Well after two weeks and 2 days of new employment I got laid off. The work he was planning on having didn't materialize. I was told I didn't do anything wrong. They just dont have the work right now. If that Aint some Clayton luck I don't know what is.
Fortunately for me though. My wife fell back in love with the massive paychecks I received for my two weeks and two days. So she has agreed to letting me broaden my search radius. I now have the ability to search the entire South East US for work. Be it job hopping and chasing OT working shutdowns, or hiring on with a big industrial company. As long as I'm not gone for months on end she is ok with it. So I now declare, I am back in the game baby! Big pipes, big wires, big structures, big plants, bigger voltages then most electricians ever see, and BIG paychecks! I told her I can make us rich. She just has to have faith in me and trust me.
In two hours I've managed to line up three interviews with some HUGE heavy industrial contractors. As in the smallest amount paid for a journeyman is 42 an hour. To put it in perspective. A Alabama journeyman non union makes around 22 to 26 an hour. That is if they are running work or have 20 plus years experience. Without running work pay tops out at around 20. Or if you are multicraft it tops around 30 without running work. I ain't been doing it long enough to top out at multicraft yet.