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Everything posted by Falkus

  1. Same here -- I rarely buy at BPS as tacklewarehouse has more selection on items/colors and prices. Heck, free shipping over 50 bucks.
  2. I love black Hill ! beautiful lake ...just wish I owned a boat to go there often.
  3. I was growing craws at the lake which I thought there was none for a long time. Until one day last year, saw that there was one in the bass's mouth that spit it up. So, Just throw the craws!
  4. I tend to buy the rods first since NRX is expensive
  5. #ME TOO ! The other day at the lake, I saw a snake there. I was thinking that I knew there was snakes but never saw them swim on the water. Now the monkey bait might get me this one !
  6. I dont use crankbait that much but I just bought that one and the Red Craw. Its gotta look awesome in my office
  7. 3600/3700 of whatever is on sale when I need them. It tend to be BPS's sale due best price (5 for 10 bucks)
  8. The monkey bait caught me again .. who can residence those price at academy
  9. Had to post this -
  10. Nope, the knots were not slipping as I can remember that it was purely cut by the rocks or whatever it was down there. I asked my partner that day to see if it was me or the rocks. he was like "ROCKS love your jigs" However, I have switched to FC line and it has decreased 90% of my loss
  11. Once, I lost over 10 jigs at a local tournament. I was stupidly throwing those at rocks with braid line attached to the jigs. I was asking for it but not intend to lose that much that day. but I got my money back that day
  12. Love my rods holder from KingKast from Ebay -- It's way better than what I had, hang on the wall lol
  13. Ebay - Today Only: 20% Off Everything!* Celebrate Dad and save with coupon code PICKDADSGIFT. Ends at 7pm PT. Min. $50 purchase.
  14. Started out with spinning reels until I decided to buy one of those basspro's pro qualifier few years ago. Next thing I knew: Two of Shimano Cores MG7, Five Curado 70, One of each Dawia Zillion 100h, 100SHA Two of Dawia SV103H
  15. That happened to me on Saturday to two of my senko at the local lake. It's known to have some large turtles there True story (more than 6 years ago): Threw my rattle trap and was reeling fast. Bam, rod bend like I have never seen before. I was thinking that I finally caught a 15 lbs bass at the local lake until I saw the body. I was so dumbfound & my eyes just dropped on the dock, had to pick it up and put them back in place to finish the job. Man, it was a struggle to get it off his mouth. Thank god I had long pliers with me otherwise I wouldn't know what to do .
  16. Yes, its about quality of the product. I do not give "bypass" theory. I work hard for my money and I dont spend that much but only on quality stuff. Image this, if you bought a new NRX 873c CCR rod and received in the mail. You open the tube and you see a missing guide. You would be like this ? Yup, submit an email to zmanfishing.com about quality control issue along with pictures. I wanted them to know what and improve for the next batch that comes out.
  17. Spend three hours at the local lake. Was about to call it until I decided to go spend another 20 mins there. Next thing I knew is that I caught four dinks. so it's all about timing.
  18. Love that color - I def would throw that around my lake. Those bass would have torn it apart !
  19. Submit two emails to Z-man and Tacklewarehouse.com Tacklewarehouse has responded back to my email and submit a replacement. It was processed so fast that I received an email for the shipment of one item. Im waiting for Z-man to respond back about the quality control issue.
  20. Just picked this up today in the mail along with others items from Tacklewarehouse. I was dumbfound how this Z-Man Chatterbait Custom could pass the quality control checklist. It's a huge chuck out of the paint as you can see the picture. I am thinking... naa, I am going to contact Z-Man Fishing Products, Inc. to inform this and see why this has passed their quality control check. I have heard some stories about this happening to others. Am I being a ****** for doing this ?
  21. The baddest smallest would be this - Lure: 5 inch green pumpkin & blue swirl
  22. Caught a monster this morning - He loved that 5 inch green pumpkn with blue swirl !
  23. Tacklewarehouse has the best price - It maybe a few cents more but heck, they got better colors or items that you cant find anywhere.
  24. I always buy something on memorial and black friday. That's when the wife finds out
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