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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I beg the differ. I find hunting them is quite effective in reducing their population. We have more of the dang things then you can shake a stick at down here.
  2. I'll come stay at your cabin. I've had a slight change in heart. I need this squatch to add to my army of monsters. I got demons, spirits, and a few other dark creatures. A Southern Yeti should fit in nicely. And then, then I shall take over the world with my army of darkness!!! For what man can stand before an army of darkness and voodoo spirits. Being led by a freaking Southern Yeti!?! HP Lovecraft himself couldn't even come up with a more fearsome beast!!!!
  3. Ladle not hammer.
  4. You are the one that told me which doctor to use. You said he did an amazing job with yours as well, sweet heart.
  5. I hate Bama. However I hate LSU even more. Love this post. War d**n Eagle!!!
  6. RIP brother you will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to his family and his daughters. If there is anything we can do to help please let us know.
  7. There is a ring on both hands in the pictures. There is now a wedding ring on my left hand too. We exchanged rings. However we opted for the tats as well. I actually scaled down to only wearing those two rings for the pictures. I have a ring for almost every finger except my thumbs.
  8. Thank you kindly sir. I try to bring a little entertainment value to this section.
  9. To make my grandmom happy.
  10. Went to some friends house. Had exactly 3 ounces of liquor. Went back to my parents house and hung out with my genius sister until her boyfriend showed up at 3 AM. Then went to bed and woke up at 830 AM.
  11. It's being tatted on my ring finger next week. That's my tattoo artists wedding gift to us. He is giving us matching wedding bands.
  12. Yup. Posting right now as a matter a fact....
  13. Thank ya kindly.
  14. That's Sinclair hunting. It was the closest that they had to my family's tartan. I could have gotten my family's, however it would have cost 500 dollars to have it made and would have taken 9 weeks to get.
  15. There you go Sam.
  16. In her defense me running dogs through the woods until 6am does not insure a happy wedding day.
  17. Hell no it aint. I'm an Auburn fan!
  18. "Let's have a bachelor party with chicks, and booze, and guns, and fire trucks." -Dope- I believe Edsel hit it right on the head there. Perhaps I shall do that tomorrow night. It's my final night of being unwed. She Who Must be Obeyed, nixed my plan to go coon hunting. So I have to find another way to amuse myself. Who's coming?
  19. I was Yeti..... Tipptruck went as Squatch.
  20. Yeah try meeting the bait monkeys much larger cousin the Harley Monkey. "There is no such thing as TOO much chrome.""The wife doesn't care if you just test ride that bike. Besides who only has one Harley." He tends to get me in more trouble than the bait monkey ever thought of. If I ever figure out how to build a rod and or rifle holder on my bike. Then I'm gonna be in big big trouble. Cause the the bait monkey, the hunting monkey, and the Harley monkey are all gonna be after me.
  21. I'll admit I talk with myself. I argue with myself too.
  22. 84 year old granny biker raising hell? What's not to wanna see. This is my grandmom. So keep your mind out of the gutter.
  23. Don't lie. It's alot of fun and you know it is.
  24. I spent a lot of alone time in that relationship. All those were from a previous relatiomship. In my defense though. We had been to the petting zoo, and theh had a baby pig. It was extremely soft and smooth. I hadn't meant the pig comment as an insult. Honestly the implications of that comment never occurred to me until after I had said it.
  25. You have got me intrigued. I wanna see pictures. I'm hunting for a 40s model Knucklehead Harley to restore for my grandmom.
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