimming today. 5 minutes later. Monkey: Can i go swimming? Raider: I just told you no swimming today. 10 minutes later Monkey: Can i go swimming now? Raider: Not today. Tomorrow yes, but not today. 12 minutes later while sitting on the couch. Monkey: Can i go swimming today? Raider: Nope. The answer is still the same. Monkey: Ok. Monkey walks past me and walks out the back door. Upon reentering he is carrying his swim suit over his shoulder. Raider: Where are you going with that? I told you no swimming today. Monkey: I know. (Walks right past me and goes up the stairs). 10 minutes later. Blondie Sparky: What made you decide Monkey could go swimming? Raider: I never told him he could go swimming. I said he had to wait until tomorrow. Enter Monkey wearing his swimsuit. Blondie Sparky: Well he came and got me up and said you said he could go swimming. Would I help him put on his bathing suit. Raider: I didn't say that. Blondie Sparky: Monkey did you lie to me? Monkey: I didn't lie. I said, could you help me put on my bathing suit I want to go swimming. -Scene- Apparently they have begun to try an play divide and conquer now. Monkey got in trouble with his mom for lying. And is not allowed to go swimming today either. His mom had sinus surgery yesterday and was trying to relax in bed while I was watching the kids like a good husband. I just can't believe that boy went and got his bathing suit and trotted off past me. Like it is the most normal thing in the world to walk around with a bathing suit hung over your shoulder.
  20. I can teach you how to do that.
  21. You know deep down you long to catch cute elusive little pocket monsters. LOL
  22. Pokemon Go!!!! Has swept the world by storm. How many otherst of yall have decided to join the Pokemon hunt?! Interesting rules. Do not go to cemeteries during normal business hours. As told to me by a World of War Craft nerd recently. After conferring with a grounds keeper at a local cemetery I was astounded to learn that this is quite true. Said grounds keeper informed me that they have had two funerals disrupted by young adults wandering through the middle of funerals watching theit phones. How disrespectful and rude can people possibly be. That is disturbing and completely infuriating. That may be a new low. Do not wander off cliffs while watching a phone screen. Apparently it has happened. Do not stop in the middle of a road preventing traffic to pass. I mean honestly, how is that even an issue. STH Do not choose the wrong "color" team in the wrong town. Apparently the nerds take this seriously. I was told straight up by the Warcraft nerd, that the area I was visiting was "blue" and they don't take kindly to "reds" in this area. Apparently, barking out Crippppppp and throwing signs up, went above his head. Seeing as I got a weird look. I'm sure I'll run across some more to update my do not list.
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