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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Took you long enough.
  2. HOLY CRAP! That looks EXACTLY like me when I had hair! I'm not sure that it isn't me!
  3. Until I get my license for ND it is being put on the back burner. I'm decuding between a shutdown in Ct. and a long term shutdown in Arkansas. Arkansas is in tge South so im pretty well aware of what to expect. Ct. is another animal entirely. I know nothing about New England during the winter. Any of yall Yankees help me out on this?
  4. Is that so Grizzly Adams?
  5. I had a marathon Call Of Duty weekend. This time I actually slept and did some other stuff though. Still I spent the largest chunk of time playing CoD.
  6. Fine if the tofu farting fairies want to play that game. Ill play that game right back. Lets see how the tree huggera like it when I launch a missle up their bum. WANTED: Predator drones. Anywhere between 5-10. Need to be fully armed and operational. Preferably painted black and silver. Camo is fine though, its not a deal breaker.
  7. I know right! I'm so proud of me!
  8. He was a fine looking dog.
  9. I'm organizing my hunting and fishing stuff right now. Washing my camo and drying it on the line. Sorting through my in house ammo. And playing a video game. MW3 if anyone else plays on PS3 hit me up.
  10. Shhhhhhh. You can't use that word. They will throw you out of the head shops for saying that.
  11. A magic smoking lamp is a water pipe.
  12. I was feeling nostalgic the other day. So I looked at some magic smoking lamps via the internet. Not to buy. Just to see if any new and amazing designs had come out. Some of those things look freaking awesome. Well now thanks to google and the other ad companies. All my dang banner ads are filled with tobacco water pipes! I personally find it rather amusing. I go to hundreds of other sites during the day, and google picks just that one. Must have a contract with them or something.
  13. They were also bred to be nanny dogs. If you and the missus were going to the neighbors or some friends house. This was way back when. You would leave the older and younger children at home with the dog. Or if yall were going into town. The dog would insure nothing bad happened to the children. That provides some proof as to them not being bred to be people aggressive.
  14. I can't fight the urge. Just put a paper bag over her head.
  15. Dang it! I cant wtite what I want to. Ill get in trouble. I want to make that comment so bad too. But it would be demeaning towards women I think.
  16. Waterford and Lamoge or however the hell its spelled. Only thing I got made by Swarovski is a rifle scope.
  17. LOLYall ain't laying your filthy mitts on my stuff. Ive got 85% of it put away now. Besides what's left is all fragile and expensive.
  18. Yup. Neighbors dog came in the yard when she was out back. It startes barking and growling at her. She wasn't having it and locked and shook. Had to pry her jaws off that dang dog with a shovel handle. It was not a good day for me.
  19. Never owned an APBT. All mine were AmStaffs. They were true ambassadors for their breed. With the exception of one. She was the most dog aggressive nut case I have ever owned. She was lovely and sweet with people. She just did NOT like any other dog. We got her when I was in school she was a few years old and had amazing bloodlines in her. Absolutely gorgeous dog. After she killed the neighbors dog I had to get rid of her. Once we get out of this apartment and get a house I'm gonna get two more. Use em as catch dogs for pig hunting.
  20. Ughhh! I got to unpack this dang apartment. Boxes boxes everywhere. Then I get to hopefully relax all day tomorrow and Sunday. Still debating throwing a Saturday night party though. Yall all fly or drive (your preference) on down! I may even load the place down with them beautiful Southern Women you Yankees are always hearing about.
  21. I have access to my phone all day.
  22. I gotcha homie. I'm sorry bout your pops. Thats rough man. Hope everything works out for ya.
  23. The boy is staying with his aunt until Sunday. The wife is working a Emaus walk. I am all alone with the dog til they get back on Sunday. This is actually kinda lonely. If I ain't have a side job tomorrow I would load up the dog and my parents fiest and go coon hunting all night. Maybe I'll do like the old days and throw a kegger tomorrow night. See if I can manage to stay outta trouble now that I'm older.
  24. :D ROFLMFAO :D That is beyond hysterical!
  25. Good choice in weapon too.
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