Ohhhhhh!!! We get to share fat stories!?! I was 265 Jacked out of my gourd! Back when I was 21. Im talking body builder jacked! I went through the juice like it was candy. Probably greatly damaged my liver, but who cares it regenerates. Anyway to make a long story short. I ripped the upper head off my bicep in a freak workplace accident. Then when I was getting back in shape I blew out both my hamstrings. I am now 309 with a gut. However my arms and legs still look amazing. Smaller, but amazing known the less.
As for the OP. I'm gonna let you in on a secret about weight lifting. Are ya ready for this? Cause I'm being straight up serious. Serious as a heart attack. Unless your one of those special people. Kinda like my egotistical self. Weight lifting SUCKS! Not everyone thinks its the greatest thing in the world. Its not supposed to be fun. Its not supposed to be easy. You have to be committed to it. If your mind ain't in it your gonna hurt yourself, probably pretty bad. You gotta focus on every move your body is making during the lift. Try having your hands wrapped to a bar(because otherwise your gonna drop it) that has 400 lbs on it to do shrugs. If your not focusing on your neck and shoulders your gonna mess yourself up. I don't care if you are curling 5lb dumbbells. You focus on the muscle and your movements. If you ain't committed then go run and diet. There is no magic pill to make you lose weight. There is a magic pill that can make weight lifting fun though. You still have to be focused and committed for it to work however. Your muscles should be tired when you are done. If not your doing it wrong. Lifting ain't easy. Its not suppose to be.
I leave you with this golden nugget of wisdom. I may catch flak from everyone else here about it, but I don't care. Its my motto and how I choose to exercise, and frankly it works just fine for me. "If you ain't puking you aint training hard enough!" That's the reason when I bulk up and get in shape I look like an absolute beast. I live for weight training. It is my all and my every thing. My family and one other thing are the only things more important to me than this. I live for the feel of the weights. The feel of that bar against your hands. The sounds of weights clanging and slamming. The screams the roars from yourself and other lifters! The heat and the sweat. The absolute release that comes when you pound out a set and your body is begging you to stop. Yet you go pound out two more reps just to push past that mental block. God I love lifting!