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About fishingkidPA

  • Birthday 02/09/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Pittsburgh PA
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Slippery Rock Creek/Marshall Lake
  • Other Interests
    baseball and hunting

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  1. I was looking for some places to ask for permission to bow hunt and i passed a pond i used to fish somewhat frequently. Now there are lots of signs around the bank/road saying "Warning: High Levels of Asbestos- Can Cause Cancer and Lung Disease". Well i'm glad i never ate any fish out of there, and i doubt my little exposure will have much, if any effect on me. I don't know much about asbestos, just that lots of old carpenters, plumbers, and industrial workers ended up getting cancer due to it. There is a big ass smoke stack stack about 500 yards from the pond, no idea what was made there, but i figure it came from that little plant. Fly Fishing for huge sunnies was the best there, oh well.....time to find a new spot..
  2. most of the compound xbows make me nervous. I've heard to many stories of them exploding/strings coming off/limbs breaking, especially with parker and barnett. Not saying there bad brands but if i were to get a compund xbow, it would be a ten point. But i would get a recurve Excalibur. They seem top notch.
  3. x2 i could just never ever see it happen, ever.
  4. The only newer country artists i can listen to is toby keith/eric church/ and a little luke bryan. My favorite country artists are definitely chris ledoux, george strait and garth brooks.
  5. i dont know anything about that laws for modifying a gun, but you could put a foregrip on it, or maybe a side mounted laser.
  6. take a look at some excaliburs, if i used crossbows thats probably what i would buy. i have no info on horton.
  7. i think hoyts shoot, look and feel better. Matthews are a good bow dont get me wrong, but i think they are overpriced. Plus they look like waffle makers....IMO
  8. beautiful pictures. I enjoy fly fishing for trout so much more than bass fishing.
  9. i guess i read it wrong because i did not see he said his friend owns a house on the lake. i thought he was just going to a small housing plan built around a lake/pond setting up lines.. But if you are going to set up a trotline and tie it to someones property, don't be surprised that he was ticked hbird, sorry for reading it wrong/jumping to conclusions. i would just forget about that pond or just cast out your rod with a hot dog on it.
  10. i prefer this for squirrels
  11. you have to treat people with respect, especially if its not your property! Thats how you get access to private property hunting/fishing. Im pretty sure no one would let you set up all that **** anyway even if you did were grant access. Why in the world would you set up a trot line/jugs/etc on a pond if your not sure who owns it? I would be just as angry as that old man and i would cut your line every time you did it.
  12. The X7 series is crazy accurate, at 100 yards i was putting grouping about a dime size. im very impressed with marlins work and hope they start coming in more calibers, especially the VH series.
  13. i love it. shoots sub MOA at 100 yards with cheap remington corelokt 150 gr. shoots as good as the ruger for about half the price. Farthest ive shot is about 350 yards and was holding a group about the size of a soda can with a 3-9 x 40mm. its really light, which is important to me. shoulder pad is super soft to absorb a lot of the recoil from such a light rifle. Bolt is surprisingly smooth. The pro trigger is just as good as the savage accutrigger, if not better. My only complaint is that they should have made it with a hinged floor plate. best deal on the market IMO
  14. Marlin XL7 .270 win Mossberg 20 gauge 500 field Winchester Model 1897 12 Gauge Modified Choke (got 2 of these) Winchester Model 1890 .22 short Bear Charge 70# 310 fps Savage .223 O/U 12 Gauge Turkey Combo Ruger M77 7mm rem mag Lyman .54 trade rifle (flintlock) Mossberg 12 gauge 500 slugster Bear Kodiak recurve bow
  15. There are soo many bearrs in PA, yet they are like ghosts! i go hunting up in the mountains probably a week a year, and i've been hunting for 4 years and have only seen one in the woods. I was stepping over a brush pile and about a hundred pounder ran out from under my foot and over the mountain. They are so scared of humans. The only time they aren't is when they've become so comfortable with them from feeding out of dumpsters etc. My dad got in a sticky situation once the last day of bear about 10 years ago. i believe he was scouting for the upcoming rifle season for deer. All he had was his camera. He hears some crunching behind him and looks over his shoulder to see about a 350 lb bear staring at him about 20 yards away, give or take. He had him camera in one hand trying to record it and jingling his car keys in the other trying to make himself look bigger than the bear, so it would run off. After about 5 seconds of him doing that it walked away, and he forgot to hit the record button!!! that sure would have been cool to get on tape.
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