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Everything posted by wnybassman

  1. Catching a few dozen fish on them softens them up nicely.
  2. Nice little place there. Our opening club tournament two years ago was on Seneca Lake and I spent all my time in that marina creek and all the backwaters leading up to the lock along the canal. Didn't have big weight, but took 2nd with 12 1/2 pounds.
  3. $$ By volume, salt is cheaper than plastisol.
  4. On the eastern end of Lake Erie we have a 20 inch size limit during the early season. Tournaments during this time I have seen 20" fish go anywhere from 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 pounds. I set a club record a few years back at 6.42 pounds and it measured 20 1/8".
  5. They were spawning. lol
  6. Ah ha! Now we'll just have to see if the farmer took pictures of his 4-9 today lol
  7. I guess mine was beat by the previous one anyway. lol I was thinking it was 4.14 in my head (because that's what my eyes saw in the post), not 4-14
  8. This one won't last long either I bet. Today on Silver Lake with a dropshot.
  9. This one should last more than a few hours.....................I hope. lol Good day on Silver today, caught on a frog.
  10. Seeing we fish many of the same waters, I'll continue letting you believe what you believe.
  11. I agree. Hook-up percentage seems slightly better on average also. They also skip much better.
  12. I have used Maki Plastics for years. He has turned micro plastics into an art form. In reality, any little plastic will catch fish though. I usually dropshot them.
  13. Running out of gas would certainly explain a sudden loss of power
  14. Have to at least give them a loin cloth for sponsor space.
  15. Even though I am a Vanish guy, I don't recommend it as a leader. More often than not guys that have problems with it are using it as a leader. I don't think Vanish has the shock absorption other lines have, and as a leader with braid all the shock is concentrated on a short chunk of flouro. And I think Vanish works out for me because I tend to use rods that are slightly lighter/softer than I should. My jig rod is straight 17 pound Vanish, but I wouldn't be afraid to drop down to 14.
  16. I'll throw up the first largemouth for May. It won't take much to beat it, but at least I can be in the lead for a brief moment. lol Silver Lake on a frog.
  17. If you have the combination of smallmouth, rocky bottom, and stiff winds, I'd be dragging a tube or other 3.5" to 4" plastics on a football head. The windier the better for reduced snagging, the bait skips off the rock tops rather than settle into them.
  18. Once you find them it's like shooting fish in a barrel, except this barrel has a rather small bunghole. lol Regardless of that, an excellent day for quality and decent numbers to boot. Nice!!
  19. Kind of Verizon country around here, seems like the best service anyway. There are a few small dead spots locally (one is in my own house lol) but overall coverage is good. Customer service so-so, but I have nothing to compare to. Also depends where you go for service. Some local shops are good and some I avoid if I can. I still run a flip phone. The last four have been Casio GZ'ones. First was a Boulder, then a Ravine 1, then a Ravine 2. Didn't like the features of the Ravine 2 so I sold that on Ebay and bought another Ravine 1 on Ebay. Fairly waterproof. I don't get awfully concerned with a bunch of raindrops, but I don't push the issue either. I am a drywaller/carpenter so it sees its fair share of dust and abuse also.
  20. Here are mine............. I guess I couldn't come up with any
  21. Bluegills will d**n near eat anything...............
  22. I don't think I have ever caught a fish on one that I have not made myself.
  23. I believe mine is pretty much straight up and down. Don't pay much attention to it anymore I guess.
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