Make sure you read the fine print, the FIP is for fisherman that are exempt from having to get a saltwater license. You do not need to register for it if you have the saltwater license
the fine print states"Important Note: the FIP registration process is only for anglers that are exempt from Virginia saltwater license requirements. The most common license exemptions include fishing on a licensed charter boat, licensed fishing pier, a boat with a private saltwater boat license or from the angler's private property/pier. The free FIP registration is not a substitute for a license when the angler is required by law to purchase and hold a saltwater license. A saltwater license must be purchased if the angler is over 15 and under 65, and does not meet one of the license exemptions. If you buy, or plan to buy a license before fishing, you do not need to register in the FIP. Please read the FIP FAQ below and use the following links for more information:"
Seems to be the same thing for MD. You just need to do these if you do not have a saltwater license. from the MD site"
You do not need to use this site if you already possess an individual MD or PRFC saltwater' license, are under 16 years of age, are fishing on a commercial fishing pier; fishing on a licensed charter or head boat; fishing on a free fishing day or possess a valid commercial fishing license"