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Raider Nation Fisher

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Raider Nation Fisher last won the day on September 10 2013

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About Raider Nation Fisher

  • Birthday 10/16/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    B'ham Alabama
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Spotted
  • Favorite Lake or River
    My work ponds. Lake Logan Martin, Lake Purdy, Lake Martin
  • Other Interests
    Raiders football, Auburn football, UCONN basketball, Knives, Tattoo's, and chilling with my wife and four sons.

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Hawg (8/9)




Community Answers

  1. Sounds like I was completely wrong in what I was thinking. I'm definitely going to have to increase my cardio. I will also check out the altitude sickness medication. As well as the high altitude training mask. This sounds fascinating to me, and may be useful for helping with other things as well. Thanks for all the replies and stories yall! Yall are an awesome help and wealth of advice. I'll keep yall updated on how this all goes. Im excited about it, rediscovering nature has been awesome.
  2. I'm not allowed to post pics of many of those things on here. I will make sure to send you pics of what I share, so you can vouche. At least when I have them available.
  3. Alright. So I have been enjoying hiking and just being out in nature for quite a while now. Sometimes I hike to fish, cause some of the best spots are unreachable by road or vehicle. So I'm apparently going out to New Mexico in a couple months. I'm wanting to go hiking while out there. New terrain, new place, new environment. I am quite excited about the prospect of exploring the area around Santa Fe. Recently, I was told that I wouldn't be able to keep up on the 6 and 7 mile hikes. The reason being Santa Fe is 7000ft above sea level, whereas where I'm living us only 500ft above sea level. I average 15 to 18 miles walking a day. Most days are spent up ladders and down ladders or up and down stairs. The terrain is usually uneven as well. Will that altitude really make that much of a difference?
  4. Well thats completely rotten. Hope you are ok. Dang I just missed all kinds of stuff. That's what I'm saying. It was pretty much life as normal. I've mellowed some since last time I was here. Not much, but a little. I've gotten more into nature as of late, hiking, fishing, meditating, bike riding (when it's not broken), etc. etc. On the flip side though. I tend to party much harder now when I'm on the road working. Brother, I got some stories from my travels, that will melt your mind.
  5. LMFAO!!! Nice to see ya too brother! I feel ya on that one. Life got real busy real quick. I'm trying to slow it down now though. Gotta take a break from the road and from chasing money. Pays good, but very time consuming and chaotic. Bout to get a umbilical hernia repaired, so that's gonna shut me down for a month or so.
  6. Nice to meet ya too sir. I think it should be fun too! ROFLMFAO!!!!! Thats awesome! I may or may not have filled in for a little while during the replacement search. I mean it is all the bananas you can eat, so cramps aren't an issue. You can scratch yourself in public, and no one finds it weird or odd. Besides thump your chest occasionally, charge at some tourists, and then chill all day. It was almost like being at work somedays. Sup Brother!?! That's okay, I was late to respond. ?
  7. Born and raised down here. In some places around here, I think it is still legal currency. Lol!
  8. The big jar is 160 proof corn liquor. That's what I prefer to be sipping on. The middle jar, is apple pie moonshine. Its Everclear mixed with apple cider, apples, and cinnamon. Then left to soak for 3 or 4 days. It's especially good warmed up first, and some whip cream on top. The pickle jar on the right is my current drink. It's the last of what my buddy mixed up last night. It's sweet tea and a everclear herbal extract. It is extremely delicious.
  9. Sup Brother. Hope life is treating you well.
  10. Since I've spent the last 6 hours running one of these out the yard. I'm curious what yall call one of these, in yalls area. Down here in Bama I've always heard them called a Weedeater. So what's the name in Yalls areas???
  11. I was absolutely astounded it actually worked. I figured the amp would have blown them. That's dope, bet that 18 still bumped in the back of that Mazda, even with no amp. That's hysterical!! I bet the night hens were gawking!!!! That sounds about like something I would have done too.
  12. I'm impressed you held out that long. Should have kept the 80s model. Back when surround sound used to come with actual subs. Decent subs at that. I had a friend in high-school, that bought two huge home stereo speakers at the pawn shop. He hooked an amp to each sub, wired them to his car stereo, left them in their cabinets, and threw them in his trunk. It was like that old school song, King Kong in the Trunk.
  13. Sup Brother!!! How you been doing! Very stealthy and ninja like. Sup Brother!! Everything going well? Yeah they did. Like father like son apparently in that regard. Al was a MUCH better football mind then his son though.
  14. What's up? I don't mind at all. Let's see. I am many things. An electrician, a artist, a carnivor, a biker, a union brother, a fisherman, a dad, a husband, an ex-husband, etc. I've been bouncing around here for awhile. I take extended breaks from here, from time to time. Life tends to get really really hectic for me, with work, family etc. So when things slow down I come back to chill. I tend to hang out in this section and post random things. Some funny, some sad, some strange, lots are probably strange.... I do go to the other sections as well though. I just tend to do more reading then typing in those. The information here has always been amazing, and is coming in handy for teaching all these kids to fish. I just don't always have much to add, so I do my thing down here. I also really enjoy the conversation and the people on here. As for the Ladle of Legend. The abridged version. In a lack of judgment, I accidentally mocked the proprietor of a carry out Asian restaurant near where I used to live. This fool done came unglued! I also may or may not have continued to mock him after he became irate and was very rude to me. He then proceeded to brandish a soup ladle like a danged club, and charge at me. Chased me clear up out of that restaurant with that ladle. I mean running, swinging, the whole nine yards. I still can't go back to that place, and that was at least 15 years ago that happened. Personally, I find his/their cuisine wretched and foul, completely tasteless and bland. I would only go because my Future Exwife LOVED their food.
  15. LMFAO!!!!! I Aint seen that picture in years! I got that done the Friday before Thanksgiving. Never even once stopped to think it may interfere with my feasting. I couldn't eat anything but mashed potatoes and gravy, deviled eggs, and Mac and Cheese. We went to like 3 different Thanksgivings that year too, if I recall. One of which was the day after I had gotten it done. My goatee is like 80 or 90 percent white now. Ears are stretched to a half inch now too. I'm gonna have to save this to my phone. Edit: There ya go. There's ya a newer photo. That was taken at Lake Eire in Cleveland. About a month or so ago. It was windy as all heck that day.
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