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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Sounds quite similar to a wolfs angle. Currently I'm debating between popping them with a .223 and making a coat. Or hitting them with a .308 or 45-70 and making them splatter. Either way it's win win. Kinda leaning towards the coyote coat though.
  2. Ex broad at work huh? Just ignore her. Interact professionaly enough. DO NOT verbally fight with her. Take the high road and ignore her. If all else fails and you can't work with her. Then find a new place of employment. However, take heart in this little nugget of knowledge. All this will come back and bite her in the butt. It may not be tomorrow. It may not be a year from now. Rest assured though. It will definitely come back and bite her. And when it does. When it all crashes down on her you can stand back and laugh your butt off.
  3. Hey Catch and Grease, Listen to 99 problems by Jay Z. That will put you in a better mood.
  4. Current. Only child, both parents are extremely high up and we'll respected in their current fields. She is fiercely loyal and loving. Loves to fish, hunt, and ride motorcycles. Loves tats and piercings too. Plus she is an amazing mother and step mother.
  5. I married a spoiled rotten only child. Does that count?
  6. Happy birthday Glenn!!!
  7. They are both one in the same now. The desktop has become mobile. While the mobile has become desktop. For the Buddha says, if here is where we are then are we really here?
  8. That's what's pulling me towards it so much. I really need the stability and the money. It feels like when I just traded in my truck. I don't particularly want to do it. However, it feels like I have to do it. The two friends that got my foot in the door here. Aren't steering me wrong. I know that too.
  9. My own personal coyote army! LMAO
  10. There are a bunch of them out and about where I live. They are extremely intelligent and adaptable. If I can ever get her father to ease up on his fears of me shooting a neighbors dog. (Because apparently, all dogs and coyotes, look the same at night. I know go figure.) Then I can most definitely start hunting them at the house more. Currently I am having to be opportunistic about hunting them. You know just going for a walk around the property with my rifle and flashlight while dressed in camo. I'm half tempted to start taking my wife's crossbow out with me. At least then there isn't a gunshot to give away what I'm doing.
  11. Haven't heard or seen a single coyote for the last three weeks. Well the little buggers have picked the last two nights to show back up. Soon as the Temps hit 30 they came back. Both dogs started going nuts tonight and last night. I grabbed my trusty Glock and flashlight and walked outside. I started down the driveway after greeting my noisy dogs and looked to my right. I saw 3 pairs of eyes shining back at me. One set about 25 yards off. The other two sets about 50 to 60 yards off. All of them in the wood line past the neighbors gravel driveway. I crept forwards knowing they could see me as well as I could them. The two furthest retreated back further. The closest one watched me until I was about 15 yards from it. Then trotted off. I wasn't particularly interested in taking a shot with the glock from 15 yards out. (Seeing as he wasnt being threatening towards me or anything.) The other things being having to go walk him down if I hit him, and then having to dress him and all that fun stuff. It was cool getting to see him kind of up close though. Not that I'm wide awake. I'm tempted to dress out, wake the wife and go nestle down beside porch out of the wind. See if I can't call them back in. My .308 will drop him close so I shouldn't have to track him down. Only problem is, I really don't feel like skinning out a coyote tonight if I do get them to come back. Decisions decisions......
  12. Get off at 2 or 230!?! Heck we start at 6 and dont get off work until 530 or 6. That's been that way for the last 6 or 7 years. I am giving tons of thought. The benefit package is absolutely amazing that they are offering. As is the pay. However, my heart truly lies with construction work. I've honestly wanted to be a industrial or heavy commercial construction worker since I was a child. I love building stuff and working with my hands. Doing ironwork and conduit running are two of my favorite things. However, I also really enjoy money and expensive stuff. I'm quite fond of luxury vehicles, boats, bikes, champagne, cognac, and cigars. It would give me more time to focus on the bike business a buddy and I are talking about starting. It would give me more time with family, i think. Yet it still kind of goes against my stance on stuff, my belief system if you will. I enjoy being able to be myself and decorate myself however I choose to. It's very conflicting to me right now. Maybe the quote from SLC Punk describes it. "Remember son, I didn't sell out. I bought in."
  13. I dislike both teams. My wife would want me to say Bama. However, I just don't think I can pull for either of them. Most likely I am going to go for bama in this one though....
  14. Preach on brother.
  15. Sucks quite a bit. Life is xxxx, and then we die! Bro, I can tell you it happens, everyone goes through it. Don't let a female drag you down there are over a billion women in the world. You will find the right one. Don't be self destructive because you are hurt. Be proactive about it. Go lif the weights at the gym. Exercise. Get off your butt and stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's some of the best advice I have been given. Don't let someone else control your life like that. You know something, I spent 11 years with the wrong woman. I found the one I wanna spend my life with in 2014. I thought I knew what love was until she came along. I would sell my soul if it would keep her safe forever. Cause without her, I can't be. Drinking and drugs couldn't possibly feel the void. What I'm trying to say is you will know when you find the right one. As for being broke. I have worked sporadically the last 2 months. I got married and have worked 4 of the last 9 weeks. I have wiped out all three savings accounts. I am 2 months behind on all my bills. I need to make over 4000 dollars in the next month just to get everything caught back up so that it will only be 10 to 20 days behind. That's just how life goes. Things will get better. They always do. Go listen to, Ain't no fun, by Snoop Dogg. I think it will sum up some of what I'm trying to tell you.
  16. I could care less about making friends with those I work with as well. I hang out with my wife after work. I really have no desire to go to "work" functions and what not in my free time. I do my job as best I can, and when I leave, work is an after thought. It's taken me a LONG time to get into that mindset, and still I have difficulty with that sometimes. I honestly don't let my job define who I am anymore. That took working with a bunch of people who ONLY let their job define them. To a almost fanatical level. I would sat I can't believe you said for that lady to feed her cat to the coyotes. However, that sounds almost word for word what I would have said.
  17. Being able to somewhat converse with them in their mother tongue may help a little bit too. Thanks for the advice.
  18. Wow! That is hysterical. Please share this story. LMFAO On the plus side. I have met both the CEO and CFO of said company about four years ago. While fishing in the ponds outside the plant. Yup I have a signed permission slip in both English and German to fish on their property. The company is based out of Germany.
  19. I never come across as an a hole...... Sound advice too.
  20. Does that include me?
  21. I have an interview with a Major pharmaceutical company for a maintenance position. Basically, I helped build this plant from the ground up 5 years ago. I have a phone interview with them in a week. However, the face to face interview is what is bothering me. I have been in construction my whole adult life. I'm tatted up, bearded up, muscled up, and close to 300lbs. I'm not really the most "professional" looking person in the world. I mean I look extremely professional for the line of work I am in. Should I try to soften my image for this interview? I truly am at a loss here. Now granted my friend that submitted my resume to them tells me they are extremely desperate for a multi craft electrician. So they are beyond willing to negotiate.
  22. We don't have inspections down south. At least not in the deep south. I'm not great with car and truck mechanics. However, I know with the Mercedes that get imported over here, not so much the diesels, that they are chipped down and "under powered". A Mercedes E55 AMG will run at around 180 to 200 MPH. However, it is governed to 130 MPH in the states. That engine is designed for higher performance then what the US will allow it to do. It was also selling at 105000 new when they were still making them. My Harley has stage 1 exhaust, air cleaner, and chip set. The chip set was designed by Harley Davidsons Screamin Eagle team. The bike was also Dyno tested and the parameters reset for the optimum torque and horsepower, as well as for better fuel consumption. You are correct I need what you say in regards to motors being built with a maximum horsepower in mind. However few are ever put to the potential that they can handle. I do agree bolting a turbo charger or supercharger onto a engine that is not designed for it is a bad idea. It will blow the engine unless you do the other work to it necessary for it work correctly.
  23. Just remove it and go about your business. Hell straight pipe and chip the truck. Then you don't have to worry about it. Only thing worse is the stupid O2 sensors they put on modern cars.
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