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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Now that was uncalled for.
  2. We have had indoor plumbing on the current jobsite for the past two weeks. Plumbing was ripped out last week. A plastic outhouse was set outside so as to provide us a place of relief. Well upon getting ready to exit privy I made an attempt to flush it. It took a second to remember that these things don't flush. I was slightly embarrassed about that. So of course I have had to tell everyone.
  3. I liked the daughter from Married With Children, when I was growing up.
  4. Thats cool right there.
  5. He's getting the rifle for Christmas. He's been so wound up about shooting bows with me that he has forgotten about it now. He's getting said rifle and thats all there is to it. My inlaws can shove off for all I care. Except for my grandaddy in law, he learned to shoot at the age of four. Says he could drill the cap off a snuff can from 50 yards back then. Anyway, he is our boy to raise and thats what we are doing. Thanks for the support everyone.
  6. I love SOA. Happy cracks me up. Least when he is on there.
  7. Peggy. I guess. Like older women I take it?
  8. If its the same as Alabama. You can all the way till the end of gun season.
  9. My parents feist will go up to the flower pot on the porch. (Not the urine flowers) She will pull all the flowers off the stems if one of my parents is going out of town. She is a very quirky dog.
  10. That is Hystetical! ROFLMAO!!!!! What a spiteful dog.
  11. As soon as my eye glances at the app it should spring open. Touch screen nothing. We need retinal control! ROFL :D
  12. So how is the battery life on your 5?
  13. As much as I Hate Denver. I do enjoy watching Manning play. He is one of the best qb's I've ever watched.
  14. Why in the hell would they try for a touchdown from the 53 with five seconds til half time. I mean let janikowski get you the three. I'm sorry Pryor is good but we ain't doing a dang thing. The kicker is the best player on the team! Just let the man kick the dang ball!
  15. Please enlighten. I missed it.
  16. Goodness. Do you stream on the phone? Or is it really that horrible?
  17. Gotta keep the faith. Just Win Baby.
  18. I have faith in our kicker. Just got to make it to the 50 for Janikowski to be in range. Don't hate.
  19. Raiders win it by 3.
  20. Dang it Kingkong85. Now you got me to thinking. If I can install android to iPhone. I wander if I can install iOS to an Android phone. Guess I know what I'm doing with my free time now. I'm actually kind of excited to see if it will work. I think its gonna be a pain to do it, but hopefully no harder than android to apple.
  21. Yes you can. It takes some work but you can do it.
  22. Yeah I do. Wildest day I have had in months.
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