A seat belt violation. Never sent me anything in regards to a court date or anything. I was instructed to call a phone number that reaches its call volume by 7 AM Eastern time. Unless you start calling the Indianapolis traffic court at, I'm guessing, around 3 AM you aren't going to get in touch with them. I am guessing there because I've been trying to contact them for two months now, and still have not gotten in touch with them. Anyway they got my liscense suspended in Alabama over their seat belt ticket. So yeah, I have no clue how much I owe or how to go about paying said ticket plus whatever idiotic fees they have chosen to add to it now.
I do however have the Indiana governors office looking into the matter for me though. I mean it's my civic duty to pay my fines in an expedited manner, without impediment. So, I have in listed his office to try an help me figure out what's going on.
All this hassle because a state trooper was mad that I didn't pass a slow moving car in the right hand lane.