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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Wrong species. You only do that with catfish. Sheeshhh. Exceptional point though. Tournament anglers definitely have an added incentive to keep the fish alive.
  2. I dunno if it matters or not. Just sharing what I was taught. The other reason I release them like that, is because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Kind of like a rabbit fart.
  3. Heh, I wish. I'm having to use my partners boat. Hopefully I will be getting my first boat in a couple of weeks. I'll go into more detail about that later on though. It's an older used center console with a 40hp mercury on it. Again more details will come later. The old man that's my fishing partner has made it abundantly clear to me to put them back where we got them. His boat his rules. He's taught me more about bassing and what not than anyone else. Honestly though it really does make since to put em back where ya gotten. The way it was put to me was, "howd u like it if I ripped you outta your home and booted you out of the car ten or twenty miles from home?" Whether or not the fish feel that way I dunno but like I said an extra 10 to 40 minutes ain't all that bad. It's kinda peaceful in a way.
  4. You my friend just nailed it on the head. Oh, and welcome to the site homie.
  5. I agree it does lower the catch precentage after a big tournament, on some bodies of water. I recommend going to a different area, I know I know its a hassle and we all love to fish our spots. Still its better to fish another area than to catch them lil uns all day. Honestly though I tend to not run into that problem much, It's part of my secret to winning those tournaments. I fish where the others won't. And yes I also try to put my fish back where they came from.
  6. Never had them take the majority of fish out of a pond you always fish have ya? Won't keep all the dang sunfish, just the bass. Which is why the pond now has a sunfish population that would blow your mind, and you have to work your tail off to even catch a1lber in it. I have no tolerance for them anymore. There was a big uproar amongst the five that always frequented said pond when someone started hanging razor wire from the trees, and also running it at ankle length down amongst the weeds and shrubs. Apparently one of them almost had his foot removed from some. Not to mention all the clothing tatters we saw on the wire. Whoever did it deserves a medal for their hard work. BTW it was a private pond in a industrial park. Where I worked. So no they did not have permission to fish there. They continuously cut down and stole the chains and no trespassing signs that were put up to keep people out. After a year of no bucket fishers the bass population is starting to come back in the pond. It only took them 2 months to almost completely wipe it out.
  7. That's adoreable. Once we get this stupid town house fixed up and sold, and get our house. My wife said we can get a pair of red bones. I can't wait for that day to get here. Im just happy she likes hounds. Not many woman care for em. Definitely an acquired taste I guess. Before we had to get rid of her we had a Great Dane Blood Hound mix. When we got it we thought it was a Blood Hound lab mix. She was 68 pounds at 6 months old. That dog even went to work with me. When I started going out of town for months on end she had to stay at home. Christie would try an take her for a walk and couldn't handle her. She wound up getting two broken fingers within a 2 month period trying to walk her. Its been five years now and I still miss that dog.
  8. First no jigger pole now this. Sheesh. I miss my jigger pole more than the Alabama rig though.
  9. Wow, no one thinks much of the Ravens. Yeah their offense isn't the greatest, but their defense is phenomenal. If the D can put the points on the board, the offense becomes a little less of factor.
  10. If their reels are warrantied like their rods just take it back and tell em its broke. I've never needed a receipt, and never had any questions asked, they gave me a new rod and sent me on my way.
  11. Those are some nice Fox. Some nice size coons. And a dang good looking hound.
  12. NFC. I'm gonna take the 49ers. I just have trouble trusting the Giants. Still I think its gonna be a good game. AFC. I'm going with the Ravens. Ray Lewis just has to much drive and determination to lose. I just see him and his defense shutting down Brady. Superbowl. Ravens all the way. Same reason as for the Ravens winning the AFC.
  13. Ain't hunted Fox before. Coon on the other hand its the only other hobby I have beside fishing. I swear its the most fun hunting I've ever done. Haven't gotten to go as much as I've wanted to this year though. Squirrel hunting comes in close second to coon.
  14. I would imagine they probably taste about the same as possum. Greasy, grissley, and nasty.
  15. Yeah, I run into lots of mice and rats in the ceilings above restaurants. And Ur right about the wasps, they definitely like HVAC units on roofs. However I dare say I've never encountered a nest be it wasp or bird by a strobic fan. Shame they dont use them in commercial.
  16. I have no clue what he is. We got him from a shelter when he was a kitten. He ain't furry enough to be a Maine Coon. But Im definitely curious now. I'm gonna see what I can come up with via the internet.
  17. I get home from work about twenty minutes ago. Go out on my patio with my wife, and notice my cat has acquired some kind of new "trophy". He's sitting in the grassy area behind the condo playing with it. All of a sudden a frickin hawk swoops down and lands about four or so feet from the cat and his dead thing. Mr. Cat springs up and jumps on the hawk, hissing and spitting the whole way. The hawk says to Heck with this a launches off the ground onto a tree branch about twenty feet up. Where he sits and still all ruffled up from the attack starts cawing angerly at the cat. My cat proceeds to scoop up his chipmunk and wander off up the hill. Ive seen this cat get after a possum and he reguarly brings squirrels home, but attacking a hawk? That's totally new to me. Even at 18 pounds I've never heard of a cat going after a hawk. I think he's having a bird day about like I am.
  18. Heck, they can keep it. I don't want nothing to do with a pipsqueek bird. And I dang sure ain't eating it and all its innards. Not no way not no how. I prefer my birds not to crunch when I eat them. That's almost as bad as my coworker eating the chicken bones when we get wings. Ugggggg.
  19. That's about the most of it. Heck they don't want me there anymore than I wanna be there. Think I'm gonna go get me a Bob cat bring along with me. Figure I open the door yell out, "Gettem Bob." And let him do the rest.
  20. That bear was like, "uhhhhhhh. I was just gonna say hello." "ok I said it, now ill be on my way"
  21. I despise those filthy birds. When I was doing industrial electrical I never saw the filthy things, or their droppings. Now that im doing signs and commercial work I can't get away from them. Filthy things nest on the signs and dedicate on them and most all the lights. I went into a over building attic type wall over the front of a store I'm working on this morning, and apparently they are neating in there. I took a couple of em out but those twos buddies messed me up. Bit me and scratched me all kinds of up. Sorry flying rats!
  22. That is so wrong. Yet it is so funny.
  23. Wowsers! That's kinda mean. Funny as all get out, but mean.
  24. And here I thought we had the craziest fans in the NFL. Well I gotta go jab my Brady voodoo doll with pins now.
  25. No doubt about it, an AK is every bit if not more so than an AR. I personally prefer them over an AR. Never had good luck with a side mount scope on one though. Now replacing the bolt cover with a custom one with a rail, worked great for me. No rattle that way.
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