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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Wouldn't trade it for anything. I might be going back into bucket truck work for a year or so to let my body recover some. My dang hamstrings are still jacked up and I jacked my knee up again three weeks ago. Can't work heavy industrial if you can't move. Least with the bucket truck, the work is easy and doesn't demand much physically. I hate this heal and work, heal and work system I'm in now. Plus I can't even lift or work out right now!!! I'm gaining all my weight back!!
  2. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
  3. He was on something. Homie was straight up Jesus Tripping. I ain't never heard anyone make that kind of racket before. Dang ducks and geese left and went somewhere else about 15 minutes into his quack fest. They probably thought something was dying, with all the racket he was making. I'm sorry but saying the word "honk" is not calling geese. I debated pushing him into the water when I was leaving. Either that or bass slapping him with one of the fish I had caught. (That would have been cruel to the fish. Which I was helping to relocate to a different pond)
  4. How can you not absolutely love money? Could just be me though' because I'm greedy. My money used to keep me warm at night too. Until it all went away.
  5. Homie assuming you are in Alabama. Judging by your fishing lake and creek. If you want to become an electrician. I can call around to some people and help ya find something. Like the others said. Your young you can bounce around if ya want.
  6. Talk to the IEC board or the IBEW. Or call around to Electrical contractors and ask if they are hiring apprentices. I know indeed has got a few postings up right now with companys looking for helpers.
  7. Depends on what you like. I'm an electrician and ironworker. I weld as well. Its enjoyable. I work with my hands all day. I also get to travel around. Oh and electricians control freaking lightning.
  8. That sounds right. Because after that year I followed Sapp to the Raiders. I've followed Tampa, Atlanta, and the Raiders my whole life. I didn't become a huge (new school) Raiders fan until after they lost to Tampa.
  9. I couldn't even watch the last 6 minutes of that game. I got faith in TP2, but tha t was horrible.
  10. Trent Dilfer was the QB for the Ravens the first time. That was after the Bucs released him. I believe his words were he wants to be the QB that wins a super bowl and have no one remember his name. Or something along those lines.Defense wins championships. Least that was the case with my defense my junior year. Took us 4 overtimes to do it. (Thats how bad our offense was) by God we did it though.
  11. It was 14-7 midway through the fourth quarter. Then our offensive offense self destructed. Pryor was sacked and picked a ton. The Chiefs never capitalized on all those turnovers. I'm not gonna say my Raiders are a great team this year by any means. However, they hung on til the last 6 or 7 minutes with them. I blame a certain kicker for the loss too. Seabas has missed more field goals this year, then he has in the last four combined.
  12. Yet they almost lost to my lowly Raiders. I mean we are such the great team this year. If we had a decent O line, Pryor would have destroyed them. Shame they won't make it past Denver. Probably get beaten by SD too.
  13. Those are the children of Lilith you refer to? For what purpose were they summoned? Dude, it is some freaky stuff that is done to summon things of that nature. I've been researching demonology for the past three or four years in my free time. I've been on the road A LOT, so I have ample time on my hands. Its both frightening, horrifying, and amazing all at the same time. Some of the rituals are down right terrifying. Big difference between a ghost and a demon. Might want to be careful around there. There is a place down here called maD doG (spelled and pronounced just like i wrote it.) that is similar to where you are referring. I have had some truly weird and scary stuff happen to my friends and I out there. It will make a believer out of anyone. That place is probably the scariest place I have ever been to in my life. It even gives off a bad feeling. It makes you feel mentally sick, being out there. Judging from the two cats remains we found on our last trip there. I would say its still being used for something.
  14. Its all good homie. My dad and I do the same thing. That old man can get persnickity sometimes and I got to gw t after him.
  15. Don't bad mouth you pops like that. He ain't have to take you to the bank in the first place. It makes you sound like a spoiled brat. Not saying you are. Just saying that's what you sound like when you do it. That man sacrifices for you and takes time out of his day to help you out. The least you can do is act grateful towards him. To hell with the fact your SS card was lost. Get a replacement card. You have no credit or identity to steal. No one is going to sit on that SSN for however many years until you do. Forget about it and move on. People make mistakes. You probably have to.
  16. Don't Wizz on the electric fence.
  17. Yeah I guess your right. So I'm gonna go with Semi Clayton luck!
  18. It all works out in the end. I've never been out of work for more than a day. Unless I wanted to be. I guess it just goes with the trade.
  19. Well thank ya. I'm actually kind of excited about all this. I mean life is an experience, ain't it? So why not enjoy it? Everything always works out in the end. I intend to make the most out of it. I look at it like this. All the experiences I'm getting make for great stories. I mean the people I'm meeting, the jobs I'm getting to work on, the companies I'm working for. In the end its all just stories to tell. My wifes Granddaddys uncle helped build the Sears Tower. He was an Ironworker from back in the day. All his stories have been passed on to me now. I'm passing them on to my son and my friends. That old Ironworker will live forever through his stories. That's what I want. That's why I do what I do, and enjoy it so much. Sorry bout that I kinda branched out on a tangent there.
  20. Well after two weeks and 2 days of new employment I got laid off. The work he was planning on having didn't materialize. I was told I didn't do anything wrong. They just dont have the work right now. If that Aint some Clayton luck I don't know what is. Fortunately for me though. My wife fell back in love with the massive paychecks I received for my two weeks and two days. So she has agreed to letting me broaden my search radius. I now have the ability to search the entire South East US for work. Be it job hopping and chasing OT working shutdowns, or hiring on with a big industrial company. As long as I'm not gone for months on end she is ok with it. So I now declare, I am back in the game baby! Big pipes, big wires, big structures, big plants, bigger voltages then most electricians ever see, and BIG paychecks! I told her I can make us rich. She just has to have faith in me and trust me. In two hours I've managed to line up three interviews with some HUGE heavy industrial contractors. As in the smallest amount paid for a journeyman is 42 an hour. To put it in perspective. A Alabama journeyman non union makes around 22 to 26 an hour. That is if they are running work or have 20 plus years experience. Without running work pay tops out at around 20. Or if you are multicraft it tops around 30 without running work. I ain't been doing it long enough to top out at multicraft yet.
  21. Most definitely. I have no issue with him playing when he's older. He loves watching the Raiders and Auburn play. He also likes watching soccer too though. Boy woke me up a few weeks ago to watch Chelsea play at 6AM. Apparently he was thumbing through channels and saw them. He ain't but five. I would love for him to go through the different levels. I gave up on it after high school and turned down my scholarship. I still kinda regret it too.
  22. I met a guy that swore up and down he could talk to ducks and geese. This fool stood out there quacking and honking for the entire three hours I was fishing. Hmmmmmmmm. I've met a ton of other whack jobs, but he stands out the most.
  23. Never gave it much thought. Then again 90% of my day is spent outside or somewhere close to it.
  24. Nope. He plays soccer now. In three more years he gets to start playing rugby like I do. If that's what he still wants to do. When he gets to seventh grade he can play football if he wants to. By God, if he's gonna learn how to tackle and hit he can learn the right way. Try leading with your head with no helmets on. That junk freaking hurts.
  25. ROFLMAO! I am so using that comparison. It describes my thoughts on it perfectly. I don't think I would know how to act at that concert. I mean heck I fell asleep when he took us all to see Brooks and Dunn. Alan Jackson wasn't too bad the three freaking times we have seen him. Eric Clapton about did me in. I realize he is a legend, but I'm gonna have to admit I fell asleep there too. Not enough movement of the crowd. No one wants to get rowdy and jump around. I think a Kenny G concert might have more action too it. Best classic rock concert I have been to, with the exception of Alice Cooper, was Billy Joel. He actually managed to keep my interest. He was hilarious. Put on a helluva show too.
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