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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Do you want the short list or the long list? I have said more stuff I shouldn't have, and gotten in more trouble over it. Some examples. Yes that makes you look fat. You are very smooth and soft. Soft like a pig. Biggest mistake I made was keeping you instead of my dog. You dance as well as an epileptic at a rave. Those are the first four that come to mind...
  2. Journeyman wireman. Thinking of going back to iron working. Pays better and is more fun. Most any of the building trades would be a decent fit if you don't want to sit behind a desk all day.
  3. Journeman Union Electrician. I do heavy industrial. I'm getting bored with electrical work though. I'm back to thinking about breaking trade. If I do it will be for the Ironworkers union, or the ughhhhh pipe fitters union. I honestly prefer iron working to everything else I have done. You may want to look into it. It is a lot of fun and pays very good.
  4. That is the greatest post ever made!!! ROFLMFAO!!! I am in tears. :D :D
  5. That's impressive. I will look into that.
  6. It was Mr. Grey....
  7. I have had Muscadine wine. Never Muscatel though.
  8. Not bourbon. D'usse XO to be exact.
  9. Yet yout bears almost got beat by one of the worst teams in the NFL. It took the final 3 seconds to pull off a win. Tsk tsk tsk. It's all a matter of perspective.
  10. Well look there you found the CVO model. I like.
  11. Well yall help us pick my grooms cake! These are the ideas we are pondering right now. Raiders themed, Harley themed, Raiders and Harley combined into the most awesome cake EVER!!! Hunting and fishing themed. Apparently the cake is supposed to represent me and the things I enjoy. Also before it gets said, A pile of poo shaped cake is not an option.
  12. We looked at a breakout yesterday. It is an amazing bike. I'm not digging the 103 though. I'm checking into whether they can do a CVO 112 motor on it. I really don't want to bore out and rework a motor on a brand new 18000 dollar bike.
  13. ROFLMMFAO!!!!! Holy crap I seriously am laughing my butterly off!
  14. Prep? Like for a colonoscopy? I think I will pass. I will stick with Grapefruit or tapeworm diet. Much more "natural" if you will.
  15. That would be awesome. I would love to see the various teams interpretation of it.
  16. Dang it boy. Homie said, "screw you guys, I'm going home." I see all three of those happening actually. Bubble wrap and heavy clothes would be the way to go. I get the mental image of a bouncing Michelin man on a dirt bike.
  17. Yes it was a long time ago. Dang near 50 years ago if I recall correctly. Way before I was even thought of....
  18. :( :(LMAO! It's a good thing I'm too conceded to let things like that bother me. Now if you will excuse me I have to go get my union electrician hands manicured, and my diamonds cleaned.
  19. Ice burn you say? I figured it would be a little more forgiving then asphalt. That's weird about the smaller vehicles falling through more often then the teucks.
  20. That is sooooo sick!!! I want that bike!
  21. How about my Raiders beating the Ravens? We are slowly making a come back!!! And to any haters, we Raiders fans take what we can get currently. Raider Nation for LIFE! Win, Lose, or Tie. RAIDERS TIL I DIE!
  22. I'm a bit leary of taking a car or truck onto a frozen body of water. I know it's done all the time. I just see myself hitting the thin patch and going splash...
  23. 2013 Dyna Wide Glide. Blue with blue ghost flames. I traded her in for my current bike. I miss that Dyna for bopping around town. She was horrible for long rides, However, she was awesome around town and on short trips.I put close to 4000 miles on that bike between September of 2014 and May of 2015.
  24. Tipptruck1 nailed it. I pontificate. Often rather loudly. Also, the Bike Monkey is a PITA!!! My fiancée will be the first to tell you that. Apparently helmets are not the same as hats. Also helmet stickers have a limit to the amount applied, and the content of said stickers is not up for debate. Also there is apparently such a thing as too much chrome and too little chrome. I can go on and on with the lists.
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