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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. 401k is a retirement plan. Some will hire you on the spot. Some will call you. Listen to your gut. If uou don't think your gonna like the job, then either politely decline it or ask them to let you mull it over. Either way, thank them for taking their time to interview you and for showing intrest in you.
  2. What Bigbill said. Take as much knowledge from this as you can. You would be surprised where you can find a use for it later in life. I worked at a Bed Bath and Beyond for a four month stretch after being booted from school. In that four months I moved from receiving to sales. I was brought in to work one night to fill in for a person on the soft goods side of the store. I sold 3 grand worth of bedding and other stuff in a 5 hour period. The next day I was moved to hard goods. I set 3 sales records, for that store, over the next 3 and a half months. I learned so much about sales and how to really hone the craft of it, while there. My manager helped me tremendously with my confidence, and my ability took over from there.
  3. I disagree. There are few things more fun then being at the gym. I've never gotten an adrenaline rush riding a motorcycle or dirt bike like I have at the gym lifting. I mean banging out that last set, your veins are bulged out, your muscles are begging to stop. Your buddy is getting you fired up, your brain is totally focused on getting that last set done. The bar is cold in your hands, sweat is pouring down your face, every last ounce of you is screaming to give up, but you ain't gonna let yourself down. Not now. You've come to far to quit. It would be so easy to rack the bar and call it a day. However that sick feeling will rise from your gut if you quit. That sick feeling that makes you want to vomit because you lied to yourself. You didn't give it your all. You just quit and gave up. So you knock out your five reps, and your lifting buddy screams "TO HELL WITH THE PAIN ONE MORE!!!" Now your adrenaline is fully pumping. The testosterone is pumping, its making your brain go into overdrive. The Lactic acid has built up and you are hurting but can't feel it anymore, because the adrenaline has blocked it out. Without missing a beat you throw the weight up and nail that last rep with a ROAR!!! Your mind goes hazy as you rack the bar. You have done it. You beat it. You won. You bang fist with your buddy and look at yourself in the mirror. Knowing you have just gave it your all, and then some. That's the kind of rush you get lifting at the gym. If you ain't puking you ain't lifting hard enough.
  4. Mac10 clone with barrel extension and stock. It classifies as a long gun. Same with putting a kit on a glock. IE stock or bull pup conversion kit. It changes the classification of the firearm. So long as you fill out the paperwork and don't remove the accessories. Your all right. Dont purchase the accessories until the paperwork is approved either. They will lock you up for that. An AR is ridiculous for an automotive defense weapon. Sawed off riot pump worked wonders for me. Stick with a shotgun or wait til your older and get a pistol. Trying to move something with a long barrel and stock in a confined space is beyond difficult. You will have a mag dumped into you before you can even get the danged thing up. Unless something has changed on the short barrel AR and AKs. I believe they still classify as handguns. So I think that would rule those out. Plus your going to be outgunned with a 30 rd mag anyway. My AK shoots 100 rd drums and 75rd drums. Hell even my glock has a 100rd drum. Drums are expensive to buy. As in 300 dollars plus as of my most recent shopping excursion. Gotta wait for the prices to drop again.
  5. Around 245 to 235 is ideal for me. I look completely shreded at 225. Its just too much work to maintain at that weight. Until I tore the upper head off my right bicep I was looking good. I was around 260 to 265 solid. I was also banging tons of juice too though. I got off the juice and dropped to 253 over a 4 month span. I was travelling a lot at the time and couldnt maintain work and lifting. My weight finally settled out at 245. Thats where it stayed for about a year and a half. Once my bicep tore I ballooned to 330. Ive been fighting my way back for the last year and a half. Healthy eating has always played an enourmous part in getting and staying in shape.
  6. I know right. Dang supplements are expensive. Plus its a gamble on what works and what does not. I'm sticking with what I know works this time.
  7. Yup life is good. Turned 30 today and am starting a major change in my career. Hopefully it pays dividends. Its taken me three years to finally make this jump. Its gonna work out, because I REFUSE to fail in this. I'm about to pay off the last of my debt. Its taken four years but its almost done. My son is healthy. My wife may be pregnant, we don't know yet. Hopefully by Christmas we will have another little one on the way.
  8. Hells yeah brother. I got fat too! Injured my hammies and my knee. I gained 40 lbs in three months. I'm down for it. Oh! And all you naysayers trashing supplements. I got something for all yall! Its called whey protein and hormones! I'm making bank again! So I'm gonna do it up right this go around. Lets see how massive I can get in 90 days. Oh, and whey protein is integral to making it all work. Got to feed them muscles somehow.
  9. I took a course or two before getting thrown out of college. I was majoring in philosophy with a plan to go into corporate law. Heh. Oh well.
  10. I got one. Hes dang good at it too. Thank ya for the advice.
  11. That meat is long gone. I'm willing to bet there was a huge cookout that night. This problem transcends race and social status. Which is worse. The opportunist that raided the Wal-Mart's? Or the Wall Street bankers that stole billions? There are good and bad in all of society. These people saw an opportunity and took advantage of it. Its human nature. Its how they and everyone else was brought up. I'm not saying everyone was raised to lie cheat and steal. I'm saying they saw a chance to get a leg up and they went for it. If you saw a armored car wrecked in the median and cash laying everywhere. Would you stop to grab some? These bankers stole billions of dollars and crashed the economy. Half got raises and a slap on the wrist. They saw an opportunity and went for it as well. The problem lies in people as a whole. Not in social class.
  12. Dang it brought tears to my eyes too. Thanks for sharing that.
  13. Hell no my life didn't turn out the way I thought it would. Not even close to what I figured I would be doing or be at. I'm so far off what I figured I would be doing, that the distance between the sun and mars is closer. I'm happy as hell though. I love how my life is working out. I wouldn't change it for anything. Life is a trip. Enjoy it. You only get to ride it once. Hell go travel around do something. Make the most out of your time here. Go buy a "lady of the night", go wrestle a gator, go punch a duck in the face! (Kidding DONT punch a duck!) Quit worrying about the past, or your gonna miss the present.
  14. That's what I got you for. Ol buddy Ol pal. I'm not sure how they have the tax part set up yet. I find all that out tomorrow. I also get to find out how they have the pay set up and what the scale is. If its the way I think it is. I might be bringing home more money than I originally thought. As for the taxes. I find all that out tomorrow.
  15. He is definitely walking into a different world. I specialized in instrumentation, pipe running, and control work. Two of which he has a lot of exposure too. Instrumentation he has never seen nor done. Not many electrical companies in Alabama do it. There is a very fine art to doing it. The stainless or copper tubing is extremely visible. They won't it to look visually appealing and perfectly level and plumb. Precision has a ton to do with it. I've helped install equipment that had to be level to within 1/50000th of an inch. The shims were thinner than camera film. His control work will help with the instrumentation some as will his pipe work. He is hell bent on learning to weld. He wants to learn all about pipe fitting and welding different pipes. The welder/fitter that he will be learning from is probably the best stainless welder in Alabama. He is the one that taught me, and has been welding for about 18 years now. Welding fascinates the boy. Which it did me too when I was first learning. He saw some 72in stainless air line I welded as well as some structure I helped weld and erect. That was all she wrote when he saw those. His dad is a thirty year electrician at the company I used to work for. He told him to learn multicraft and come work with me when I get things up and running. I'm kind of honored he has such a good opinion of me. I turned this helper around. He was on the chopping block before they stuck him with me. He is now one of the top helpers at the company. He got his high voltage certs a few months ago and is doing awesome now. Heck, I don't even have that certification. It just took the right amount of butt chewing and encouragement to get him doing right. The relationships you develop with your journeyman and sometimes your master as a helper last forever. At least it has for me and a ton of my friends. You work with these people everyday, and half the time end up on the road with them a lot. It fosters a very family like bond between them. Its similar to what you share with your baseball team mates and I shared with my football team mates. As I've said before the traded are fun.
  16. Definitely makes things go easier, when you can find someone that loves your line of work as much as you do. I never thought about it from a non trade perspective. However, I guess it does apply to other occupations as well. My last helper and I still keep in touch about work and life in general. Heck the Journeyman that trained me and I still talk weekly. We haven't worked together in 3 years now.That 20 year old (being my last helper) has more want to then any other helper I have ever had. Once things get started rolling with my buddy and my joint venture next year. Hes jumping ship from the company he is at now, and joining us. That poor electrical helper is about to have a whole new world opened up to him.
  17. You ain't kidding. I have learned more from him then I ever thought possible. He was one of the best bosses I have ever worked for. He worked his way through engineering school as an electrician. Got his masters license before he graduated. He holds a master license in 16 states. He knows what its like from both sides of the spectrum. You are right I really can't describe it. He has helped me so much in learning to live the life I do.
  18. Just got a call from my original master electrician. He knows of two Shutdowns starting up the first week of January. He said he can get me onto one of those. Those two will be 9 weeks and 12 weeks respectively. He said he will guide me and help me get my new career path going. Including helping me and my pipe fitter get our company started up later in 2014. I worked under him from apprentice until Journeyman. He sold his business right after I got my card. He has been my mentor for the last 8 years. Every move i have made since i left their, he has advised me with. He has been a close family friend for the last 43 years. The man owned and started a contracting company and engineering company that was pulling in millions of dollars a year profit. I feel as if I'm good hands in this endeavour.
  19. Yup. Two month shutdown. Then its back to hunting more shutdowns, or long term employment. I'm intending to take three or four weeks off after the job wraps up. Unless something else catches my eye. Its nice cause I'm not working directly for a company. I'm working through them as a sub.
  20. Thank ya sir.
  21. Its hard work, but I can make you wealthy. When you get the time hit me up. We are gonna be running 6in rigid conduit. I believe it weighs around 160 lbs per 10 foot section. 9 pipes running 200 ft before reducing down or landing in their respective locations. Lots of smaller pipe, and tons of big wire and little wire to pull and terminate. Working on some silos and towers that are 200 feet up too. I'm as giddy as a school girl.
  22. Well come on down. I can bring a peraon ith me. Helpers are making 2 dollars less an hour than journeyman.
  23. I'm excited as all get out about it. My wife is more excited than I am about it. Nice part is they are putting me on as an independent subcontractor. My ol lady is talking about having me get up with three of my buddies and go around and work shutdowns. Assuming all goes well with this. It can open up hundreds of new opportunities for me. I like the idea of traveling around the country for a bit. Especially the idea of taking four weeks off after each job completes.
  24. Start working a two month shutdown next Monday. The money totals out to 18000 in my pocket. Unless they want us to work more than 72 hours a week. Then it increases. Plus I get to see my wife and son on Sunday's. Looks like I got to put my body through hell one more time. I'm telling ya the money is good in the trades. Its hell just trying to make ends meet.
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