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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Always liked playing woods ball. Also enjoyed playing in abandoned buildings and indoor setups. Nevef could get into playing with all the inflateable stuff.
  2. Added "other" too it as well. I figure why limit it to just them two. Tried to make it a public viewable poll, but my phone ain't letting me do that. If a moderator can change it for me it would br much appreciated. I can add square, round, and triangle as well if yall want.
  3. That made me hungry. I know what I'm making for dinner tomorrow.
  4. Well is it Chicago or New York? Or does all depend on what your in rhe mood for. I'm going with Chicago style. I like having a 2lb slice of goodness.
  5. Nope that's mink. Im gonna rock chinchilla.
  6. I'm built about like one. Even got the fur! Plus a soon to be, gnarly mountain man beard/giant goatee!
  7. Specifically, North or South Dakota, Montana, or Wyoming? I found some work in those areas I'm debating on. Pay is good and work sounds fun. However being born and raised in the Deep South. I am curious as to what the weather is like up there. Is it always white and frozen all winter? Or will it thaw out sometimes? Exactly how cold is it? Yeah I can look it up, but I'm curious about first hand accounts. Also do the people live in igloos in aome of the wilderness areas? This isn't a deal breaker I'm just curious.
  8. Howitzer would be interesting. Though that's a bit more of a truck gun.
  9. That there is funny. Probably see the dang thing from space when you turn it on.
  10. Preach on Brother RAMBLER! I agree with that message.
  11. Wow, your chipper and cheerful today. My life would be even more drastically different if I didn't have the family I do. My dad grew up with next to nothing. Everything he ever got he worked his butt off for. Its always listening to him and his brothers talk about it. They made the most with what little they had, and apparently had a lot of good times. His dad. My grandpa was a full blown alcoholic. He drank all their money away and they moved around a lot. My dad left home at 17 so he could finish his senior year of high school where he was. Was a top ranked football recruit and went to Auburn with a full ride. He ended up getting thrown out of school down there. Anyway. He has always worked his butt off and he instilled that in me. There were many months I never saw my dad except for weekends. He worked 2nd shift at a pipe plant for a long time until day shift job came available. He was asleep when I left for school and at work when I woke up. Even on a lot od weekends I rarely saw him. He worked 12 and 14 hour days seven days a week for months on end. Longest he went was around a year and a half with no days off other than holidays. The man has truely inspired me like no other. My mums parents were successful as far as money goes. They did good for themselves and made sure our family and those of my cousins never went without the essentials. I started doing yard work and other odd jobs for them when I was 13. With the exception of 2 years when I was in school, I haven't missed but maybe 12 weekends working for them since that time. My grandpop I saw more than my dad growing up. He was a retired mechanical engineer, and one of the smartest people I have ever known. He helped me develop the thirst for knowledge and reading that I have now. Its just amazing to me how much my family has had an impact on my life. To imagine how different things could have turned out for me without them is insane to me. Okay I'm done with my novel now.
  12. Yup but apparently a 1 loss Auburn is better than most of them. Only ranked one week and already down at 11.
  13. Kill it, clean it, gut it, and boil the meat. Its a drawn out process to clean and gut it. You can boil them, fry them, grill them.
  14. That's the only thing I have ever caught fishing a spinner bait. I'm up to 9 as og the time of this posting. The snapping turtles in Alabama love the dang things. They put up one hell of a fight too. Hardest part is getting the bait back w ithout getting bitten. After the first one took a chunk out of me. (He got eaten for that stunt) I've started using a 3/4in stainless pipe to wedge their mouths open. Cut the barb off and it slides right out. I just think its cruel to leave a hook and giant lure sticking through their mouth.
  15. Grrrrr Arf UConn Stalin Vladimir Mishka
  16. I got a 7mag that will drop them bucks for ya.
  17. Just learned something new from this. I have a test on all this next year. Plus I'm about to be an independent contractor. Glad I have a good accountant.
  18. Life ain't easy. Never was or will be. You gotta take the good with the bad. Learn from your mistakes and keep at it. Happiness is created by you and only you. Sounds like your in a rough patch right now. Just keep your head up and no things will get better. You got to work hard at whatever you do. Nothing is ever given. At least it wasn't to me. Only thing I was given were opportunities. I took them and worked my butt off. It has paid dividends for me. Be the best at whatever your doing. If thats being a engineer. Then be the best engineer you can be. If that's cleaning toilets. Then be the best toilet cleaner you can. See where I'm going with this? Put 100% into whatever you do. You may not think so, but people will notice. Another tidbit. Be passionate about what you do. Find something you enjoy doing and make it happen. You spend the majority of your life at work. You might as well enjoy what your doing. May take some trial and error, but you will figure it out. Lastly. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of life. Its what we learn from. If you don't learn from your failure you will not find success. For instance. I nuked a 480 step down transformer when I was an apprentice. I wired a A/C disconnect wrong and when the phases crossed it blew the disconnect off the wall. I was a second year apprentice and should have known better. I wasn't paying attention and boom. I've never made either of those mistakes again. I learned from them. Your gonna be fine homie. Just keep after it.
  19. I like how you think. Set up an ambush with the claymores. Then call in an airstrike on their main force, and light em up like furry match sticks. Could be expensive. Sounds fun though.
  20. It has now been added to netflix.
  21. Oh My God in heaven!!! I think I am in love with a firearm!!!
  22. Them thar dang tree rats are reaking havoc in the pine trees around here. They scurry around make annoying sounds and drop pine cone spikes everywhere. Well today one bombed me with a pine cone. This is war dang it. I think they partnered up with some of the resident opossum for night time raids. A .22 and .17 ain't making much head way against these vermin. So I figure its time to call in the big boys. Yall think a 50BMG or 20mm anti tank round would be sufficent against these furry varmints? If not I think I can get some artillery and man power from the local military reserve units. I know it sounds like over kill, but I swear one of them opossom was wearing a kevlar ceramic vest the other night. Again this is all in jest. I ain't going to blast the friendly furry forest critters with anti material rifles. So yall don't get yalls panties in a wad.
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