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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
  2. I concur.
  3. More than you can possibly imagine. I could tell stories all day about weird stuff that happened while consuming sweet tarts. I swear they are weird candies.
  4. Shhhhhhh. Don't tell people that.
  5. Just to cut off any breed comments. The larger breeds deemed "aggresive", ie. Pitbulls, Rottweilers, Bulldogs, etc. Cause less than a quarter of annual attacks on humans. The Chihuahua causes more ER trips then ANY other dog. The large breeds get more press, because of the devastation they cause if they do attack. 9 out of 10 times it is the owners fault, not the animals. Pit bulls for instance are NOT bread to be people aggressive. It is not in their nature. They ARE however to some degree dog aggressive. That's a trait left in them from decades ago. Like Rhino said. It could have been a brain tumor or some other form of illness. I just wanted to try an keep people from breed bashing the larger dogs.
  6. I would say its a lack of discipline on the families part. Dogs are pack animals. Everyone has their place in a pack. The dog should be taught his is at the bottom. If the dog does not listen to the other members of the family and acts territorial towards them, then Fido goes bye bye. If you can't teach the animal this lesson then, you don't need to own one. I ain't putting up with a snarky dog in my house. Pack order is: Me, wife, son, dog, cat. The last two change out from time to time. I. Not saying this is why it happened. Its just my take on it. I'm not a animal expert. I am sorry for you and your friend and his family having to go through this. Keep your head up homie.
  7. When I was still in college. I was parthing hardy one evening at my buddy's house. There was just 6 of us there and we had some free time and some sweet tarts. After a bit I started seeing lights whizzing by my head and strange colors everywhere yet at the same time nowhere. I looked over at two of my friends and they turned grey, with big black oblong eyes, and pointed teeth. Chris at least the creature who been Chris had fire for hair! Dude I ain't gonna lie. I bolted like a scared little girl. Took off into the woods by the house. I ran for years and thousands of miles. I hid behind a fallen tree with a roaring waterfall coming down its decaying branches. Mean while the alien creatures crashed through the forest hunting me down. Some how they knew my name and were calling me. Yet I stayed put, lest the try an take me away in their space ship that was making all the cool colors soar through the air. I heard my girl friend Kimmy calling my name after months behind my tree. I braved a peek from around my hide out and My girlfriend hovered over to me with deathly black wings extending from her back. After explaining what was going on to her, she ran out and scared off the aliens. I awoke the next morning hugging my girl behind some rotten decayed tree. We got up and walked the 20 yards back to the house. To this day I don't know what happened to the aliens that were posing as my friends. Or where they were holding them during the charade.
  8. No I did not know that. But I do now! I'll stay up late one night and play you on it.
  9. The bait monkey is after me about A bow fishing reel and arrows now too. That filthy monkey is gonna get me in trouble.
  10. Oh no. That was the wrong idea to give out. I hadn't really even thought about that until now. Why did you give that stupid monkey that idea? He is chattering up a storm now.
  11. I know I kind of miss it. Granted I'm stacked with Calcuttas. Still his 9 brothers and sisters are gonna miss him.
  12. I know I feel so lost now. Almost like a member of the family left me. I did get a new Stripe combo two weeks ago. I'm not counting that with my green fish gear though.
  13. This is one of the photos that was posted. I pick it up this weekend and will post some better pics then. Also I was wrong its an 07 not a 10. Still I think I did good.
  14. Well I got my bow!!! Just traded a Calcutta reel. A Powell Endurance 7ft MH. A knife and a Machete for it. Its a 2010 PSE loaded down, Truglo bow sight, hostage rest, silencer, and a handy dandy wrist strap. Also includes are a Plano box, 12 Carbontex arrows, 3 Muzzy Broad heads, 3 Slick Trick Nuke expandable broad heads NIB, and 3 Hell Razor broad heads. Plus a release. I'm so excited I'm jumping around like bacon in a frying pan! Only problem. I'm now down to only 17 combos. Biggest positive? It didn't cost me a bleeding cent!
  15. Haven't seen them yet. I might oughta watch em.
  16. Manky: worthlessSlag: so as not to get edited. A woman of the night also known as a s.ut or skank. Its British slang. So you aint gonna find it in urban dictionary.
  17. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I'm the same way with movies.
  18. Yeah I learned my lesson about that. I got hit with a 40 dollar shipping charge on a rifle scope once.
  19. I can only go so high. Im only willing to pay so much for something. Once it hits a certain point its almost cheaper to buy new.
  20. That's what I've been trying. It hasn't worked out so far. It generally does. Its just not happening with the bows.
  21. I'm gonna give it a look over. Sounds like a good deal. Thanks guys.
  22. That's why I keep trying. When it works right you save money. Its just dealing with the garbage until it does work out.
  23. I can understand places not excepting bills over 20 dollars for small purchases. Seeing as how it can wipe out available change making funds. However I went to pick up pizzas for my sister in laws party last weekend. The large pizza franchise refused to accept 3 50s and change for a 152.65 bill. That manky manager told me I would have to get 20s or smaller because they don't take 50s. What the heck am I missing here? This was in store pickup. When did the fifty dollar bill become such a bad thing. I thought all currency was considered legal tender to pay a debt. Oh, and I most certainly did get them smaller bills. I paid for it in ones. The manager was not happy about that either. Manky slag.
  24. Ten freaking bows I have now lost out on now. Grrrr.
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