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Everything posted by kodeman94

  1. >:(hey guys: So what if bill dance only catches bass over 6 pounds or whatever, thats not the point! (ARE you guys jealous?) The point is that the guy actually teaches about fishing. Any dummy can be on a tv show and cast all day and not say anything that is helpful. Heck, Hank parker was like that for years, just casting and releasing fish. Instead of saying"Hey kid, nice pic of you and Bil" you choose to cut him down. If you take the time tolook in the mirror,most of you guys problably look worse than bill dance ever will. I am really ashamed and mad about the fact that some people out there are actually part of this forum. I bet most of you guys never caught a6 lb. bass and problably never will; you choose to think that a guy that has had a fishing show for over 30 years is not worth paying attention to?. He must be doing something right to last that long. Give the guy a break; he is 66 years old; of course he wont look as good as some of you 25 yr. old ,immature punks. Good bye for now , from an 11 year old kid that is most likely more mature than some of you.!!!
  2. : Hello everyone: If you'll notice my avatar to the left of this message, you will see me, my cousin and my favorite fisherman and tv personality, the ledgendary BILL DANCE. My grandfather, who has been a Bill Dance fan since the 70's, took this great picture of the 3 of us at a fishing show in march. If was a big kick for a 11 year old boy(ME!) to meet and spend a few miniutes with a ledgend. Have a great season guys!! The Kodeman from R.I.( sorry guys, but on another page, i wanted to show a pic. of me and KVD but could not get the pic. on the page so i had to change my profile to get KVD on, that changed all previous postings as far as the pic. goes. When i figure how to post pics, this avatar is going back to bill dance thanks)
  3. my top three are: 1 ike, 2 kvd, and for nember three its a tie between bill dance and roland martin. even though they dont fish tours any more they still are great fishermen.[i watch there shows all the time]
  4. the biggest bass i have caught was a 4lb. little rhodey largemouth in a little pond in my neck of the woods.
  5. Hello "Bass Pro Shops" fans of New England: :-[ As of today, dec. 13, there is no official opening date for the big bass pro in New England; just got that from bass pro headquaters. However, from what my grandfather has been able to put together, he says dont look for it to open before xmas 2006 or even spring, 2007. sorry guys, but at least it is comming!! Merry Christmas!!
  6. im 11 so i know what game there is. theres "cabels outdoor adventures 06" at fingerhut.com. its 39.99. it also has hunting so that may or may not be for you. but the cover shows a largmouthbass. hope this helps!?
  7. ;D A bass pro shops coming to the old football stadium?? Oh my god, this is the first that i here about it!! Cant wait to tell my grandfather: he started ordering stuff from bass pro back in the 1970's and has never seen a "Bass Pro shop." He just ordered a baitcasting combo for me from there. I cant wait to see the store!! Merry Chirstmas everyone. Kodie
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