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About Lcomfort

  • Birthday 11/04/1982

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    Mandarin/Jax FL
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  1. If your ever in North east FL PM me and Ill take ya for a ride. you wont believe what it feels like in 3rd gear when that boost rolls on hard and fast.. talk about being pinned in your seat! gotta becareful though you arent safe form lighting the tires up till about 115MPH lol no kidding. Ill post some pics of what we are building now when its finished! its a EVO Lancer VIII... we are building her to hopefully that little 4G63 will be making 850+ all wheel HP and torque to match shes gonna be a road course rocket!! And thats 850+ without spray.. I hate NOS I wont run it period.. I cant wait till shes done.
  2. I fish 1/4, 3/8 about 40% of the time I have a jig in my hand.. the other 60% its a 1/2 to 1oz. if you want a good rod for handling those smaller jigs for casting and pitching in light to med light cover a really nice 200 dollar rod is a Daiwa zillion casting rod model TDZL701MXB its a Med Xfast action rod that has a pretty good power but will limit you to light cover applications... But will handle that 1/8 to 1/2oz jigs and T rigs really well and is a very sensitive rod for that price range.. IMHO it fishes much better then its price range compared to other rods. they are light and pretty well balanced rods that look good and fish great. The Zillion 6'9MH XF model # TDZL691MHXB is a very powerful rod and can handle fairly heavy cover and makes a fine shorter pitching stick once again fairly light and balance is pretty good. it will handle 1/4oz jigs with ease so long as you have a reel that will handle 1/4oz good. the reason I bring this one up is because it will handle your target weight well and also can be used for many different lures and cover conditions then the MED. could. As i said before they are both very sensitive rods (compare sensitivity is in between a Loomis IMX and GLX.) well strong and durable rods that are well built and comfortable to fish with. I really think you would enjoy the a Zillion rod a lot. Another choice would be a Dobyns Champion Extreme DX 703C its rated a 1/4-3/4oz but mine handles 3/16th oz with ease with a Steez 103 on it. The Zillions are very nice rods at 200 and fish like a higher end stick but the Dobyns is a better rod but cost 100 more. If you are fishing light cover and dont need a ton of rod to move fish then the Dobyns 702C may be a better choice. If your looking for IMHO one of the best light lure bait casters out there pick you up a TD-Z 105 and now your talkin.
  3. Well this in itself is a very personal statement regarding balance. I personally CANNOT fish with a rod that's overly tip heavy. I have personally told Keith at Powell this. Personally, for me, it's a comfort thing. If you're 20 something, then it's not an issue. If you're 50-60 years old like some of us are, the arm muscles are a bit old and tired to begin with, balance can make or break a fishing day. The second part of your statement is what I have stated. If you're younger, no issues. Those young studs on the BASS tour can beat you with a broomstick ... been there done that; getting beat that is. LOL! You guys amaze me, now Ive heard it all. How did you guys ever fish prior to the Dobyns rod? I fish with a 70 year old retired Navy guy that smokes like a choo choo train. He cant stand and fish for a day, yet he has no problem fishing any kind of rod. Between you and David and your outlandish claims Im roflmao. Its no wonder more people fish now. It must be the great balance in the Dobyns rods. Not sayin Dobyns rods are not good, they are great rods. However both of you claims are hog wash. Someone asks for advice and you post a bunch of crap. If you can hold a Powell rod and fish for the day then there is another issue.. Im sure a Steez or new Loomis NRX would be even better. Its a fricking fishing rod. I know David is too young to know, but your claims are outlandish at best. My guess is you would catch just as many fish with a Berkley Lightening rod. Its just a tool, wake up! So what your saying is, in a different circumstance, but same principles apply, is that if you told a 5 year old to pound nails all day with a hammer, and you gave him a 24 oz hammer, that he could swing it just as long as a 16 oz hammer? Pshh, yeah right. And we all know we all can catch fish with any friggin' rod. Yes we can. I think what we're all trying to say is that a better more balanced rod is more ENJOYABLE to fish. We're NOT saying you cant catch fish with it. Would you rather fish with a uber light, sensitive, and cool looking Steez, or would you rather fish an heavier, unbalanced, not so sensitive Ugly Stik? Most will answer the Steez because it makes it more enjoyable. Nobody wants to be uncomfortable. But you can use whatever you like SeanW Well put my friend! you are tee totally RIGHT. I think its a lot of people that get mad because all they have to fish is what they got and not what they want so they trash everything else but would jump on the higher end gear in a half of a heart beat if they could have one.
  4. Well this in itself is a very personal statement regarding balance. I personally CANNOT fish with a rod that's overly tip heavy. I have personally told Keith at Powell this. Personally, for me, it's a comfort thing. If you're 20 something, then it's not an issue. If you're 50-60 years old like some of us are, the arm muscles are a bit old and tired to begin with, balance can make or break a fishing day. The second part of your statement is what I have stated. If you're younger, no issues. Those young studs on the BASS tour can beat you with a broomstick ... been there done that; getting beat that is. LOL! You guys amaze me, now Ive heard it all. How did you guys ever fish prior to the Dobyns rod? I fish with a 70 year old retired Navy guy that smokes like a choo choo train. He cant stand and fish for a day, yet he has no problem fishing any kind of rod. Between you and David and your outlandish claims Im roflmao. Its no wonder more people fish now. It must be the great balance in the Dobyns rods. Not sayin Dobyns rods are not good, they are great rods. However both of you claims are hog wash. Someone asks for advice and you post a bunch of crap. If you can hold a Powell rod and fish for the day then there is another issue.. Im sure a Steez or new Loomis NRX would be even better. Its a fricking fishing rod. I know David is too young to know, but your claims are outlandish at best. My guess is you would catch just as many fish with a Berkley Lightening rod. Its just a tool, wake up! Ah yeah your right "Just a tool" go to the Dollar store and buy a Socket set and watch how many bolts your round off or how many sockets you break using them... Now go and buy a set of Snap ons or Craftman and do the same thing with it. Theres always something better out there...I fish a few Dobyns Champion Extreme Casting Rods and they are nice rods and fish very well. Are they a Steez? no thats why I own 3 Dobyns and about 30 Steez rods I also Own many Megabass and Evergreen rods.. I paid 780-830 each for my 4 Evergreen Black ravens are they worth that? Yes or I wouldnt have bought three more after my first one. Are Dobyns rods better then Powells Yes they are but im comparing a 300 dollar rod to a 150 dollar rod as the Extreme is the only Dobyns rod I own/have fished and I have played with a few of my Nephews Powells while he was on the boat with me. The way some people act is there isnt a difference between a 500 dollar rod and a 40 dollar rod.. there is a HUGE difference between price ranges of rods and rods of the same price by different brands. Could I catch fish on a Powell sure and I have do they fish good yeah there ok... Do they fish, feel or look at good as the Dobyns NO they dont once again i cant compare it to the Savvy rods as I have never touched one. All I can say is in Sensitivity, weight, balance and over all crispness of the blank the powell doesnt compare to the Dobyns Champion Extreme series of rods and thats as plain as it can be stated. If David is comparing the Powells to the Dobyns Champion Extreme Rods then IMHO he is totally right it is a all around better rod. IMHO the Dobyns Champion Extreme rods are a sweet value at there prices when compared to what Im used to paying for rods.
  5. Awesome reel, I have a lot of them that are reels for guests on my boat. They fish very close to a Advantage HSTA just not quite as good. They are based on the Daiwa Advantage and are a steal at 60 bucks and a fair deal at 100.
  6. Sniper is a great line as well, I like shooter better but have always enjoyed Sniper it fishes very well.
  7. Ahh ok I see, I never have had a issue with mine.
  8. I have handled them in BPS but never fished the rods and they felt pretty light to me but as I said never fished one. I cant speak for them all Im talking about the 7'10MH crank bait rod. The shorter models are lighter im sure. This one tho is pretty heavy and like I said Balance is poor the rods very tip heavy with the Ringa on it but thats a pretty light reel weighing it at 7oz's so maybe a 8.0-9oz reel would help it from being so tip heavy. Its just not a rod I would want to fish all day lol. Interesting. I've handled the 7'10" a couple times now, the only reason I don't have that one is it won't fit in my truck. LOL! I do have the 7'4" model and really like it. Doesn't seem heavy to me. It is a little tip heavy but that doesn't bother me since I'm deep crankin with it and I keep the rod tip low. Maybe its just me with the weight.. On the other hand I am used to fishing mostly very light rods. I have a lot of steez sticks and as you know they are light so im more then sure that has something to do with it. Like I said im not trashing the rod by no means Just giving my opinion on it.
  9. I have handled them in BPS but never fished the rods and they felt pretty light to me but as I said never fished one. I cant speak for them all Im talking about the 7'10MH crank bait rod. The shorter models are lighter im sure. This one tho is pretty heavy and like I said Balance is poor the rods very tip heavy with the Ringa on it but thats a pretty light reel weighing it at 7oz's so maybe a 8.0-9oz reel would help it from being so tip heavy. Its just not a rod I would want to fish all day lol.
  10. "Paycheck!" Hit it on the head! Bass Pro has the money and he will say whatever to get it lol.
  11. Dodge guy, How much do they pay you or how many spools of that line did they give you to post so many pics of it??? LOL just kidding but boy your sure do love that stuff.
  12. Tritons Chine walk thats just how it is you can help it with tuning but you cant stop it.. All there hulls do it some worse then others but ive never drove one that didnt do it.
  13. I run a 2009 Nitro Z-9 250XS power and had the engine tuned by Simon motorsports and shes pushing around 340 to the prop the boat is rock solid at 85MPH you have to try to make the boat chine walk to get it to do it. it is with ease the easiest boat to drive past 80 ive ever run. I had a Bullet 21XD a while back with a moded 2.5 super shorty on it and that boat was 109MPH on GPS half tank of gas and no gear with one person. it was a real handful past 95MPH and got real hairy at 105MPH however the boat was rock solid under 82MPH and its cruise speed was way faster then most hulls WOT.. I wanted the fastest boat in the club and had it with ease but that boat didnt last long it didnt fish good enough and decks was to small but it was FAST lol.
  14. I have owned 3 new Bass boats and 4 used ones. I have owned all merc 200, 225 and the last three 1 250XB and 2 250XS's cept for my first boat a 225 rude ram powered Stratos and my 3rd boat a Yammy 225HPDI powered Skeeter The Yammy/Skeeter was a fine rig and I enjoyed it never had a problem with that engine it ran great and was turn key every time I got in the boat. That 225 Rude Ram Ficht... I bought the boat used for a great deal had the engine checked out and it was perfect with low hours and the engine was good it ran well and was fairly fast.. one thing I found out about the rude rams they are really touchy about being propped well... I never really liked the engine but it was a fairly good engine after about 3 months of the owning the boat I had fuel injector issues, had them fixed and about 30 hours of use later the same thing and I fixed it and sold the boat. I have owned my fair share of boats, My Dad has owned a lot of new boats so I have been around them all my life. I used to be real big in to having the fastest bass boat in the club and I owned a Bullet 21XD with a Merc 2.5 Super shorty with some mods and boat with no gear and half tank of gas would run 109MPH on GPS.. I know my boats and engines. I would NEVER buy another Engine then a Mercury Opti/DFI I really enjoyed there EFI's as well... If I found a great deal and it was Yammy HPDI powered ide go with it but other then that I wouldnt have anything but a Merc on the transom. Have it checked out and test drive the heck out of it and go with what you gut tells you. A light load and half tank of fuel if propped right the boat should run mid 60's.... with 2 people and full load of gear and fuel I would say mid to high 50's.
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