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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. That's rough homie.
  2. My father in law has bought tickets for my wife and I, my brother in law and sister in law, himself, and I believe my other brother in law and sister in law. I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I want to go. After his reaction to taking me and my two sister in laws to see Alice Cooper about 6 years ago. I'm honestly shocked he has invited me back to a concert. The whole incident was blown out of proportion. I mean the security guard agreed not to press charges and let me stay unril the end of the concert. Sheesh.
  3. What's your angle? What are you trying to accomplish with the requested information?
  4. Hope you ain't got a clown doll.
  5. I was just being PC with that statement. I can't post the other possibilities on here. Back to being PC though. You can't deny that it wouldn't be cool to be able to do what she did. I would so not use my powers for good. If my old lady could do that kind of stuff I can tell you now we would be chilling in a summer house in the Hampton's every year. As well as living in a big ol estate down here in Bama the rest of the year.
  6. I would totally propose to her when she was done. We have been watching this all day at work today. Breaks and lunch. Dang it boy! Wouldn't no one mess with you if you were with her! Heh. "Oh you gotta problem?" "Baby flip this fool upside down and make him spin like a top!"
  7. Everyone has to slow down in the hopes of seeing a mangled corpse. Its even more aggravating when the wreck is on the other side of the freaking road! My gosh people get on with your d**n day! Some of us have places to be. Huntsville Al. is the all time worst about this. Especially on 565. It happens at least 4 times every weekday morning.
  8. In all honesty. I wouldn't sweat it too much. As young as you are you ain't got an identity to steal. Kinda similar to myself, in which the thief would probably get mad. Cause my destroyed credit ain't gonna get them a loan or card good for more than five cents. If it ain't in the car, ain't in the paperwork, then its probably in possession of whoever helped yall open the account. Just relax (I know easy for me to say) and wait till the morning. It will turn up. Things have a way of working themselves out.
  9. Thats probably where its at. Right between the console and the seat.
  10. That was too cool. I love it!!!!!!!!!
  11. Might I recommend Saint Anthony's prayer? It tends to help. Make sure you concentrate and clear your mind when you say it.
  12. Nope. Eddie Murphy said it best. Too bad we can't stay baby...
  13. I use my mums and my great grandmums maiden names. They are both Ukranian. My great grandmums is as hard to pronounce as it is to spell.
  14. That's horrible. It will turn up.
  15. Sounds like he is going the way Al did.
  16. I was not expecting Romo to do that well. I started Cam over Romo in one of my fantasy leagues. That may have been the biggest mistake I made all year.
  17. Spot on. The Cajun style sold at The Peanut Depot down in Bham are actually VERY good.
  18. That looks good. I would definitely use that at our lake house.
  19. Banksy has been visiting NYC. Apparently he is releasing clues as to where he painted some walls. If yall can find them before they get tagged over, or torn down to sell, it might be a fun experience. If you can track one down, call the 800 number he paints beside it. It gives a lot of insight into what and why he painted what he did. This man is an internationally renowned graffiti artist. His work sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars. He ain't making a dime off it either.
  20. I use 18 wheelers and eye sight to judge traffic conditions. If I see blue lights. It means cop. If all the truckers are merging to one lane. It means accident ahead. I'm just old school like that.
  21. I never had a single problem when I had my motorcycle. Lane splitting at 65 with three other bikes was nerve racking though. We usually rode 4 to 6 deep in our pack. I always enjoyed it. Hell I don't think the Harleys we had would get to 115. I never took mine over 90. Sooner or later I will have another one.
  22. Look twice. Save a life.
  23. That would be him. Known him since i was in third grade and he was in fifth grade. Wrestled him all through school and played football with him. Boy is about as smart as they come too. He was in no way a dumb jock. His younger brother was in my grade. I chilled with him a lot during school.
  24. I like the eagles. My friend plays guard for them. He is supposed to be the beat guard in the NFL. Not when we lose to Washington. I mean them and KC are like givens. So we will probably lose to KC too. I don't believe I will be watching that game. I don't get hardcore upset if they lose. For the most part its expected. Now Chelsea on the other hand. I get very upset about.
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