Kind of Verizon country around here, seems like the best service anyway. There are a few small dead spots locally (one is in my own house lol) but overall coverage is good. Customer service so-so, but I have nothing to compare to. Also depends where you go for service. Some local shops are good and some I avoid if I can. I still run a flip phone. The last four have been Casio GZ'ones. First was a Boulder, then a Ravine 1, then a Ravine 2. Didn't like the features of the Ravine 2 so I sold that on Ebay and bought another Ravine 1 on Ebay. Fairly waterproof. I don't get awfully concerned with a bunch of raindrops, but I don't push the issue either. I am a drywaller/carpenter so it sees its fair share of dust and abuse also.