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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Glad to hear you had a good time. Sounds like it was awesome. Also glad to hear you made it back in one piece.
  2. .308 it kills everything. Generally I'd say dogs and a big friggin knife, but I aint jumping on a 400 lb boar. So again go with a .308.
  3. Couldnt agree with you more. Every year its the same thing. The system is broke and needs to be fixed. Which hopefully they are fixing to do.
  4. Heh. That's funny
  5. Me thinks my friend is still off sulking somewhere. I probably would to if Bama had crushed my team like that in the NC game. Poor fella.
  6. We'll be fine. If Wolf and Madden both believe in him then I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt. I think we played better this year as well, if it just hadn't been for all the injuries, I think we would have done much better the second half of the year.
  7. I'll concede with the rest of The Nation on this for now. McKenzie was a Raider and once a Raider always a Raider. If he thinks someone new can get the job done better, then fine. Like I have any say so in the matter anyway. However if he screws up and Al rises from the grave (which knowing Al Davis could very well happen) and attacks him, it ain't our fault. Best of luck McKenzie, Al is watching. RAIDER NATION FOR LIFE!
  8. That's Hysterical.
  9. Now don't forget to mention the starters that were out during the second half of the season. Yeah all teams lose players over the course of the year. But you lose your starting qb, 2 recievers, the best kicker in the league, and your starting running back. all within the same month? And with the exception of Darrius and Janikowski the others aren't there the rest of the season. Id say they didn't do half bad. #1 in penalties, the raiders have been one of the most penalized teams in the NFL since the merger. Yeah we lost offensive starters and our defense was appalling all year. It still takes more than a year to build a team as a head coach. We ain't worried about it though, cause as the true believers in The Nation say. You beat us on the field, we'll beat you in the parking lot! Raider Nation Forever!
  10. Son of a frickin.........!!!! WHAT THE HELL GIVES?!?!?! How is it that hard for us to keep a frickin head coach!!!!! I swear if we don't go to the dang playoffs next year with WHOEVER our new GM picks as coach, I will start a RIOT!!! Even if that means I have to fly out there to do it!!!!
  11. 16 gr CCI and 17gr Remington Premier. If you don't headshot 'em you run a risk of them dying slow somewhere. Hittem between the eyes or under or right in front of the ear. Hit em right and they never know what hit em.
  12. That sums it up perfectly.
  13. So much for that. I swear if I hear so much as one roll tide from my buddy I'm pushing him out of the lift tomorrow. Time for another year of listening to those stupid bear loving nimrods, going on and on about how great they are. And rest assured half of them will find some way to attribute this to the bear.
  14. Süße Mutter Maria! Come on LS Who! Earhole them, go helmet to helmet, Heck beat em with a dang stick for all I care! Just freaking do something!
  15. Heh. I believe you are correct. And heaven help me if its that's miserable place to the west of Birmingham that wins.
  16. Welcome to the board lil homie.
  17. My friend new a girl named Name pronounced Nah Me.
  18. Always stick the used ones that are too destroyed to fish anymore in my pockets and take em home. At which time they are either discarded, or forgotten about until my wife finds them in the washer or dryer. I'm telling you a woman unexpectedly confronted by a one arm ZOOM crawfish in the washer can be pretty darn viscous.
  19. I woulda paid so much money to see that. I know that coon was madder than hell.
  20. To quote Ray Lewis, "Im hitting anything that move today baby!" Until you get the feel down slam it home on everything, that feels different then what you recognize.
  21. The DPMS I just sold off was quite nice. Shot well and could shoot good groups with it. Look at it like this. With everyone as gaga as they are over these rifles, after market parts are easy to find. Buy the DPMS and just build it out to whatever you want. Doesn't take any smithing to build em up. That's my advice if your deadset on a AR. There are much better rifles in a semi out there that aren't on the AR platform. I hear Springfield makes some nice ones that are not AR style. Me I use a .308 on coyote and what not. Mainly being cause I don't feel up to buying another rifle. If I feel real saucey I use a 17HMR ain't have one get away from it yet.
  22. I know I'm goin against everything I've said all season. I hope Denver beats the breaks off of them. Maybe then the AFC West haters will shut up.
  23. Good luck homie. If you believe in yourself and work that tail off you'll do just fine. If you don't let failure be an option, then success is your ONLY option. Again best of luck to you.
  24. My Calcutta makes your Calais look like a tinker toy.
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