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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Quite true about the grits.
  2. Go for it grizzly adams. The longest I managed to go with out trimming my goatee was two years. It was a down right nightmare and would get stuck on things and caught in stuff. Even when it was braided it got caught in stuff.
  3. I did that at a Brooks and Dunn concert. I left my seat and went to the back row and napped through the whole show.
  4. For all the scrapple promotion given by members of this site. You would think it would be easier to find, and more popular up here. I've found more people that dine on squirrel, then scrapple. I was honestly quite intrigued by the chance to try this magical meat of mystery, that I've heard so much about. Also, grits ain't supposed to be instant. That is an abomination of nature in and of its self. Cream of wheat and oatmeal are apparently the prevailing breakfast carbohydrate of choice up here.
  5. God smack and Deftones was pretty memorable. Cradle of Filth was probably my favorite concert of all time. However, Alice Cooper was the best show I have ever been too in my life. He was absolutely amazing and put on a killer show.
  6. Well I got all excited when I read the title. Dang kill joy. Could have at least added a cola after it. Sheesh. Also, I rarely drink pop or coke. Water tastes better to me.
  7. Ain't that crippled pipe fitter gonna do nothing to me. Besides, Ukrainian beats Italian.
  8. Well that one slipped passed the spell check on the phone.
  9. Dear Senko Lover, No I have not done that yet. However, now that you have given me the idea, I will let you know how it works out.
  10. Anyone know where the quickest place to get a handle nut and cover for a C3 3500 is? Mine apparently fell off the other day, and I'm not going home for another month or so. I would like to be able to use my reel this eeekend. So if anyone knows where to locate one in Michigan that would be awesome.
  11. It ain't decline yet. I'm in good company though. There are 8 other eletcricins staying in the same camp ground as me.
  12. I'm behaving myself thank you very much.
  13. Dear Fishing Rhino, I'm not sure about other states. However in parts of Alabama and most all of Mississippi, you can divorce your wife and still be brother and sister.
  14. Thanks for your service my friend.
  15. Dear deaknh03, I aint never claimed to be a prophet or fortune teller.
  16. Oh no trust me. This campground is a 1000 times more entertaining. The people across from us, accidentally put their chihuahua in the washing machine last night. The week before that he wound up thumping around in the dryer. Some of these folks make alabama red necks seem normal.
  17. Dear EvanT123, He is sleeping with the fishes. Which is a shame cause he was such a nice boy, and that's just filthy.
  18. Dear Big C, They will win the superbowl this year.
  19. Dear .ghoti., I got caught up tonight with some other stuff. I will work on your question at lunch tomorrow.
  20. Good choice. The odds of us getting him to come hang out are slim. Very good choice.
  21. Dear Smokinal, Why choose between the two? Pork Bellies stuffed with oranges.
  22. Dear Quanjig, The meaning of life is two things. Fishing and Harley Davidsons. You pee when you giggle for reasons which are unknown to me. Honestly I would seek medical help. That may be a sign of having caught something you can't wipe off. I'm not too sure though.
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