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Everything posted by SteveinVA

  1. This summer or just in the past? thanks for the reply
  2. Got a buddy who just picked up a jon boat. We are going to get together this weekend and was thinking about putting both our boats in at Abel, but he is bringing his son and I want to make sure he catches some fish. Anyone had any luck out there? thanks
  3. Thanks, Its belly was really light , but she seemed darker to me on top, must be the pic
  4. All of the Little luck my buddy and I have had has been during an incoming tide, fishing creek tributaries with wackys, and swim jigs and spinner baits
  5. Thanks, it had been a few months for me, Was starting to worry I couldn't find them
  6. Started slow, still hadn't figured out the pattern, haven't been out in a few weeks. Tried fishin soft plastics, swim jigs, jigs with ragetail craw as a trailer, not much luck. SO I decide to throw on this tiny crank bait I got at Wally world I think. We pull up to a spot thats got good sunken cover and have snagged some decent ones out of. I throw it out in the middle of the cove, start my retrieve and feels like I get stuck in some thick grass until it pulls back. Come to find this little pig on the end of my line. 6LBs 15 oz, 22"
  7. If you want to put him on fish , try catching Catfish, lots of em in the Rapp. I have not had much luck with Bass on the Rapp. I suck at river fishing for LMB though.
  8. Hate to miss this one but I am out. Gotta leave the country for work Saturday and won't be back till the 18th. You boys have fun and get some bigguns in the boat
  9. Great looking lake. went out Saturday morning. 10 boats paying and launching in front of us. think there was a club doing a tournament. But I was pumped to get out there for the first time this year. Anyway got SKUNKED!! not even a bite. Think the weather had something to do with it. Full moon friday night, windy and not a cloud in the sky Saturday. Tried everything, shallow, deep, wacky worm, deep crank, swim jig, craw jig, shallow crank, lizards. not a bite. my dad finally caught one around 11am with a 7 inch curly tail worm t-rigged with a split shot for weight. 1-2 lber.
  10. thanks guys, caught her on a green and orange skirt jig with a rage tail craw for a trailer
  11. Are there motor restrictions at Briery and if so what are they?
  12. I am on route 3 between 301 and fredericksburg, closer to 301 though. I probably will do a really early rise to get there around 630
  13. Ok fellas, cleared my cookies, file size is at 250K and still getting an "internal server error" message . anyway I didnt have a ruler, is what I meant to write. I have a Flickr account but cant use that URL here to link to images so lets try this fish fish part 2 fish on scale
  14. Ok files not attaching Internal server error
  15. In my neighborhood pond/lake. 6.7 on the scale probably bewtween20-24 inches. didnt have a scale
  16. I might try to make this one, thats a hike from King George though, hope the trailer bearings can hold out
  17. 16 fish in 5 1/2 hours is pretty good. nice job, you guys fish there often?
  18. Back on subject, Caught about 20 between 430 and 8pm on tuesday. all but three came on a 4" wacky rig, purple flake, pumpkin seed, and watermelon red flake Kinami worms. the other three were on a blue gill imitation jerk bait. was fishing on a small lake, throwing at the bank. No big girls but it sure was fun. So there is a tip from me.
  19. I have caught fish using a swivel lock. But have noticed a difference when using jerbaits that it acts differently. especially suspending ones. A swivel is added weight to the line, some lures may not act as intended or how you want them to
  20. Well, place and lure are just a few variables. time of day, cloud cover, water temp, and many other variables are involved
  21. you know you are atleast on the right track if you are catching fish, right? I agree there is no set # of casts, but I am not gonna sit in one spot all day throwing the same thing because I dont know ?? I am gonna change out till I catch something
  22. I am, and thanks for the reply. didn't think this one was gonna get answered. Talk about eating bass and you get ignored
  23. I wont cast 25-35 times at the same area with one lure, I will fish for about 25-35 cast moving around before I will change out
  24. So I was thinking about getting out on the river soon to see if I can catch any of these monsters. Anyone on here been Striper fishing on the Potomac latetly? Been looking around the interwebs searching for fishing reports but so far nothing of real interest to read.
  25. So when can/should I start keeping some fish? I do not want to keep any males that are guarding eggs, but I am catching alot of smaller 1-2 lb. bass in my neighborhood lakes and want to start harvesting some of them so other will get bigger.
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