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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Dang it boy. Grizz is selling from 1.99 to 2.30 a can. Ill see if I can't bring a sleeve or two up with me.
  2. 15-20 bucks is the price of a case of budlight down here. Heck the Beast is only 6.99 for 24
  3. To quote kid rock. Yall comin straight outta Compton. I'm comin straight out the trailer. Funny part is. I've never lived in a trailer at anytime in my life.
  4. Oh its hilarious watching me fold myself out of that dang focus. Gonna try that beer when I get there.
  5. I gotta Envoy XL Denali slammed, tinted, on air ride suspension with 20s on it. Its getting 22s or 24s when i get home. Its not really country though.We got a 64 Impala convertible sitting on blocks at my father in laws. My wife and I are working on restoring it so to speak. Its got 4 HiLo pumps in the trunk. Needs a new engine and some other work done to it. I wanted to have it done in time to take with me. Nothing says East Coast like a Cali G ride.
  6. Now that is funny! Especially with my little Ford Focus.
  7. Well the Bostonians are gonna be called chowda heads. Yankee is too complex for my Southern vocabulary. I'm shortening it to Yank.
  8. I'll try an get my buddy from Jersey to come over and do that once the shutdown ends.
  9. Glad I'm only going for six weeks. No off days. Ten hours a day straight through. Get two days for thanksgiving then back to it. Figure Ill swing through New York and pester Clayton on my way home.
  10. Arrr matey! Them thar skallawags and winches best be prepared!
  11. Boys, I hate to tell yall this but the South is gonna do it again! Alll snap I'm gonna blare if heaven ain't a lot like Dixie when pulling up!
  12. Connecticut. For 6 weeks. I'm wearing some camo overalls no shirt. My wellington Carolina boots a confederate bandanna with a cowboy hat over it and a piece of hay in my mouth for my arrival. I'm driving up so I will be there the night before work starts. First words outta my mouths gonna be a big ol' "How yall boys doin up heya!?!" By God I got this planned out. Glad I got a Mississippi boy and a Georgia boy going too. They are in on it too.
  13. Ok. I need some Yankee slang for when I head up North. I got, youse guys and hada (as in hit it hada) in a boston accent. I need some more stuff though.
  14. That is a gnarly mailbox. I like it.
  15. Balderdash and piffle!!!
  16. A spiked collar for my cat comes to mind first. 40 bucks for this thing and the stupid cat lost it. It was a three row spiked bracelet I converted to a collar. Some various golf clubs come to mind too. Let me mull it over for a bit. I have bought some insanely stupid things. 1000 dollar bottle of champagne, jewellery. I know I can top those though.
  17. I wasn't joking. If I see one over my private property I will blow it out of the sky.
  18. I'm equal opportunity. I will gladly separate the person running the drone from their computer. I mean heaven forbid my .308 or .338 were to over penetrate their lap top and splash into their chest. I figure if a .338 is good enough to go through body armor or veichle at distance. A laptop or car door shouldn't do much to stop it. Glad we don't have those whack jobs in Alabama. They know some redneck will nail them to the wall just as fast as a deer head.
  19. Naw that was in the "good" part of Birmingham. The North side has gotten better as long as you stay inside the area with the big buildings. Once you venture out of the main city you will most likely be mugged or shot at night time. Unless you head East then you w ill just get stared at. It gets bad to the West. Head South and that's where all the prosperous suberbs are. At least once you cross Red Mountain and get into Homewood (new money) or Mountain Brook (extremely old money and estates and mansions.
  20. Best one I have ever heard. Will be storung that away fir later.
  21. ROFLOL!!! We got some of them here in bama.
  22. I've decided I might as well exploit yall Yankees some if I make it up there. I got to take a test for some kind of license before I go. I'm gonna make a flick in my spare time, while I take up residency there. Gonna call it "Yale Girls Gone Southern"! The tag line will be, "Brain meets Brawn"!
  23. I tend to hang out around various places in the state. Central and north Alabama mostly. Never really ventured past southern North Carolina in the past 30 years. Went to DC for a week during the summer when I was 17. Went to Flint and Flushing Michigan for two weeks when I was 3. Other than that I've strictly stayed in the Deep South. Never had much of a reason until now to explore the rest of the country. With the exception of North Carolina 3 times. The Ham ain't too bad. I stay in the suburbs so I don't have to deal with the filthy city too much. Aside fron working in the steel mills and other structures there. I tend to avoid it now. Heavens knows I tagged almost every building and train car in that place when I was a teenager. I like it down here. Everyone is friendly. The government tends to leave us be, in our own little redneck wonderland. Food is good. Can fish year round. Hell you live here you know what I mean. Plus them Yankees are just strange. I have no problem taking their money and sending it back down here though.
  24. No idea yet. I believe they said a chemical plant. Its a 2 year job working 9months on with 3 months off. Would be working 5 10s for the first 7 months then up to 7 12s for the last two months. I'm going to call about the location tomorrow.
  25. I am quite eerie. So what's the deal with grits up north? Will I still be able to aquire them or will I be stuck eating (blech) oatmeal? Also as I would be working 7 10s, are the women up there decent looking or do they all look like Snooki? My wife told me to ask that.
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