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Walking School Bus

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Everything posted by Walking School Bus

  1. srv1990, I'm real close to you. I'm on Goethe, a block from DuBourg High.
  2. Roadwarrior, where do you fish Bull Shoals? I know that lake very weel - my parents and Uncle used to live down there near Oakland just on the Arkansas side.
  3. I've caught many pike on rapalas and rattletraps. My best is an 18 lber caught on a 3/4 oz Mag Trap that was the 46R Red Crawfish. I very seldom have a bite-off using those lures.
  4. Is there any truth to the stories that I hear occasionally about fishing boats being hijacked and owners being left in the water? I am speaking of bass fishing lakes in Mexico.
  5. It's the ultra-light 42 lbs. Yes, I will fish in it. The outfitter I'm buying it from uses this canoe to rent to trippers and replaces them each year, selling the used canoes. I rent from this outfitter every year and he's great. The canoe is in great shape. 8-)
  6. I just made a deal to buy a canoe. It's a Wenonah Boundary Waters kevlar, 17', and I can't wait to do some trips with it as a tandem and as a solo. Anyone have one of these?
  7. I caught 2 bass on a small rapala one time. Thought I had a lunker the way they were tugging. Anyone have any crazy fish stories toi share?
  8. Most remarks I read about walleye success is using live bait on some kind of jig. Anyone have good success using lures?
  9. Anybody else have good success catching northern pike on rattletraps? I used to use rapalas only, but caught an 18 lber once when trying for smallmouth. Wondering if it was just an accident, or if others have had success using that lure in pike heaven.
  10. Really anything, but I mostly catch northerns. My best is an 18 lber. I've learned the 5-fillet method of filleting them and really enjoy eating them as well.
  11. Responding to BassChaser57: I'm 61 and have been a fisherman my entire life. My parents and my uncle used to have retirement homes on Bull Shoals Lake, and I spent many days fishing all day around Oakland and Pontiac. They moved to Florida, and I then found other places to fish. My experiences in the Boundary Waters have been awesome. I take a school group up to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area every summer, and we use EP 25 and LaTourell's Outfitters to go into Splash Lake and Ensign Lake, where we base camp and fish as well as day trip. I also do solos in the same area. I also solo the EP 30 route from Lake One to Two to Three to Four to Hudson to Insula and back, and this summer I'm planning on doing EP 23 to Mudro to Horse to Fourtown to Boot to Fairy to Gun and back. I am a full time P. E. teacher (40 years this year), so I try to stay in good enough shape for these canoeing/fishing trips. I also umpire fast-pitch women's high school and college softball, and I used to play high school and college baseball and football, as well as coached high school basketball. I have had an up-close black bear encounter, so I have an understanding of what's up there and respect my role as a visitor. My personal best catch up there is an 18 lb northern that I caught on a 3/4 oz rattletrap, crawdad color. It was an amazing catch and I almost tipped my canoe when I hoisted it into the canoe. I'd love to join you to Rainy lake some time - I've read quite a bit about that area and can imagine your fishing success there. I might not be the best fisherman, but I can fish all day every day for the rest of my life. Dave P. S. I'd PM you, but I don't have 10 posts yet.
  12. I have caught pike every trip to the Boundary Waters using #7 or #9 rapalas and 3/4 oz rattletraps. It's amazing how they seem to be following me around, or maybe they are everywhere in those lakes.
  13. Anyone had as much luck as I catching walleye, pike, small and largemouth on lakes in the Boundary Waters?
  14. Anyone else fish with kid groups. I take a group to the Boundary Waters every summer. We camp, paddle lots, fish lots, portage, and day trip some for sightseeing. I've attached some pictures.
  15. Anyone else fish with kid groups. I take a group to the Boundary Waters every summer. We camp, paddle lots, fish lots, portage, and day trip some for sightseeing. I've attached some pictures.
  16. Anyone else fish with kid groups. I take a group to the Boundary Waters every summer. We camp, paddle lots, fish lots, portage, and day trip some for sightseeing. I've attached some pictures.
  17. Anyone else trip north during the summer. I usually do solos and am always looking for someone to trip with. I'm a sports nut and 61 yrs old.
  18. Anyone been doing trips to the Boundary Waters? Please give me your favorite lakes/routes. Thanks.
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