My mom just moved onto a local lake.
It is very residental and it looks like it was dug out around the shore to make it better for swimming. Im not sure on how big it is but its about 3-6 feet for about 50 yards from the shore all around the outside of the lake. And then it drops off to about 20-30 feet in the middle. Theres not much vegitation at all but that might just be becasue of the time of the year. Theres a lot of falled trees and other isolated cover on the shore. But like i said, its in about 3 feet of water. Its roughly 45-50 degrees here right now. So the water temp is low.
Ive been throwing deep divers parallel along the sides of the drop offs but no luck.
What would you do?,+Michigan+60,+Three+Rivers,+MI&aq=3&sll=37.230328,-95.712891&sspn=48.294805,113.818359&ie=UTF8&hq=Fisher+Lake+Inn,&hnear=Michigan+60,+Three+Rivers,+Michigan&ll=41.989672,-85.570149&spn=0.021531,0.055575&t=h&z=15