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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I go pick up my gorgeous new bike in 7 days! I gotta 2013 Harley Wide Glide. 1006 Miles and blue with some blue flames. Lots of chrome. She looks sweet as hell. If I can ever resize the pictures I'll post some up.
  2. He does extremely good work.
  3. 2 weeks and I get my other one finished. Then I'll start on some more new ones.
  4. Your brother loves your mother. Your sister loves your brother. It just to bad your fathers mad your sister ain't his lover.
  5. I will have to agree with Bill "Bubba" Clinton, on this one. "Lie, Lie, Lie, Deny, Deny, Deny." Oh, and trying to say, "I did not have relations with that woman". Does not work when your wife barges in on y'all, for the second time that night, and announces, she is taking the children and going to her sisters house.
  6. Still searching for the right one. I'm getting close. I just ain't found it yet.
  7. Nope still got plenty of places. This is all in an effort to go from my planned partial sleeve into a full sleeve.
  8. Got this one tonight.
  9. My old boss had a bike like that. Its not to shabby.
  10. I was sweating my butt off 20ft up next to a 4ft steam line. I tried to make it. I'll do better next year. I was even gonna rock the pink man thong for ya.
  11. Your thinking of my 2 ton sister in law. My wife is tall and relatively skinny.
  12. Now that's just filthy as hell. There was no call for that...
  13. Yeah that involved a good amount of booze. Someone deciding to be a freak again. Then getting madder than heck cause she ain't like how it ended up. Then telling me to go do something and getting mad cause I "actually" went and did it. She had an even bigger freak out when she walked in on that. I'm still catching heck about that little indiscretion.
  14. I like rigid frames though. I put hundreds of miles on my last one. They don't bother me for whatever reason. The used ones are exactly what I'm looking for. I don't have time to build a bike right now. I'm on 7days a week through December. However, I like the HD cruisers to though. A little comfort ain't a bad thing either.
  15. Least all my problems are caused by hormones, booze, and women. And combinations there of. That an the fact my wife ain't the freak anymore that she used to be. I mean it ain't my fault if she wants to get all jealous now.
  16. Now don't be sitting their with my name in your mouth. You gonna get people in trouble. In all seriousness though. I appreciate the story. Very philosophical for a pipe fitter.
  17. For years I have been after my wife to let me get another motorcycle. I have begged, pleaded, and demanded. Well for the first time in her 32 years she rode one today. She is completely hooked and addicted now. YES!!! I have been given the go ahead to get a new motorcycle. The only stipulations are it either be a Harley or a custom ride. Personally I LOVE old Harleys. I think they are the greatest bikes in the world. From 1944 all the way to the early 1980s. I absolutely love them. Whether or not she's gonna like a rigid frame is yet to be seen. On the custom end, I have found loads of sweet bikes. Once I get some free time I'm gonna go check out some of the shops around here. I even found my chromed out Wehrmacht helmet to used to ride with today. I can't wait til I get my new ride. I'm excited as hell. Plus I get to share the excitement with some one else too.
  18. Test 250. It does the body and mind good.
  19. Nope. He looked like the type that would though. Prissy liitle cry baby yuppy. Grrrrrr!
  20. I work with 4160 right now. Ain't no nine fingers about it. That junk will turn you to dust.
  21. I did actually. He no like my Chinese impersonation.
  22. Fortunately no. Would have been funny if the manager had run me out with the salad tongs. I think I could have taken him though. Even armed with tongs. I mean I survived a ladle attack. I might also add I wasn't officially banned as of yet. That would involve me having to go back and see if they will serve me.
  23. That's kind of disturbing that you want to see that.Let me rephrase that. She don't armor up at home. So therefore you ain't getting pics.
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