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Captain Whit III

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Everything posted by Captain Whit III

  1. Sam, A friend of 20 yrs ago was shooting areial footage for the news. I'll send him and email and see if I can get any shots of the skinny water. Not sure if he will oblige ~ as he shoots areial for a living. Did hear recently that google earth updated to July 4th ~ that may help. I check that too.
  2. and a news clip photo of launchign a boat off the beach at the public ramp. Ramp is just left out of frame.
  3. Just to give a better idea of the drop.
  4. Allens / Cosey Cove ~
  5. Namozine creek looking up creek ~
  6. Whippernock creek looking out towards the lake~
  7. Whippernock last weekend ~
  8. Tried to post a few pics but will not let me link to photo bucket yet... Pics below were snapped by a friends husband last weekend (9-20). I keep forgetting the camera :-/ Yesterday 9-24 looked across the lake to see folks standing at the waters edge and the end of the boat ramp was at the top of their head. So Looks like water is now about 5-6' below end of ramp.
  9. 2010 Update Any fishing updates? We are looking to take a day and paddle the lake next week end to end. Yesterday guys were launching from the beach to the rt of the public ramp (Looking form the lake) with no issues ~ small boats with 4wd trucks. I launched my 19' from the beach across the lake last Sat. Traffic is low and the lake is peaceful ~ not sure on the fising. End of the dock @ 7-springs is dry land only the outer most pilings of the building are still in water every boat their except one tied to a floating dock next to the building and one anchored out is on dry land. They were collecting all the tires and trash around the dock earlier this week.
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