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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I'm still kind of shocked by it. I try an do what I can for her as best I can. We won't legally adopt her. Doesn't really matter to me and my wife though. Family is family. Sometimes it takes a village to raise a child. There's a old biker saying. Blood doesn't make you family. Loyalty makes you family. I guess that counts here. It will definitely be an adventure, that's for sure. Much like most of my life is I guess. I'm off to bed for a few hours now.
  2. For the first time in my life I have been humbled enough to bring me to tears. By my fourteen year old niece, that along with her 2 sisters and mom, is currently living with us. She asked me if I would adopt her last night. Her biological dad is a piece of filth that may talk to her once every 2 years. Her former step father, molested her a year ago, and she called him out on it. The family has no income coming in until her mom finds work. Child support and "justice" are both tied up in the justice system. That is not for discussion on here or at all. I'm just giving background, and honestly could care less to hear any opinions on the justice system or government. If thats all you have to comment about them stay off my post. Cause frankly i DO NOT want to hear it. Anyway. I'm doing all I can to help support them as well as my 4 children and my wife and I. It is difficult, however, I have been extremely successful at it thus far. For her, to ask me this brought me to tears. She said it would be awesome cause she would be my adopted daughter. Then proceeded to explain in a manner in which only a child can and brought me to tears. I am no saint, I am far far from a saint. i am a arrogant, conceded, biker with a loud mouth and very extreme views on various things. I have my vice(s) that keep me going. I am a sinner that is a total mockery of life and society. I live my life on the outskirts of society and subscribe to the laws of my brother bikers. My group of friends are some of the roughest most hardcore people this small country town has ever seen. My appearence is enough to scare most people away. I try to be good. It just doesn't always work out for me. Yet somehow I'm good enough, for this child to ask me to be the father figure in her life? Somehow behind this rough, tatted up exterior, through the beard and piercings, this child has found something that I myself can't see? What have I done that would allow me to have a compliment and honor like this bestowed upon me? Whether, we legally adopt her or not is honestly up in the air. However, I told her that regardless she is family and always will be such. If she wants me in her life as that, then I will happily do so, be it "officially" or not. So I guess my family has grown again. I truly am blessed for reasons that are unknown to me. Also, I'm coming back home next week. I'm dragging up on Friday as of now. I'm staying and partying with my biker brothers at the bike rally at my campground this weekend. (That's my 2 day vacation for the year) Afterwards I shall be back home for a little bit.
  3. Lmao. That's hysterical.
  4. I am in Bowling Green Kentucky. Working at the GM Corvette Plant shut down. Currently, I'm sitting outside my camper, in my rocking chair, relaxing. Debating, whether I want to fish the river that is a hundred yards from my camper tomorrow night after work.
  5. I have been doing industrial construction for many years. I have seen and heard many different things in that time. Some Awesome, some weird, some creepy, some down right terrifying. This is a new one on me though. I strolled into the restroom this morning and was greeted by music. No no my friends not that kind of music. Actual music. Apparently, one of the millwrights out here is a fan of listening to music whilst using the loo. There are many many sounds out here. Cranes moving, lifts beeping, diesel and propane powered welding machines running, grinders make high pitched whines an "singing" as the eat the paint off of beams and clean weld slang from welds. Chains clanking from chain falls, beating hammers slamming bull pins into bolt holes on beams. Rattle guns clacking and popping as bolts are tightened. A veritable symphony of sounds that equal the sound of money. And then there is, "Woah oh oh oh listen to the music! Woah oh oh oh....." SMH
  6. Yeah they do. This is my longest traveling job for the year. I should make enough to take a few months off after this one. At least that's the plan, if there is no work at home.. We electrians are bringing home 2500 a week after taxes on this call. Plus I have 6 months of insurance banked too. Bought a 2012 pop up camper for 1500 so that's cut my lodging down to 400 a month as opposed to 1200. There's over 200 brother electricians out here. So I'm getting to chill with my "extended" family right now. Which makes it somewhat easier. Lol. I was waiting for u to chime in. I figured you were still around.
  7. It is quite well Glenn. Everything has for the most part gotten back to where it needs to be. I'm missing my wife and kids right now. However, my wife is traveling up here to see me every other weekend. The children, I won't be seeing for another 4 to 8 weeks. I'm working in Bowling Green right now, working 7 10s. So I get around 4 or 5 hours to see her when she drives up, before I have to go to bed. The kids I did get to see all of last weekend when they came up and I took off for the eclipse. Other than that, life has gotten pretty much back to normal. Well at least my normal anyway.
  8. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
  9. Sup everyone! I feel it necessary to liven this section of the forums back up. Perhaps only for a short time. Perhaps for an extended time. Due to my nomadic life and trade, I currently have tons of evening free time. So I have decided that my presence should grace these pages again. I've been busy as all heck. I've finally got my feet planted firmly for the first time in a long while. So with out further ado, (Cue trumpets)I return triumphantly for all to bask in the radience and venomous aura that is Raider.....
  10. LOL It was a post on favorite books. I had to comment on it. I read back through the post and this one seemed to speak to me the most. Also, I dare say it seems quite boring around here when I'm gone. I shall go start my own post so as not to further hijack this one. My apologies Buff, I did not mean to hijack your thread.
  11. The Stand was a good one too. I'm a huge Stephen King fanatic as well. I'm collecting first editions and limited printings of all of his works. I love how all of his books tie into the Dark Tower series. Another of my all time favorites by King, is the pair of books; The Regulators and Desperation. Both involve the same characters, only they are in alternate realities. With the events happening concurrently with one another.
  12. It -Stephen King I've read it, probably close to 30 some odd times now. I have been obsessed with this book since the first time I saw the cover art, and read the "description" on the inside of the dust jacket. It was the first novel I ever read. I was 9 or 10 years old, the first time I read it. I bought it from a used book store for 5 dollars. The book bent, twisted, and warped my poor little mind. It was and is the most amazing book I have ever read.
  13. My 4 year olds first time TIG welding. With some assistance....
  14. Ill buy you dinner. Might even give you the colonoscopy for free. Cant be too difficult to perform the procedure. Hell the pipefitter can help me with it.
  15. Its gonna work out. Either that or I will die trying to make it work out. Like you said. Unlike many I have an amazing support system in place. There are many people a lot worse off than me. I mean hell one of my biggest complaints is that I have had to forgo getting my bi monthly manicures. My hands feel atrocious right now.
  16. There's my two youngest zonked out in the back seat of the car. I love my boys so dang much. They are what makes this life worth living. Wow my right arm looks weird from that angle. We are also sitting in a parking lot and not currently driving during the taking of the picture.
  17. Wow the machinist is missing as well. That ain't a good thing. Plus he lives in the frozen north, at least I'm in the warm South. Naw, I have had a complete and total come apart recently. Life has completely ran me through the meat grinder of this world. Every time I start to get back on level footing I get thrown back down again. 6 weeks work out of the last 14 has taken a toll on me. Granted ive worked for the last three weeks straight and hopefully will continue to for at least the next 70 days. Probably should have drawn unemployment during the time off. I just have big issues with accepting assistance from government entities. I feel if I can't do it on my own, no matter how hard that may be, then I'm failing. Maybe I am failing and drowning and just don't realize it. However, my kids will never look back and say, "my father took hand outs cause he couldn't find a way to make ends meet.". My great grandparents immigrated here from the Ukraine in the early 1900s, they weathered my grandmother visiting home, getting trapped at home for five years. Fighting the communist in the Russian/Ukranian revolution. Returning home to the Great Depression, and never got a single handout or assistance to survive. If they could face those challenges, then by God what I'm going through pales in comparison. I have an amazing support system in my family and my union brothers and sisters, which are my family too. I have over the past three years lost everything that I have worked for. I own nothing anymore. Its all gone. I got divorced and the greedy, cheating, conniving female I married took everything. Not that there was much for her to take. She had already drank most everything away. Took two of my sons and my dog. Got remarried which added 2 more sons to the mix. My current wife is amazing and one of the hardest workers I have ever met. She has kept us afloat through these tough times when work is scarce in alabama. I love her more than life itself. Don't think I'm complaining. Far from it. I'm letting y'all know whats been going on. Even having life beat me down I still love it. Its just another challenge to overcome and another experience to learn from. I have studied random stuff during my off time and have advanced my knowledge of quite a few things. Most of which I will probably never use at any point in my life. However, I can now say I know about them. I may not know why a bird sings, however I know why an atom goes through fusion and decays into other elements from its original state. I have restarted making jewelry and other odds and ends to pass the time. My stainless steel bracelets are selling for 100 to 200 dollars a piece and earning me additional money. Life is good, its just how you make it work for you. Y'all be good and remember I'm not going anywhere. I'm just trying to kick life back harder than it kicks me currently. Sometimes life gets in the way of me posting on here. I've been around these boards too long to just leave them. Plus y'all tend to brighten my day when I am around here. Raider the Mighty LMAO. Thats exactly how I use a keyboard.
  18. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
  19. Holy poop! My brother electrician called me a Neanderthal yesterday. The three f's to be exact. Fishing, fighting, and well I'm not allowed to use that word on here. XD
  20. Pshhht. Raider Nation For Life The Original, the one, and only Nation..... Raider Nation!
  21. Pshttttttt If history namely the 1970s is any indicator then it will be in the Ac championship game.
  22. Raider Nation!!!! The original nation, the only nation, The Raider Nation!!!!!!! Broncos aint nothing but a bunch of pony boys. Thought Elway said Denver was going all the way again? What's that John? The Silver and Black thumped your Nancy boy ponies! The Silver and Black are on the rise again. Watch out NFL yall can't stop us!!! AFC West is OURS!! Raider out! Raider Nation till I DIE!!!!!!!! Silver and Black Forever!!!!!!!
  23. That's her department. I use non physical fear to discipl. Works like a charm.
  24. I can't make this up. The irony of this ant lost on me either.
  25. Here I lay in my hammock on the hillside in the woods behind my house. Watching my 2 red headed step children playing in the leaves. Life is good. I know its only for a short while. For soon it shall be time to me to return to Bowling Green for the week. I have been blessed with a wonderful family, great job, best wife in the entire world. I wouldn't trade this for anything. And most importantly. RAIDER NATION 4 LIFE!
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