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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Will the slide jack back on it? Those look awesome.
  2. Now that's just flat out cool.
  3. That happened to us when my son was three. He went to the ER three times over a five week period.
  4. Seriously, what gives? I remember having all kinds of cool things as a youngster. Toy guns, action figures, and what not. Where did all the toy guns go? I looked around Toys R Us with my son the other day, and all we could find were "space weapons" and laser blasters. I mean seriously. I had toy UZIs, 1911's, Tec 9's, rifles, sub machine guns, assault rifles, etc. Apparently kids are not supposed to play army anymore? I don't get it. Even the squirt guns have gone "spacey". Are kids so lazy that they have to have battery powered water guns now? Granted the detachable water magazines are cool looking. Still though what's wrong with the old Super Soaker 50s? Pump it up and go to town. I don't need a squirt gun with a pressure limiter built into by way of a battery. What happens if it falls in the creek? I'm out 30 bucks and my son is out a water gun. Ill go even more old school with it. We used to have rock battles and tree nut battles. Nothing gives the effect of combat better then having projectiles to fling. We would hike up into the woods or down along the neighborhood creeks for miles playing army with rock weapons. It was a blast! I still have scars from my days as a soldier in the Confederate Rock Army, Boulder Battalion. I would rather my son throw rocks with his friends then play video games where heads explode and gray matter flies everywhere. Politically Correct I disagree! Can't throw rocks and nuts, but dismembering video game characters is acceptable. I swear they are trying to take all the fun out of being a child. We used to have the most massive and amazing forts in the woods behind my parents house. We would travel back there with bow saws, machetes, hatchets, nails, hammers, what ever we could get our hands on. I got an 8inch scar on my thigh from where i cut it on a bow saw. Cut down trees and vines to use as structural members and ropes. Pilfer the neighbor hood trash piles for lumber, metal fence post, and other cool stuff and go to town. Our huge Kudzu base was awesome. we would use the fence post as turrets. All these were camoflaged with vines and leaves. Threw some vines through the trees and wrap them on the post. Then we could change the trajectory of our shots. Load a moon traveler into said pipe and let it rip. We bombed every house in range. I swear the home owners just played along with us. They may chase us through the woods, but they never called our parents on us. They were even friendly to us when we were heading home after a hard days build and blast. I think the cops would probably be called if that was done now. People just need to lighten up. I don't think I've seen a single child riding a bike while towing a wagon of prime fort material since I was that age 20 some odd years ago. I really do feel for our children. So my question is this. How many of y'all remember the old days? Who all was a master fort builder back in the day? Who played soldier with rocks, pine cones, and acorns? Who remembers exploring the creeks and woods as a child and thinking, Wow I just found the coolest place to play?
  5. Just keep yourself calm. Slow deliberate movements. Don't s natch or jerk back the bow. Just get in the zone. Remember to breathe. Just relax and focus on what your doing. Its not as hard as it sounds.Edit: wow. S natch is blocked out by the filter. I'm kinda shocked.
  6. Depends on what you want to kill with it, and how much you want to spend.
  8. Wouldn't be an issue if it was a Glock!
  9. Drop em homie! Your gonna love it I promise. That's bad ass. Just remember to keep calm when you shoot em. Heck we got to wait til the first week of October down here. I've been hunting hogs to tide me over until then. Its almost here though!
  10. That was hysterical! I jumped and something loosened up in lower back. I'm actually moving around normally now. Thanks buddy.
  11. I did construction work on operating waste water plants. Its not so much a question of what. Its a question of what hasn't. Especially when working around the aeration basins.
  12. ROFLMAO!!! Not at you. This poor snake was minding its business and gets a boot on its neck. You know he is laying there thinking "well crap now I gotta make myself known." Tap tap tap with the tail. "Uh excuse me sir. Your standing on my neck." Bankbeater, "OH MY GOD A ******* SNAKE!!!!! AGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!
  13. Send him an email with the information enclosed as a pdf file. Code a Trojan into said pdf file. He opens the pdf, and bickity bam its on like donkey kong. Accquire bank accounts, routing numbers, stock and bond accounts, as well as any retirement accounts through your new found gateway. Might as well get all the personel information off his machine as well. Sell him the boat and attempt to cash the check. When check does not clear, sick the law on him. Minutes before the cops arrive drain all his accounts and funnel the money into a Swiss account through three dummy accounts. Make sure to mask your IP and use bots if possible. Budda boom! Congrats your now a rich man and can retire early! I wish I knew where I come up half the ideas that float through my head.
  14. By all means mess with him. Be creative.
  15. Yes they do serve a purpose. They make great belts, wallets, and boots. If they are a threat to me or my dogs when I'm out and about they are getting the business end of my boomstick. Otherwise they are free to do as they please. My Mountain Feist got bit in the neck by one about four weeks ago one night. She is fine and I honestly think it made her stronger than before.
  16. Yet their life expectancy is only 5 years. Least it was when we looked into it 7 years ago. They were paying 125,000 a year down in the Gulf of Mexico back then.
  17. .22Magnum snake shot. Gotta show em how much you care. Honestly, they are all over the place down here. My two feist will sound on them if they see or smell them. Then Mr. No Legs gets blown in half. My current count for the year is: 17 copperheads, 1 6ft black snake (he acted like a cobra and got his hide tanned for it), and 2 water moccasins. Best advice. Buy some snake boots or snake gaiters. Offers more protection then bare flesh. Carry a snake stick, aka axe handle with you. Doubles as a theft deterrent.
  18. I just want to be paid a fair wage and be out of debt. Other than that I'm content with my life. My wife and son are happy. I love working my trades. I can hunt and fish whenever I want. I can't complain.
  19. You should be.
  20. ROFLOL!
  21. Nope but they're afraid of me!
  22. Hell, I wanted Virginia Tech and TCU to win yesterday. Only SEC team I was going for other than Auburn yesterday was Georgia. Only because in sick hearing my SIL talk about how great Clemson is. I mean my God your a d**n Auburn fan. Stop cheering on other football teams, because your BIL went there.
  23. They probably will go again. The BCS loves Bama.
  24. Come down to Birmingham. Bend over and touch your toes, and I'll show you.
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