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Everything posted by wnybassman

  1. I started out by pouring my own tube heads because I am a tube dragger from Western New York. If I didn't pour my own, I'd be broke. There would be days I'd snag and lose 40+ jigheads a day easy. Didn't take too many trips like that to pay for the melting pot and a couple molds. From there I got into other jigheads, then dropshot weights, then more other stuff. Lead is basically free, just have to keep your eyes open and jump on opportunities when they arise.
  2. I self installed a Hamby's "Lite" version ($180 at the time) on my Ranger and I have eased up and beached on concrete ramps with no concerns at all. I also beach my boat in gravel many many dozens of times a year, also no issues.
  3. I picked up the one I use at a thrift store for something like $14. It is the nice older dial timer style too, which is perfect. My toaster oven I use to cure powder painted weights and jigs was $3.
  4. I've had a 8' chuck of underground Cable TV cable I've used for that purpose for years. That underground stuff is very stiff and has always made it to the other end of wherever I was snaking to.
  5. It will take a couple trips to feel comfortable. After a dozen trips it will be natural. After a couple years you won't even know your using it. The first time putting it on the trailer made me the most nervous, but all went well.
  6. After reading that I feel like I should go out and buy more ammo. lol
  7. I only have 143,000 on my '05 Tundra. Mostly hard miles too, between pulling the boat and two different work trailers for close to half those miles. Looking for lots more though..
  8. That's about the average on GunBroker right now, $60 to $85+.
  9. Original handle for shifting as you said. I couldn't imagine being without now that I've had it for 9 years. Response time is definitely quicker for stopping/slowing. Also, if you run heavy chops where you are on and off the throttle to maneuver through it, it is very nice. Plus the added benefit of keeping both hands on the wheel.
  10. Define "almost impossible to control on the spool" if you could. I use a 17 and 20 pound flouro that is generally regarded as crap by the majority, on a older outdated reel that has a much smaller spool that the average reel, and still have never seen anything that is hard to control. Just curious the issues you are dealing with?
  11. My smallest gets black. Black balled. Tags get put on fish as they go into the well. Usually the first couple culls or so are pretty obvious ones. After that, you may have to look at them all to see the smaller one. After that everything gets beamed. Don't skimp on a cull beam. I've used a lot of cheap ones in other boats to appreciate my more expensive one. Good to have the built in level in it also.
  12. Yes. When I was up there there were a couple tiller motors on tin boats. Not sure of the HP, but they seemed rather small. My problem was when I started going down the river I didn't want to get on plane, and had a hell of a time keeping the boat straight due to the water mushrooming up from the power plants and the whirlpools it created. So I didn't want to get too close to the shore, but couldn't go down the middle because the big whirlpool jet boats for tourists were racing up and down the middle. lol I stick to the waters downstream of the Lewiston ramp now.
  13. Nice trip! I've always wanted to do a mid winter trip there. I've been up past the power plants in my Ranger before. Never again! lol That was summertime and it still got my attention.
  14. No doubt, the spread was quiet impressive. A close second (for kit size) has to go to Jeff Plate of Savatage/Trans Siberian Orchestra/Metal Church
  15. Not an easy question. Been to an endless list of shows over the years, and it seems like every one was "the best one I've ever seen". I like live music no matter what it is. Some stick out in my mind though, and all of them are small venue type shows. Mr. Big - Penny Arcade in Rochester sometime in the 80's Stage lights were so low Billy's neck on his bass was hitting them once and a while Savatage - Backstreets in Rochester late 80's Backstreets is HUUUUUUUUGE! lol Gov't Mule - Town Ballroom in Buffalo 6 or 8 years ago First time at the Town Ballroom. Awesome place for a show Les Claypool - Town Ballroom 4 or 5 years ago Les is just awesome Dream Theater - Town Ballroom a couple years ago There was not a doubt in my mind I was going to see a band of this caliber in a venue this small. It was also a month or two before Portnoy left the band. Bryan Adams - Auditorium Theater in Rochester 10 years ago Wife called me and said she could have a couple free tickets. I didn't want to go, not a Bryan Adams fan nor pretend to be. Went anyway (I like live music, remember) Ended up being front row seats in the middle. They friggin' rocked, it was a really good show.
  16. Might want to check the regs for that area. I am not 100% sure there is a year round catch and release season for bass in those two counties yet.
  17. That was going to be my suggestion also.
  18. They're watching us..................................all the time
  19. I only have one SI unit, and it is at the helm. I do a lot of idling around looking for stuff before I stop to fish. Once I locate things, I can get up front and fish them. You need to consider the best side imaging images occur when the boat is moving 3 to 6 mph, I rarely go that fast up front. If you do a trolling motor transducer mount, you will need to keep the motor fairly straight as you move along as well. I do know people with SI up front, but usually they have one at the console as well.
  20. #1 Gamy is my go-to size, but not afraid to drop to #2 and have been known to use #4. All depends on the bait. Obviously you don't want to use a tiny hook with a big piece of plastic. You need some hook exposure to be able to hook the fish without plastic getting in the way.
  21. We had Dish Network for about a dozen years, but due to the need to reduce our bills a couple years ago (at least temporarily) we switched to DirecTV for the introductory rate. Both are adequate for our needs. Lose signal briefly a couple times a year when large storms are brewing to the southwest. Never a big deal.
  22. Plastic by itself floats pretty good. All my hand pours float right back to the surface if I strip the bait off on a hookset. Commercial baits are loaded with salt because salt is cheaper than plastic by volume.
  23. http://www.oringsandmore.com/servlet/the-463/Bulk--Rubber-Orings/Detail $1.80 a 100 I bought 600 last year, and even with the shipping it was less than $15 total.
  24. Funny this thread came up, we've been doing a lot of reading about flu shots lately. I have never had one, my wife has had a few over the years (with no real benefit) http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/
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