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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I bought mine three combos a couple years ago, and she dang near beat me to death with them. Then she went and returned them and pocketed the dang money! She has just informed me I didn't go into enough depth on that. They were "from" our at the 1yr and a half year old. They were put on the couch and covered in a pink blanket. I never have been good at wrapping gifts. After the ensuing fight and stomping I recieved, she didn't get anything the next year. Which I might add is worse than getting her something she doesn't want.
  2. Heck I'd be happy if he gets us a big name linbacker to replace Rolondo. The defense needs a little sprucing up.
  3. I use braid on most everyone of my reels. The exception being my two Penn reals which are loaded with 80lb mono. One of which is about to be loaded down with 130lb braid.
  4. Raider Nation----- The die hard fans of the greatest NFL team ever. Fisher------ Cause I fish.
  5. Dang! I already spent my monthly fishing allowance. :( Maybe they'll still have stuff next month.
  6. Not seeing the problem with this white stuff yall refer to as snow. Or the frozen water yall refer to as ice. Well that was a nice break. Gotta get back to my fishing.
  7. Homie, I didn't even go long pole fishing on my honey moon, and I average around 320 fishing days a year. Stick with the wife and room and you will have more fun. I PROMISE! Now that I think about it we only left the cabin for meals, and that was with me being grudgingly drug along. Most wonderful seven days of my life.
  8. Saiga 12gauge. Put a low cap clip and u can hunt with it. Put a 20 round drum and you can use it for home defense, or hunting "two legged" animals. If your a traditionalist then a Mossberg, folding stock with a riot pump, heat shield, and breaching barrel. If you long for the wild wild west or Old English country side. Then go for a over under or side by side.
  9. Got 2 carbonlite mh baitcasting rods and they have and still work great.
  10. Well, welcome. I fish Logan Martin all the time. Where abouts do you live in this fine state?
  11. Personally I BELIEVE that water clarity affects visibility of the line. So thusly I BELIEVE there claims may be true under certain conditions. I also BELIEVE that I dont use the 3 common line colors. Since I usually color my line purple. (I like the color purple, reminds me of Grimace and Barney)
  12. Haven't made up my mind yet. Might just blasphemy with the reel and stick it on a Diawa rod.
  13. Wasn't sure if it was a trap or not. Oh and screw the RIAA sharing is caring.
  14. Shimano Calcutta 200 TE DC for $155 at a local pawn shop. After it was checked out is still in perfect condition mechanically. Who am I kidding I just felt like gloating. Dude said its been sitting there for two years now. And he doesn't know a flipping thing about fishing tackle. I almost wet myself when I saw that price on it. My hands were shaking when I handed him the money. Oh and the best part...... It was mounted on a Ugly Stick.
  15. Never tried any of em. Heck haven't heard of any but three of em. The Okuma Alumina is a good reel, least the older ones are. Try looking at pawn shops they pretty much give reels away.
  16. Now that is clever. I'm gonna have to get one of those.
  17. I don't know whether to comment on this or not............
  18. Who is Miss Pell? And what don't she need to do?
  19. Holy dang! I've skated train roofs, and hopped trains but that is totally new on me. Like the concrete ball idea. That'll teach em to sneak a free ride.
  20. Pertaining to the fish. I think it depends on the amount of vibration being put out by said radio. If you think about it a speaker situated to where its back is facing a hollow part of hull then the vibration given off would be substantially more, than say walking from bow to stern. My belief is that the speakers even turned down to a low volume in a setting as described above would still amplify and cause vibration, much as subwoofers do when installed in a enclosed box. So I would think if your fishing along a bank then leave it off. If fishing open water you would probably be ok with it on.
  21. It breaks my focus and concentration. So for me yes it does. As for others I don't know. Plus part of the reason I fish is to get away from everything except for me nature and the occasional other fisherman that wanders by.
  22. Wellllll I stand corrected. My apologies. Now to remove my foot from my mouth.
  23. ROFLMAO!!!!!! :D :D :D
  24. Done that with hogs before. Never thought to try it with a dear. Hmmmm. Why did you have to give me that idea? I believe i am going to have to try this now. Just know if I break something by falling out of a tree over a deer its your fault.
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