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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Should have smoked more. The theory is. Study high, take the test high, get high scores. Never worked for me. However my roommate wound up with straight A's doing that.
  2. My old lady, pretty much uses it as a gossip board with all her friends. I've still yet to find a use for it in my daily life. It would cut into my BR time if I did FB too. Which between work and fishing I really don't have loads of time for anyway. Except during the long stretches of me and my helper driving between jobs.
  3. He ran out after two weeks. Bad part was monday he was doing homework for Tuesdays classes and Wednesday he was doing his homework for Thursdays classes. We never saw him Monday thru Thursday because of this.
  4. Dont get it twisted. I still drink. Just not to the extent. My buddy set his schedule up two semesters to where he only had classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays. said that way he always had a four day weekend.
  5. I used to be guilty of that. Only I pretty much incorporated everyday into it. Mondays I was usually in the worst shape though. I drank with a vengeance Friday thru Sunday night. Wasn't as bad the rest of the week though. Awwww who am I kidding. I was torn up from the floor up, all week. I eventually found the cure to it. I just quit going to class. I eventually found the cure to that too. I gave up getting drunk.
  6. And thusly the plot thickens.......
  7. That'll deplete the ol testosterone supply quicker than anything else. Not that its a bad thing.
  8. It was a bad example. Juicing is as bad as being overweight. My doctor told me back in October that for my height and age I should be at 190. After seeing the look on my face and having a hearty laugh about it. He told me that with the build I have if I got down to 190 I would be unhealthy. He said the only way I could get to that weight would be through losing muscle mass, or amputation of body parts. He did some more poking proding,and pinching. And said 240 maybe 250 would be ideal. I don't put much stock by the BMI anymore.
  9. My wife has started refering to BR as Fishbook. I personally think its kind of witty. I tried myspace when it first came out. I lasted about a month before I got sick of everyone asking to be my friend. I think there is most likely a good purpose for it, especially from a business standpoint. I just could do without the constant popularity contest that it comes with.
  10. What's the big deal about Facebook? My wife spends hundreds of hours a week on there. Is it really that great and wonderful? I mean with the exception of maybe 8 people, I really can't or couldn't stand the people I went to high school with. I could care less about what they are doing now, and don't really want the world to know what Im doing every second of every day. Am I missing the whole point of this?
  11. Down to 280 now. I've lost fifty pounds since October. Gotta get another 30 or 40 off before I can bulk up. I love the science of diet and muscle growth.
  12. Only if he does.
  13. Price ain't important. That is one of the sweetest things I've read on here. Hell yeah dude. My wife and I have been together for 8 yrs. Now. And of all the stuff Ive gotten her all she wants is a card. It's awesome how the little things just make their day.
  14. Dang it boy! Do you need a hug?
  15. Having 4 and a half hours to do 8 hours worth of work. Cause the boss doesn't want you to get overtime. Yet expects you to travel forty five minutes to a job, pick up material, fabricate a piece of material and then install it all in the remaining time. I'm having a rotten day.
  16. I want to see a fishing show with the Latino futbol announcers! Think how gnar that would be. "and he's reeling that spinner with all he's got. Jose look at that form! And wait can it be? Has he got a bite? Hes slamming that rod back! It is!! FISSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"
  17. Get well Homie. Just keep on tuffin it out.
  18. "I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid of dying." "How would you know? You haven't tried it yet." Conversation with Saber Tooth in Xmen Origins Wolverine. "Those that cross thy creator shall be destroyed by thy creator." Three Six Mafia 66.61 "Now why are you casting that rod into the yard? What are trying to catch grass weasels?" Tyler
  19. That is priceless. I will definitely be trying that one as well.
  20. I am so doing this. That is absolutely hysterical!!!
  21. Just got may replacement phone in the mail, and noticed this also when I signed in.
  22. Now that right there is cool.
  23. I just don't see a horned heart. Maybe an antlered heart at the most. Didn't know anything about him being all "G'd" out on Facebook. I would like to see the pictures of that. Still I just think it is coincidence and nothing more. I could be wrong though.
  24. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-120208-chicago-city-sticker-controversy-video,0,2616961.premiumvideo I mean really people, come on. I fail to see the problem with the design. If you look hard enough at most anything you can find fault with it. I guess its symbology in itself that's the problem. Don't use a star in any design. 5points represent one gang, 6points represents another. Oh, and dont use hands either. No matter how they are drawn, I'm sure there is a gang somewhere in the city that throws there set up with that particular gesture. In no way do those hands even resemble pitchforks. People absolutely sicken me. Hold up! The new design has people dressed entirely in red, blue, and black. That represents 3 gangs that I know for a fact reside in that city. I would say make them black and gray, but I'm sure that's a gangs colors also.
  25. Yo Momma...... yo momma.... dang I forgot the punch line. Now come get me tough guy. Heck I might even take you fishing for your effort.
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