They should walk off. If not for their on safety, then for yours. I'll be damned if I have an entitled apprentice on my job, my crew, or under me. I can and WILL send you either A back to the shop or B work you until you quit. I worked one until he puked. He quit the next morning. I made a mouthy apprentice cry like a baby. He was moved off my crew an hour later, and laid off a month later. I busted my butt to get where I am today. Ain't no spoiled rotten, self absorbed, Gods gift to the freaking world apprentice gonna tell me they are my equal. I worked the miserable jobs. I worked in the nasty disgusting places humans shouldn't even venture into. Ive had my teeth rattled more times then I can count. I had 277 volts blow a chunk out of my left knee. I've bled and killed my body to get to the place I am today. Did I enjoy it? HELL YEAH!! No punk hired off the street, or prissy school boy with a trade school diploma is gonna tell me what I'm supposed to LET them do. That boils my blood more than anything else. Drill Sargent's have nothing on me. I commend you on your attitude. Your gonna go far if you stick with it. Keep up the hard work homie. Pay your dues and pay your blood and sweat, and you'll get there in no time. Hell, Homie I'm down right proud of ya.