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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. My baby sister, who is 10 years younger than me brought her boy friend over to my parents at the age of sixteen. I was sitting on the porch with my AK when they pulled up. My beard was about 7ins long and braided. MyMy head freshly shaved. My brother and dad were out there as well as one of my uncles. My dad and uncle are 6ft 3in and 6ft 4in respectably. My dad was about 290 and my uncle was cut up at 246. I'm 6ft 2in. My brother is 5ft 11in but was playing ball at the time so he was ripped up at 225. That poor boy didn't know what to do. I believe that was there one and only date. If it wasn't, she never brought him back to the house.
  2. I'm learning alot from my son and his little friends. My boy has met a little six year old girl and they are adorable. They run around the complex holding hands and playing. Its hysterical. Apparently they are back to being boyfriend girlfriend again. They broke up the other day, because another girl kissed my son on the cheek. I know this because I had the brother and sister, that live below us, come tell me while I was sitting on my deck. Ten minutes later the brother was back. Apparently his sister kissed my son on the cheek. According to my son ALL the little girls do this to him. He says its very hard to have just one girl friend. I told him just stick his thumb up in the air and say Heeeeeyyyy! Now we just got to get him some hair wax, a brush, and a motor cycle. To go with his biker jacket and new found talent.
  3. Completely uncalled for. Yes I am pretty upset about that.
  4. Ummmmmmmm..... The Brewers have an equivalent chance of winning the world series? I dunno. Boise State has an equivalent chance of winning the BCS?
  5. Well every team can get lucky. KC has as much chance of winning the superbowl as Arsenal FC has of winning the Premier League. Ain't neither gonna happen.
  6. It still comes in powder form. Never seen the fruity flavors. I've always seen it in original flavors.
  7. Heck, I'm happy.
  8. It twas a dang good day. I'm liking this place more and more. I actually got treated like an electrician, and not a apprentice with a journeyman card. Two things that make this even better? 1. My former company tried for this job and were beat out on it by my current company. 2. I get to work tomorrow too. By God I'm gonna laugh all the way to bank on Friday. That schmuck did me a favor on Thursday by letting me go.
  9. Why throw a hog in. When you can buy a can of snuff and bump it up your nose? That is some wicked stuff right there. We used to do that in high school. I tell you what it will put some dang hair on your chest. Gives you one helluva buzz too.
  10. ROFLMFAO!!!!!! Im gonna try not to.
  11. That's how she was when we got her. Its taken me overva year to even get her liking the outdoors let alone to ehere she will run around with other dogs.
  12. Today is my first day at my new company. Here's hoping it goes good.
  13. Happy Birthday! Even if you are a KC fan.
  14. You ain't kidding. Like a furry Freddy Krueger. By God three or four of them little dogs are more than a coon wants to deal with though.
  15. For months I've been trying to get my feist to go after squirrels solo. I have made some but little progress. She will pack hunt them, but not solo. However she has no problem chasing down a possom or a coon by herself. I swear she turns into a barbarian dog when she sees one. Next possom I'm turning her loose on it. I'm curious as to the outcome of that. She aint getting loosed on a raccoon by herself though. I know how that will end up. She only gets to go after coons if we have two or three other feist with her. If she can lock and shake like my other feist can. She will be promoted to my new possom catch dog. All 18lbs of her.
  16. Boy did they get that list wrong. Everyone knows JaWalrus is the number 1 worst quarterback of all time.
  17. I am so doing that.
  18. Well that ended badly. I no longer work for my previous employer. We got into a huge verbal altercation over the phone this afternoon. He basically lied to me and I called him out on it. He then brought my abilities as an electrician into the argument and I flipped out. You can lie to me all day and preach loyalty all day to me. That's fine. However, I will be danged if someone, who isn't even an electrician, tells me I'm nothing more than a glorified apprentice! I busted my tail for my license and have worked my tail off in the trade for the last eight years. He told me theres no requirement for me to work out a 2 week notice. I told him he was right and where he could stick his job and a few other choice phrases. Its not like he has any impact on me. I already took a new job. I just tried to do the right thing here. Never thought it would end this way. Now I have to get my termination notice and final check tomorrow. Should be fun. Also. As per him I was terminated, I didn't quit. All the better for me. Now I can get my insurance through my wife's company. So its a win all the way around. I get what I want and get to move on. He gets to avoid paying me benefits and cheap out on paying decent wages.
  19. I'm gonna have to agree with ya. He didn't seem to enthusiastic about being there.
  20. Awww a comedian.
  21. Hells yeah. Thats awesome.
  22. Sounds like job security to me.
  23. That there is funny.
  24. I do lighting contacts and relays, PLCs, VFDs, and MCCs. I ain't never tried fire alarms. Seems like an entirely different animal. At least as far as how its wired and inter connected. The biggest PLC job we had. We were landing 500 plus wires into the cabinets. We were running 2 1/2in EMT for the branch feeds, and pulling between 70 to 85 14AWG THHN wires through each pipe. We had 18 cabinets set up like that. It took weeks to ring out and land all those wires.
  25. So I got my final three picked out. I've gone a totally different route then what I was expecting too. One is light industrial. One is commercial. The other is service and lighting. The lighting company I have worked for before. Pays good and they always have work. The commercial company is strictly construction. Which depends on weather and the economy. The industrial company would get me fire alarm certified. However they do a lot of tedious maintenance work too. All three pay phenomenal for the amount and type of work involved. The service company has the best benefits. I also can average 60 hours a week there if I want. While I was there before I set several sales records as well as customer satisfaction records. I believe the negatives that were there when I was have changed since I left 2 years ago. So I'm now leaning towards them. I will keep yall posted and updated on my decision in the next two days.
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