There seems to have been a drastic change in parenting styles in the past 20 yrs or so. Parents want to be friends with their kids instead of teaching them the difference between right and wrong. When I was a kid, if my teacher or one of the neighbors called my folks and told them I did something wrong, my parents believed them and I was punished accordingly. Now it seems like parents will always side with their children or make excuses for their actions. Either the teacher doesn't like their kid, or the teacher is just picking on their precious little child because little Johnny would never do something like that, or little Johnny is just expressing himself and the teacher just doesn't understand his creativity. There's nothing wrong with being friends with your kids, but when it's time to be a parent, that friendship has to be put aside for the moment so you can teach them that there are consequences for their actions. When my son was young I reserved spankings for more serious offences. Other punishments were also used but he knew that if he did something that resulted in a spanking, he really did something wrong.