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Everything posted by GrizzerGreen

  1. Nope, all the ice melted about 3 weeks ago. Its south Michigan so its not as bad. High of 80 this weekend. I walked out onto the dock today and a school of ATLEAST 30 bass came swimming out from under it. I could not believe it. My hope is slowly becoming restored in this lake. And I think if I try all the suggestions that you guys gave I should have a really good shot at getting some bass here soon. Thanks a lot guys!
  2. Cant go wrong the the Vendetta! I have a MHF in 7' and WOW! Best money Ive ever spent on a rod in that price range. You wont regret it!
  3. I made my way over to that little..section, up on the west side. Im pretty sure I found the beds and theres lilys that are starting to bloom. I also spotted a few fish. And, around the docks there is only about 3 feet of water. If that. THis lake is so shallow all the way around. It was dug out around it to make it easier for swimming. Its more of a sports lake that it is really a fishing lake.
  4. .....I dont. But there is lots of ice fisherman on it during the winter. And Ive talked to friends who live on the lake and they claim they have caught bass in it. But think its probably about "fished out" . To be honest, Ive been out the past few days just to get used to the feel of my Veritas and Vendetta nad some of my new lures. But it would be nice to get a few bites. \
  5. Im not even seeing any bass up by the shore. And where the brush piles are, the water is no more than 3ft. I do see schools of baitfish around by the shore. But..I thought when the water is this cold, bass are usually down deep off the drop offs. And again, the water that the trees and brush is in..is shallow. And once again, I havnt seen any fish any where. But..I guess thats why Im here arent I? Ill try throwing a jig up in the trees. I hope it works..
  6. My mom just moved onto a local lake. It is very residental and it looks like it was dug out around the shore to make it better for swimming. Im not sure on how big it is but its about 3-6 feet for about 50 yards from the shore all around the outside of the lake. And then it drops off to about 20-30 feet in the middle. Theres not much vegitation at all but that might just be becasue of the time of the year. Theres a lot of falled trees and other isolated cover on the shore. But like i said, its in about 3 feet of water. Its roughly 45-50 degrees here right now. So the water temp is low. Ive been throwing deep divers parallel along the sides of the drop offs but no luck. What would you do? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Fisher+Lake+Inn,+Michigan+60,+Three+Rivers,+MI&aq=3&sll=37.230328,-95.712891&sspn=48.294805,113.818359&ie=UTF8&hq=Fisher+Lake+Inn,&hnear=Michigan+60,+Three+Rivers,+Michigan&ll=41.989672,-85.570149&spn=0.021531,0.055575&t=h&z=15
  7. ahhh I see it. Im sorry, I was looking at the wrong picture once again. Well thank you so much. NOw I wont have to refer to these lures as "those one crankbaits" any more! Thanks a lot man! Sorry I ever doubted you! 8-)
  8. ahhh yes. I must have looked at a different one in google images. Well thank you for helping me with that one.. Now what about the other?
  9. Spiderwire 100% Fluorocarbon.. :-[ Ive never had any complaints so far..
  10. I tried to fix my Torpedo after the prop got bent. No luck. Best advice I could give it to do what I did and just go out and pick up another one. Its well worth the money. But if your prop is bent, and Im assuming becasue of all the hits its taken...you should know just how worth the money these little guys are.
  11. I dont think so.. Notice how the middle one has a fixed tie on eye. And the bottom one has those 2 slits in the front. :-?
  12. Oh yea, I know the top one is a Storm. It says "Storm" on the bill. But as for the other two..I have no idea.
  13. How can you fish in a canoe? Ive always found it hard to set the hook and pitch while sitting down.. Especially that low to the water. :-?
  14. Chalk up another one for the 9!
  15. Ive had these lures for aslong as I can remember. I know the one on top is a Storm lure. But Im not sure on the model or color. And as for the bottom two, I have no idea. They have no letters or numebrs or anything written on them. So, if anybody has seen any of these and has any idea on what they are..please help! Thanks!
  16. Nice job! I really like the color of that bluegill. Good luck with them!
  17. I have the Veritas in the 6'6 M and I couldnt be happier with a rod in the price range that its in. Sensitive, lighter than air and a great, fast tip. Ive never had any complaints.
  18. No experience with the Mojo but I own both the Veritas and the Vendetta and they have to be without a doubt the best rods in the price range. My 6'6 M Veritas is lighter than air and my 7' MH Vendetta has all the backbone to get largemouth out of the slop. You cant go wrong with either of these Abu Garcia master pieces.
  19. Anyone ever try it? Just wanted to see if anybody has had any experience with this stuff and what you thought of it. Or if there are any other brands of attractant that are better. Id like to coat my crankbaits in it and see how they perform. Id prefer to to get the Berkley brand just because its at Wal-Mart and would be easier. But Id order from TW if I have to.. Thanks guys!
  20. Ive noticed that too. THe same are on my other brands of crankbaits so I really dont think it was a mistake. Just changin it up!
  21. They are definitaly a good price. I think ill give them a try in the California color. 8-)
  22. Has anybody used this plastic yet? I know in the previous thread on Berkleys new Havoc series, people have said they arent impressed but something about the wide load really grabs my attention. I like the look of it and to me it appears to have a real chance at catching some serious bass. Maybe fished texas rigged? What do you guys think? http://www.***.com/Berkley_Havoc_Skeets_5_Wide_Load/descpage-BHWL.html
  23. Problem solved http://www.basspro.com/Wonder-Bar&153;-Odor-Removing-Bar/product/94737/-1338824
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