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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I thought people would get a chuckle from it. Everyone always ask what gun for this and that. So I figured I would go to the extreme end of it. The other most common questions seem to be in regards to magazine capacity and knockdown power. Well 100+ rounds per minute is about the most knockdown you can hope for. Short of an anti-material rifle, artillery piece, or warhead. Dang I think I just gave myself a new topic idea. Funny how them dogs give them looks ain't it.
  2. Could be interesting. Aside from the concussive blast.
  3. That was freaking AWESOME! A tracked artillary piece!! Oh heck yeah!
  4. As long as my flame thrower will deliver it. Air strikes are expensive.
  5. Not a bad idea. Burn baby burn.
  6. I'm looking for a machine gun or machine pistol for everday carry and self defense. I was thinking a SAW or AA12 ( I know its a automatic shotgun). However for concealments sake. I think a Glock 18, Mac 11, or Mac 10 may work better. An Uzi is too big to conceal comfortably. What are your thoughts? An M16 or Kalashnikov might be a decent choice too. I just want to feel completely safe from any and everything while walking the streets. Plus I would hate to be out numbered and lack sufficeint firepower if i were to get jumped by a marauding gang of hoodlums. Also belt fed or magazine fed? To anyone reading this without a sense of humor. I'm just funning yall! This is about as serious as a turnip.
  7. I believe the Dayton Family sums it up pretty good. " Can you talk? If So then tell me how the shotty feels. Like Blapppp! ----- ------ take that! You can't survive the Mossberg, You ain't gangsta like that!" "Got him with my Mossberg sawd off 12guage pump. Every time I say your name he holla THUCK THUCK THUCK!" Or my all time favorite quote. "I like them guns that rattle, burp, and chatter." -ChelseaFC Hunter-
  8. Is a happy stick the same as a disco stick? :D I couldn't help myself.
  9. I had an interview in my truck during one of my breaks at work. The owner of another company drove to the jobsite and interviewed me there. We were working 14 hour days and I couldn't miss work. He gave me a bottle of water and a protein bar! I thought it was extremely nice of him.
  10. Well dang. You would think they could compact them somewhat. Still interesting though.
  11. Oh I do do cardio. Just not high intensity. I do about 45minutes of it three days a week when I do upper body.
  12. Least your doing it for the right reasons. I see too many people languishing and hating their jobs. Yet they are too lazy or unmotivated to make a change. I respect what you are doing.
  13. I dunno. I've never seen Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, or Branch Warren banging out high intensity cardio. I'm going for the freakishly jacked look. Sorta body builder or world's strongest man look.
  14. That ain't bad for 41 credits. Least its going quick.
  15. Sounds like new school Taiboo or however it was spelled. I thinks I will stick with my calorie packed diet and weights. I will just leave the high intensity cardio workouts to all yall skinny and want to be skinny folks. I do plyometrics and that's about as far as it goes. I aint a navy seal and I'm not training for combat.
  16. Yes I am. I've always thanked them for their time. Shook hands and went on my merry way. Just learned something else new. Corporate people are strange.
  17. Places give second interviews?!? I've never heard of such. Guess I learned something new today.
  18. Apparently I'm the only one with a sense of humor. I got it right away. That junk was hysterical. I only send thank you notes if I make it worth their while. Otherwise nope.
  19. I disagree. In an interview I want to get to know as much about them as they do about me. How can my skills help them. How can they make use of my skills. What are they offering me for my skills. How can I further and hone my skills while working there. Yeah, it is all about me in that interview. Money is the third thing to be brought up. After the what I do, and what they do. If the money isn't there, then there is no reason to continue. Your time is valuable, and my time is valuable. I'm always polite and courteous in my interviews. I've never rudely declined a job in an interview before. It all comes down to benefits and money.
  20. Ive been getting them for awhile now. Looking for DaNisha. One guy refused to believe me thst I wasn't DaNisha. Said he was gonna come take my car. I told him drive on down to Bama and we can have a boot party. He started his tough guy routine and I told him some associates of mine would be waiting with a blow torch and two pipe wrenches for him. He back tracked real quick after that. Decided I didn't sound like a girl and wished me a good day. The last time they called a month ago I informed them DaNisha was in a horrible accident with an 18 wheeler and decapitated. I even kind of sniffled when I told them. They were so apologetic and kind to me when I told them that sob story. Havent heard a word out of them since.
  21. My dad has had both knees cut on for a total of 6 times. His knees are great. Hasn't had any problems out of them since the last surgery.
  23. Thanks for clarifying that. I knew they were one of the two. I just couldn't remember which.
  24. Oh, I have no doubt it is a work out. If it works then by all means do it. I can definitely see the mechanics of ut now. What you are describing is definitely a full body workout. Sounds like a blast too. I just prefer the gym.
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