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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Well come on Yankees. I'm more than happy to take yall fishing. Got an extra room and everything. Girlfriend is a helluva cook. Hell I'm working at a powerhouse down here now. Absolutly amazing fishing. So yall come on down and let's do this thing.
  2. It's me. Sorry bout that. I ate a bunch of tacos last night. I apologize again for fouling your air.
  3. Poor fella. Hope he is ok.
  4. Iron working. Hanging steel is fun as hell. Get a nice view and I really enjoy the work. Yet I decided to be an electrician for a little while longer. It's fun just not an adrenaline rush like iron working.
  5. It's a comedy forum. It's kinda comedic to me that people actually believe the stuff that gets posted on there. Kinda sad actually too.
  6. We don't have any snow. Not so much as a flurry. Kinda glad I aint shipped up to Boston to work yet. Think I will stay down here for awhile longer. It's a nice warm 35 degrees right now. Yall can keep your negative digits.
  7. Hell yeah! Did Yuri send you that video of my boat?!!? I'll have to tell Vladimir that top secret bass and pike weapon has been revealed.....
  8. Blankets on the bed and couch. Why waste money running a heater?
  9. The question is not why don't they know the answer, and post that they dont. They question is why do they know the answer and still post that they dont. For the Buddha says, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it. No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason, and your own common sense."
  10. No but that's me on the right
  11. I'd move into the house to the right of slonezp.
  12. I drink three Monster Ultras a day.day. At least on days that I work. Otherwise I don't drink them. I prefer white cross ephederines. However, you cant find those down here anymore. Honestly I just like the taste of them.
  13. What about my super cars should I bring up. Oh and my latest and greatest.
  14. I'll give you credit on this one. You thought it up. I just created it.
  15. Wow. I am speachless. Did not see that coming. Congrats on the new addition.
  16. LMAO! Wow this thread took off.
  17. I am up to 4 boys now. 2 are mine 2 are hers. Hopefully we get a baby girl in the next couple of years.
  18. :grin: There ya go Lund.
  19. Congrats!
  20. I don't post about my psychotic ex. I post about my adventures in crazy land.
  21. I agree whole heartedly. I do enjoy the post from the insane world of Clayton regarding his psychotic ex.
  22. That's the problem though. I only have one friend on there I care about talking to. The rest I really could care less about.
  23. Hadn't even noticed that. Ain't that something.
  24. Union electrician. For the current time being.
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