Well this in itself is a very personal statement regarding balance. I personally CANNOT fish with a rod that's overly tip heavy. I have personally told Keith at Powell this. Personally, for me, it's a comfort thing. If you're 20 something, then it's not an issue. If you're 50-60 years old like some of us are, the arm muscles are a bit old and tired to begin with, balance can make or break a fishing day.
The second part of your statement is what I have stated. If you're younger, no issues. Those young studs on the BASS tour can beat you with a broomstick ... been there done that; getting beat that is.
LOL! You guys amaze me, now Ive heard it all. How did you guys ever fish prior to the Dobyns rod? I fish with a 70 year old retired Navy guy that smokes like a choo choo train. He cant stand and fish for a day, yet he has no problem fishing any kind of rod. Between you and David and your outlandish claims Im roflmao. Its no wonder more people fish now. It must be the great balance in the Dobyns rods. Not sayin Dobyns rods are not good, they are great rods. However both of you claims are hog wash. Someone asks for advice and you post a bunch of crap. If you can hold a Powell rod and fish for the day then there is another issue.. Im sure a Steez or new Loomis NRX would be even better.
Its a fricking fishing rod. I know David is too young to know, but your claims are outlandish at best. My guess is you would catch just as many fish with a Berkley Lightening rod. Its just a tool, wake up!
So what your saying is, in a different circumstance, but same principles apply, is that if you told a 5 year old to pound nails all day with a hammer, and you gave him a 24 oz hammer, that he could swing it just as long as a 16 oz hammer? Pshh, yeah right.
And we all know we all can catch fish with any friggin' rod. Yes we can. I think what we're all trying to say is that a better more balanced rod is more ENJOYABLE to fish. We're NOT saying you cant catch fish with it. Would you rather fish with a uber light, sensitive, and cool looking Steez, or would you rather fish an heavier, unbalanced, not so sensitive Ugly Stik? Most will answer the Steez because it makes it more enjoyable. Nobody wants to be uncomfortable.
But you can use whatever you like SeanW
Well put my friend! you are tee totally RIGHT.
I think its a lot of people that get mad because all they have to fish is what they got and not what they want so they trash everything else but would jump on the higher end gear in a half of a heart beat if they could have one.