: Hello everyone: If you'll notice my avatar to the left of this message, you will see me, my cousin and my favorite fisherman and tv personality, the ledgendary BILL DANCE. My grandfather, who has been a Bill Dance fan since the 70's, took this great picture of the 3 of us at a fishing show in march. If was a big kick for a 11 year old boy(ME!) to meet and spend a few miniutes with a ledgend. Have a great season guys!! The Kodeman from R.I.( sorry guys, but on another page, i wanted to show a pic. of me and KVD but could not get the pic. on the page so i had to change my profile to get KVD on, that changed all previous postings as far as the pic. goes. When i figure how to post pics, this avatar is going back to bill dance thanks)