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Dam Yankee

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Everything posted by Dam Yankee

  1. I have had similar experience more than once in the fall. One time I left and loaded up because I was tired of catching fish. I don't doubt him one bit. I caught mine a little differently though. They were at about 30 ft. and I used a flutter spoon.
  2. I think Joe's report may be a week behind. I saw someone mention that earlier.
  3. Thanks Ronnie. Fire when it is this dry is very dangerous! My first time out in a while was not good to say the least. I found bait balls and schools of fish but not much luck. I stuck to offshore structure on Tx. side after getting a very late start yesterday. Needed to run that boat and get the cobwebs out. I need to rethink and retool. Probably hit it tomorrow.
  4. Thank you! Good to be back. Things out of my control but, hopefully I will be around a while now. I have missed the Bend.
  5. Headed out for the first time in over a year this weekend. Sounds like a much different lake than it was last time I was out with not much grass and a slow developing fall pattern. I always launch at military rec and stick to the south and mid lake on both sides of the lake. It will be good to get back out again and have a look around. Are lily pads in the usual spots still?
  6. I have found that if you do not see the duck hunters and you get too close, they have a way of letting you know!
  7. I would have to agree that the big ones are still deeper. That was my experience yesterday. Caught most of my fish before noon yesterday and the bigger ones were from around 30 feet. Seemed like the bite turned off about noon though with bluebird skies and no wind to speak of. Gonna try again today. Wind should be more prevalent.
  8. I went for the first time from Thursday through yesterday since February. Had some relatives that never fished with a bait caster so i was busy rigging taking out birds nests etc... It was all about them having a good time. I did catch a few and so did they. Crig. tx rig. frog. spinnerbait. I also caught a few at deep depths up to 35 feet. I will be going back out after they leave every weekend until thanksgiving.
  9. I have been absent from this forum for a while. Had a few things in life pop up. Looking to get back out on the water and I have some reading to catch up on as we approach my favorite time of the year to fish the Bend. I also have a couple relatives coming down on the 15th for a week and they expect me to be able to take em out and catch a few. One cousin is from NY and one is from Alaska. Looking forward to it so I better get crackin!
  10. I may have to start looking at a few rods. I fish with ugly sticks and allstar rods.
  11. It appears we have a similar weakness Catt. I do not throw them either.
  12. My boat is good to go.
  13. Thanks for the compliment. I think you caught me on a good day though. I have heard about Cleco. I had heard you have to have permission to fish it. Don't know if that is true or not. So I never looked into it further.
  14. I'm game. Sometimes I get lucky.
  15. Looks like a "tilt your motor down" night for the next couple nights. Hoping to be out there late in the weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and congratulations on your new grandchild Catt.
  16. I have been helped also and I would help anyone that needs or wants it but, I don't know too much!!
  17. Not bad. You accomplished in 30 minutes what took me all day to get a 4.6.
  18. Virtually no wind today till mid afternoon. Seemed like the bite picked up during that time. Decent day. Best fish 4.6.
  19. I did OK yesterday. Nothing to brag about though. best fish 4 pounds.
  20. I been doing it wrong. I only went to the spinnerbait after I had no success with topwater. Probably started throwin it too late. Thanks Catt.
  21. Yup. I do not mess with crossing the lake in those conditions. I don't like beating my boat on a run.
  22. Shouldn't the spinnerbait bite be on by now? I don't understand.
  23. Catt is right. A friend and I went out yesterday. I thought the wind out of the SE wouldn't be too bad but after a while of not getting bit fishing spinner, topwater, and plastics around windblown grass I decided to battle the wind. The waves were popping my 60 inch TM out of the water on the rollers with plenty of water coming over the bow trying to hold position. I stayed in the mouth of the creek I was fishing and it paid off. Largest 5+. Had a good day.
  24. I should be out there again next weekend. Will definitely give you a shout when I see you again. I just fish for enjoyment and the challenge. I don't fish tournaments and I do not keep them cause I don't like to eat fish.
  25. They are fun Catt! Kept makin me think I had something bigger on the other end.
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